Mitt Romney remains focused on attacking Obama as Santorum feeds mainly on cannibalism in his own party. Ron Paul attacks are focused on the current system Obama inherited from 200 years of bad policy. Gingrich's entire campaign is avoiding his own record of walking and talking as ducks or ducts in serial hypocrisy. All while he drops names of other famous men as evidence of his achievements. When his record is revealed he accuses those with below the belt negative advertisements, not focused on the issues. After loosing the Iowa Caucus the Gingrich Swan Song attacked Romney and Paul as he commended Santorum as the winner. Gingrich is a true historian and Monday Morning Quarterback. In the end Newt will auction off his political capital to the highest bidder and return to his lobbyist private sector duties selling political cronyism. These distractions are similar to the GW Bush charge opponents did not "Support the Troops". Mitoosense disagrees with Newt, the process is all about their records and mudslinging is appropriate when true! The fairytale policies ahead are unimportant once they gain power. Too often, once they receive power, the promises made to the People are found round canned. What you see is not what you get, with what you hear being much less. It is far more likely they will not embrace their promises than they will!!!
The biggest divide in top tier candidates is foreign policy. Santorum a Hawk, Romney an Eagle and Paul the Dove. Iran is simply carrion du jour. South Korea has a nuclear weapon and China is the Elephant in the room. China has a Space Program, Nuclear Power and devout communists. You do the Math. Then they're our friends and allies Pakistan. Whoopeee.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch Obama is busy knocking off Radical Islamic Leaders with unprecedented numbers. 2011 was not a good year to burn the flag and denounce American Policies. More Autocrats deposed for less money is the 2for1 Obama Plan. Undermining Libya is far more successful than 9 years of failed Occupation in Iraq. Nation building can only occur from the bottom up. Top down is the Bush Recipe of failure. Destroying your enemy is the only task in War. Rebuilding is the choice of the vanquished not the Occupiers!
Focusing on Iran is foolish when the problems are at home. "It's the Economy Stupid" rings true today. Here Ron Paul rattles the room with his plans to abolish the Federal Reserve System. The discount window at the US Treasury is operated like "Nickle Night at the Bordello". The Bloomberg News revelation that Trillions of dollars in US Currency is available for near zero interest for 2big2fail Banksters here and abroad. Harry Potter and Hogwarts has a similar system. This creates Open Season on Bankers and the Federal Reserve System to scrutiny. The epicenter of the current economy and 2big2fail are traced directly to the Federal Reserve policies. Foreign Banks and Governments are catered to as the American people are corralled as cattle by the Cowboys of 112th Congress. We the People Don't Matter at the Reserve!!!
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