The Celebrity runoff of news you can't use was close this year. Coming out strong, early and passing leader Lindsey Lohan was Charlie Sheen. Both celebrities rose to the top in the Drugs and Hookers category. The winner goes hands down to The Royal Wedding edging out the Michael Jackson murder trials. When it comes to useless celebrities you can't beat the Royal Couples.
In Federal Government, the best of the worst competition is always tough. Congress is paid by the States so we'll put them in another category. The posturing of the 112th Congress will be the stuff of legends, providing China doesn't foreclose on our fiscal policies.
Rounding out the top in Waste, Fraud and Abuse we have sleeping in airports at the FAA and The Attorney General selling Bazookas to Mexican Drug Dealers as formidable top entries. Even these abuses are overwhelmed by Benny and the Jets at the Treasury Department who were making 10 trillion dollar secret loans to corrupt banking interest to perpetuate the wealthy 1% Americans and some foreigners in Europe and Asia. The trillion dollar loans came in handy when Goldman, Chase and Citi justified their bonuses and obscene salaries. When you have free money your stock always goes up at alarming rates. (see GM, GE and Solyndra) The secret loans were granted through the Federal Reserve Discount Window. These secret loans dwarfed the money authorised by Congress in the despicable Bush TARP Act. The secret loans at 0.01 % interest were utilized by the Treasury to falsely stimulate the economy. Any increase at the Dow Jones could confuse investors into thinking the Market was sound. Humph.
In the Presidential GOP Candidates category we see stiff competition with heavy casualties before the Iowa Caucus. The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a better read than the list of candidates from the GOP. They all agree in cutting taxes on the rich and welfare cuts to the poor. Wealth Fare to the rich will continue under the GOP Plans. They cling to this ideology even as news from Texas a Mother executed her own 2 children in a Food Stamp Office, then killed herself. A similar incident occurred in Illinois where a family of 5 from Texas including Father, Mother and three children all died from their own hands due to hopeless futures. Holidays are always tough on the poor. It's doubtful GOP lower capital gains or increase depreciation schedules could help these folks.
Out are Herman Cain who rocketed to the top with his 999 plan. Then sank as a rock when news of scorned women came forward. Rick W Perry arose as a short term front runner. Perry took the Plaxico Burress award for shooting himself in the foot in national debates. Mitt Romney is still considered a front runner moderate. Accused of flip flopping on issues is a constant complaint. Former House Speaker (resigned) Newt Gingrich shot to the top when the Cain Train left town. Gingrich is often accused of not flipping, only flopping. Gingrich has a well documented past of flopping even as he assumes credit for the Reagan and Clinton Administrations. Gingrich drops names as a distraction to his failed past. I always lump Bachman and Santorum together, neither has a message other than cut taxes on the rich and end benefits to the rest.
The winner in this category will go to Herman Cain for his famous sound bite " If you don't believe me, If you think I'm a liar, then buy my book" ........Honorable mention goes to Gov. Scott Walker, Wisconsin for his High Speed Railroading of Union Collective Bargaining. His claims Collective Bargaining is an entitlement not a right has produced a Special Election to remove him from office. Where he may not hurt himself or others. From there on the Baker Act would be a possible remedy for the former Wisconsin Governor. Better than 2 Illinois Governors who are currently doing 25 years in the Greybar Hotel.
The Mitoosense award for Best of Show of the Worst in 2011 is a tie this year. The winners in all categories are the Supreme Court for ruling "Corporations are People' and sharing the top spot is the 112th Congress for legislation determining "Pizza is a Vegetable". Once you accept these two fact I kinda wonder what the Indians are thinking?
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