Newt Gingrich poll numbers are rising lately. Not because people suddenly like Newt's politics better. The Gingrich rise is because voter's prefer despicable over Cain's constant flow of accuser's, he says are all lying. Gingrich has a similar record and is well documented. The dirt on Newt would be a liability in a national runoff for President. Gingrich is guilty of most of the claims made against Cain. Gingrich has been silent from casting any stones in this arena. Gingrich chooses to attack Wall Street Protesters who have no voice. Newt is against the protesters and favors amnesty to illegal free ranging criminal invaders who have broken the law for at least 25 years. Casting off legal citizen voters for criminal who cannot vote. This makes no sense unless your confident the illegals will be given citizenship.
Can't really talk about corrupt leader's without a word on Pakistan. Pakistan is the country who took foreign aid billions and hid Bin Laden in a large military city. Very similar to the Greece bailouts and the Cain Mutiny. All the players run like rats screaming liar liar and God will get you. The difference here is Pakistan is a nuclear threat to US Troops. The Pakistan gun is a single chamber with short range and poor accuracy. It is however, still very nuclear. Poison for the planet. Dealing with a four year old with a loaded 45 caliber in a crowded room is a good analogy of our diplomacy dilemma.
The Pakistan government has no control over the military or intelligence service in their own country. Not a rosy picture for anyone in the region.
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