The Moderator was Brian Williams who did a good job of asking questions and avoided the annoying bells. This is hard for Mitoosense to accept because of a bias against Comcast the majority owner of NBC.
First question to Newt Gingrich was respond to negative advertisement from Romney on the Gingrich record. In typical style Gingrich begins by dropping names of other famous men whom he shares little in common. We don't need history lessons we want answers. Twisted recall of the past is not evidence of facts today. Still he rambles on as if this imaginary association is good politics for his message. Newt completely avoided the question and never answered Brian's query. Brian fielded another to Newt asking him to explain his resignation as Speaker of the House in disgrace. Newt claimed responsibility for 4 years of balanced budgets under his leadership as Speaker. Today's fact checking finds this statement not true. Gingrich was only one of 538 members of Congress with Clinton as President. The budget was balanced 4 consecutive years but only 2 being before the Gingrich resignation. The deficit rose by 800 billion dollars under his failed leadership. It would appear the historian should be more careful when stating fact in the Congressional Record. This is of coarse the same reason Gingrich was reprimanded for lying to Congress and ultimately stepping down in GOP mutiny. He stretches this fact he resigned by choice. The truth contested by Congressman Paul and Santorum who's recollection was much different than Gingrich yarn of history. Further evidence the Gingrich repentance is probably not complete. The Gingrich score thus far is one question avoided, one answer false and one statement far far from fact.
Mittosense will note Gingrich will either avoid the question or question the relevance of the question or in some cases answer the question with false facts supporting his logic. Gingrich pushed will become angry on the first rebuttal and collapse on the second rebuttal with his head down. Three challenges must follow to penetrate the reliability of the Gingrich answers. Ron Paul will answer with one very unpopular truth which is his undeniable message. Santorum spends way to much time glorifying himself and Mitt has been to silent to long.
The next batter was Mitt Romney to answer allegation of his electability in November. Mitt quickly dusted off his resume starting in 1970 highlighting success at Bain Capital and The Olympics. Then went on to compare his work in contrast to that of Gingrich. Free dirt for the Gingrich Landfill! It is very clear that Mitt is not going to relent on the Gingrich record. Bully for Mitt finally.
Gingrich responded by saying he would not answer to the 4 Romney misinformation's. Newt offered instead a delay answer tomorrow on his website. I was left in anticipation wondering what the 4 things Mitt stated incorrectly. Mitoosense did not tune in to listen to "call me tomorrow"... After refusing to answer Newt says Mitt can't tell the truth citing past campaigns dropping McCain and Huckabee as uninvited guests to his aid. Unbelievable!!
Mitt answered the challenge to his integrity citing Newt is the only Speaker of the House to resign in history. Gingrich left in disgrace with an 18% approval rating. Then spent his next years as a K street Influence Peddler at Freddie Mac taking $1.6 million in taxpayer booty.
By this time Newt was on the ropes staring at his shoes and clearly upset with the Romney manhandling. Newt came back with more lies as support but, failed to get consensus from Paul and Santorum who were members of Congress during the Gingrich leadership. Both men denied the Gingrich yarn as accurate.
The debate continued on if you have further questions you can find the complete transcript online Washington Post.
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