This morning News bites focused on the $10,000 dollar bet challenged by Mitt Romney. The issue of Health Care mandate has been brought forth at every debate. Each time, Gov. Rick Perry has quoted Romney's book, or partially quoted. Romney must have been waiting for the challenge and quickly offered the $10,000 dollar bet. Perry must have been wrong because he declined the bet. We certainly didn't think this comment carried the evening. The prominent sound bite this morning was that front runner Newt Gingrich had won the debate. Mitoosense found Newt's performance disappointing. Mitoosense gives the debate to Ron Paul for answering questions and unwavering platforms.
Rick Perry was the first candidate to discuss the $7.77 Trillion Dollar give away at the Federal Reserve. Mitoosense has been tracking this issue in silence since August, when the news was broke by Bloomberg News. Bravo Gov. Perry. Both Ron Paul and Rick Perry are on board the theft at 0.01 percent interest.
The first question posed to all candidates was job creation. How many, When and How. Candidates all shared plans to lower taxes on business coupled with deregulation. Both are windfalls for Corporations. Newt's answered with 0% Capital Gains which is synonymous with Corporate Tax paid. 12% Corporate Tax on incomes not hidden as Capital Gains and 100% Depreciation on investment purchase. This pretty much guarantees businesses will pay no tax. Ditto for Romney except Romney would limit Capital Gains to the first $200 thousand. Perry announced his plan to a 20% optional flat tax. Optional meaning no business would embrace his plan and stick with the current unfair system. Mittoosense would support 100% depreciation on American made products only!! The rest is hogwash Trickle Down Wealth Care Reaganomics. The longest run of prosperity in the last 100 years occurred under William Jefferson Clinton. No War or bailouts either!!
Bachman same stuff with elimination of Obama Care that destroys 1.6 million jobs. This morning, this claim is generally accepted as false. Ranging from exaggeration to pants on fire! Santorum filed suit offering nothing but confirmations of the above.
Ron Paul declared the unemployment was a result of Excessive Credit, TARP Legislation and Bailouts to failed business plans. Ron Paul had the best answer. Mitt Romney was the only candidate to answer the entire question with 11.5 million new jobs in 4 years. His plan to get us there, was 7 points of vague dialog.
The second question was to extend the Payroll Tax Cuts. Romney, Gingrich and Paul all agreed to extend the Holiday. Bachman, Santorum and Perry all declined with no extensions. They all agreed to cut tax on business but, split on taxes for the working stiffs.
The third question was whom was the best conservative among all candidates. Newt Gingrich took the opportunity to accuse Romney as a failed career politician and Romney was silent on Gingrich who resigned in past disgrace. Mitt should have brought it forward. Mitt offered the Gingrich Plans to Mineral Mines on the Moon and Child Labor Reforms that allow children to work. (children should work and pay tax but Newt will not)
Ron Paul accused Gingrich of being a serial hypocrite, for taking 1.6 million in fees from taxpayer supported Fannie Mae and Freebie Mac. Bachman refereed to Gingrich as the "Poster Boy of Crony Capitalism" for accepting years of $30,000 dollar monthly income for consulting advice. The same advice that drove both institutions into failure and required TARP Bailouts with untold loans from the Fed Discount Window. Bachman then ordained herself as the "Best Conservative"among all candidates. Mitoosense agrees, the crown unfortunately belongs to her. Meaning she gets the Crown of Tallest Midget as well. Ron Paul is also very Conservative.
The Forth question was of personal nature regarding a candidates moral compass. Gingrich admitted to infidelity in marriage. He also added he was a now a 68 year old Grandfather as clemency.
The fifth question was Illegal Immigration. Newt favored amnesty from deportation to only those who had broken our laws for 25 consecutive years. Romney was in favor of regulated deportation of those who turned themselves in and agreed to take their place in the line of "Legal Immigration". Bravo Mitt. Gov Perry stated if we enforced our current laws, our problems would diminish to past decades levels.
The sixth question was centered on statements made by Gingrich regarding Palestinian People and Israel.
The most compelling speech of the night goes hands down to Ron Paul for his reference to the US Constitution Article 1 section 8. Then later on government mandated forced molding of the citizen behaviors as Un- Constitutional. Rick Perry gets honorable mention for his statement that a covenant with God is more powerful than a Texas Handshake.
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