Ron Paul's message is always the same with air time at the podium the only variable. Newt Gingrich attended with all his baggage and very stale embellished historical rhetoric. The moderators get a C this time for focusing on irrelevant imaginary questions regarding hypothetical scenarios of States Rights vs Supreme Courts and Contraception. Mitoosense feels candidates should not answer hypothetical irrelevant questions that don't exist and never will. Otherwise the debate went smoothly with little interruptions. Michelle Bachman has withdrawn her bid for President. Mitoosense watched the entire debate last night and is using a transcript from the Washington Post for reference.
The first question came from Diane Sawyer to Mitt Romney to comment on the news 200,000 new jobs were created last month. Romney answered the news was good however, the Obama administration was not responsible for the upswing. Noting Obama policies were impeding growth and jobs. Sadly, Romney failed to mention the Trillions of dollars taken from the Federal Reserve Discount Window at near zero interest or the Republican Bankster Bailouts under George W Bush. We need to hear more from the candidates on worthiness of Oligopoly Bailouts and Tax Breaks to Special Interest. Let's be fair Mitt? Allowing Tax Breaks to the So Called Job Creators deny small business creation from the ground up. Apple Computer began in a 3 bed 2 bath middle class garage?
Sanotorum was asked to comment on his statements made earlier "America does not need a manager or CEO to be President" Santorum supported his claim saying America needed leadership and his eight years on the Armed Services Committee qualified him to be Commander and Chief. Santorum backed up his claim by referencing statement from Newt Gingrich that applauded his work on Iran. It's clear that Newt and Santorum go to the same church even if they don't sit in the same pew. Neither Gingrich or Santorum are Veterans is noteworthy.
Mitoosense would like to clarify the Santorum claims that leadership trumps experience. Mitoosense feels this is a central flaw in all government ideology. We The People elect candidates because of experience. We The People do not elect candidates to lead us. We elect candidates to lead the three branches of government. We The People expect our elected candidates to follow our leadership of mandates. Mr. Sanotrum has his priorities backwards. We demand he follow We The People. It's easy to see how the inexperience of Santorum could lead him to his false fundamental views of how government "Of the People, By the People and For the People has been lost in 150 years of abuse. Experience in Government is a Campaign Liability. We the people want EXPERIENCE in effective managements of SOUND Policies. This is also the reason Mitoosense will support both Republican and Democratic candidates. The Big Business PAC money will only support those who will do the bidding of Special Interest Oligopoly. This is the evil operating within the greater framework of Democracy. First and foremost Corporations are not People and vegetables are not Pizza and the Patriot Act defy the US Constitution Amendment 4. Mitoosense will step down from the soap box and continue with the debate. Expect further interruption going forwards.
Romney followed with his experience at Bain Capital and the Olympics. Paraphrasing, Romney stated sorting out good apples from bad is creating a whole greater than the sum of the parts. That how business works. Tossing money at bad apples is tossing money at bad apples and encourages more bad apples and a lateral move at best.
Newt Gingrich was invited into the fray attacking Romney. Newt was only to happy to join. Testimonial from liars is always taken with a grain of salt at Mitoosense. Naturally Newt disguised his attack quoting other news publications. Newt fancies himself as a Reagan Conservative. This is probably the only truthful claim made from Newt. Since Reagan was not a Conservative supporting outrageous budgets and runaway deficits. Reagan was a Republican President, once a Democrat and never a Conservative. Bubba Clinton was a better Conservative than either of the Bush's or Reagan with balanced budgets!
Ron Paul was asked to backup attacks made on Santorum, Rick was a corrupt politician accepting huge amounts of lobbyist money in his failed campaign for reelection for Senate. Ron Paul also challenged Newt Gingrich and Santorum as a Chicken Hawks based upon the Gingrich request for draft deferments. Santorum missed the draft born May, 1958 by only 3 years. 1973 being the year America supported the all volunteer peace time Army. This was an interesting exchange and Ron Paul a veteran won the contest!
The Santorum rebuttal to Paul's attacks was focused on the source of the information. Santorum never denied or validated any truth in the charges. Santorum's only defense was attacking the Source and George Soros who was not present. Adding Ron Paul was a libertarian who voted against all spending. (no creme in his coffee) Probably the worst response to give considering Santorum fancies himself as a Conservative. Mitoosense feels spending the most money qualifies him as the tallest midget and no Conservative!
Ron Paul exposed Santorum's record of voting to increase the debt 5 times when he was in the Senate. Ron Paul is a crusty ole guy and a real spoiler with a mouthful of truth. Bravo Ron!
Newt Gingrich defended his Military Service saying he was not eligible and did not qualify for the draft as married with children. Nothing could be further from the truth. Newts birthday of June 1943 places his birth as dead center of World War 2 or 12/8/1941 to 9/2/45
Mitoosense was also involved in the draft board being born 7 years after Newt. Having first hand knowledge of the Selective Service I can attest those who were not considered eligible were all females and men who failed to meet physical requirements. ALL OTHERS are 1-A or eligible for service. Newt Gingrich would have been 1-A until pleas were made for a deferment from service. Newt was eligible for deferments not ineligible for the draft as he falsely claims.
Ron Paul stated correctly he was married with 2 children and served dispelling the Gingrich twisted views of the Selective Service.
The second half of the debate focused on the 4th Amendment, 10th Amendment, Contraception Israel, Iran, Iraq and Gay Marriage. If you should have interest, read the transcript at your convenience. Illegal Immigration and how best to remove them was not addressed.
The budget was addressed and discussed. Santorum favored a maximum 5 deductions for Americans. They are Health care, Housing, Pension, Children and Charities. Santorum exempted Business and Corporation from the new tax structures and favored lowering taxes on Corporations across the board. The deductions for every corporate need would remain intact including private jets and bonuses to executives. Mitoosense wonders how you lower taxes on those who pay nothing and receive free cash from the Treasury and Cash Credits from the Congress? Sounds like his new plan is to squeeze blood from stones...... NBC had another debate Sunday morning ignored by Mitoosense. The NBC/Comcast event was no doubt bias and not noteworthy.
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