It is now 2:00 pm and we've located a transcript from the Chicago Sun Times. Sorry for the delay.
We give FOX/ WSJ a grade C for moderating the debate. FOX showed candidate favoritism in questions and podium time to candidates. It's very clear FOX has a dog in the hunt!! It's clear the debates slowly expose each candidates liabilities and assets, it also is exposing a flawed support system in the Media/Press and PAC money inequities. PAC Money and Televised Commercial Advertising should be heavily taxed. If your going to buy elections and influence it should not be be TAX FREE!!!!!!!!
Mitt Romney is leading going to South Carolina with 17 delegates accrued from Iowa and New Hampshire. Huntsman joined spectators Bachman, Cain and others who struggled to win votes. Ron Paul finished a close third in Iowa and Second in New Hampshire which should make him second in delegates. Santorum is third placing a close second in Iowa and distant 4th shared with Newt Gingrich in New Hampshire. Despite all the press and media attention, Newt has performed poorly at the ballot box. Placing distant 4th place twice among We The People!
The Photo above indicates how Ron Paul is continually ignored by Media/Press. ( this is the hole we try to fill in missing truth) Ron Paul's podium appears to be deep in the basement as Stephen Root's ignored character in "Office Space"
FOX has done little to cover up the obvious discrimination of Paul's grass roots campaign, hence the podium order.
Not surprising, the first question went to Newt Gingrich in bias FOX questioning of negative ads. This issue is not central to America's problems and is fabricated in house by Media/Press. Mitoosense will not explore answers to imaginary issues. Except PAC money is a vegetable, not people according to Congress.
FOX then framed questions on Mitt Romney tax plan in Massachusetts. We object to framing questions in unproven accusations so common at FOX. Mitt Romney answered with supporting unproven claims to counter the attacks from moderator Bair.
Third question to Gov. Perry about more mudslinging. Ron Paul same questions regarding campaign slander and PAC money. Santorum Challenged in Paul's answer responded by not answering Paul's charges. Santorum answered by attacking the source of the charges, ignoring facts if true. The dirt and questions thus far are centered on Campaign attacks on Romney and Santorum. This completed the first round with Gingrich taking the most podium time!!!
The next question was centered on unemployment and length of time people can claim benefits. The candidates completely ignored the failure of the economy to offer jobs or Congress to create Private Sector legislation to stimulate new infrastructure repairs in America. We have a War based economy that spends our wealth in other countries.
This is an extremely sensitive question in light of the premiums for unemployment insurance are seen as deduction on your paychecks. Seems reasonable if they want to deny benefits they should stop taking their money. Leading the charge is Santorum and Newt Gingrich who have never worked outside the purse strings of government. Particularly Gingrich who feels Janitors make excessive wages and children should be used to clean municipal buildings. Janitors at Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac worked for their meager incomes and did not extort $1.6 million dollars. This is truly the pot calling the kettle black typical of Gingrich and Santorum. Gingrich should take a bath and get a private sector job and report back.
Education of the unemployed is a great idea. School should not end at 18 years of age. We are in a fast paced world where one job will likely not last to retirement. Keeping schools open to adults at night and in the summer is good use of public money. The single caveat being those being trained should not be a windfall profit for any corporation. Keeping GOP profiteering out of adult education should be first priority. It's doubtful any jobs would be created or unemployment lowered if everyone had a Harvard Degree. A good example of this would be if America changed to a flat tax. The result would be thousands of unemployed high paid CPA's and accountants. Their educations as worthless as the Tax Code they administered. These people would be tossed into the unemployment numbers and would require new abilities. Pious Santorum quoted claims made by the Brooking Institute that three things cause poverty and all are self inflicted. They are: WORK, graduate from High School and get married before having children. Interesting that only one is correct being work. The other two are Marriage and High School diploma are not central to either legal or illegal immigration. Regardless, although noble thoughts Work is the only lever out of poverty. Charles Branson one of the worlds richest has no HS Degree or Married to create his wealth, Rick.
From this point on Mitt Romney and Ron Paul showed why they lead in the polls. The next question was Bailouts of foreign countries and US Corporations from the Federal Reserve and Congress. Mitt Romney explained these institutions should be filtered through the bankruptcy courts. It's obvious the bailouts went on to undeserved windfall profits extorted from taxpayers and plaguing the national debt. Certainly, nothing compared to unemployment benefits or food stamps. Food Stamps for Bankers are measured in trillions of dollars from the Federal Reserve!!! References were made that Africans Americans were discriminated against in hiring practices by Juan Williams. The charge made no doubt due to coincide with MLK observance. Mitoosense agrees "That DOG Don't Hunt" with an African American in the White House. Free rides are over, all Americans get out and PUSH!!
Ron Paul answered questions on his plan to cut defense spending would cause hardship in laid off workers and reduce American security. Ron explained his plan would increase spending in the US by closing thousands of bases overseas. Opening new bases in the US will lower unemployment as it increases our security. Ron Paul claimed he receives more campaign contributions from the Military twice combined to all other candidates. Very, Very tough argument but, Paul wins this one! Ron Paul then went on to a very compelling speech on foreign policies, WAR and killing terrorist. Paul is either softening on his policies or much needed clarifications. His foreign policy is his biggest flaw in the opinion of Mitoosense. Paul's biggest assets are elimination of the IRS, Federal Reserve and Patriot Act that are all unconstitutional. The only foreign policy worse than Paul's is Rick Santorum, both extreme and not thought out well.
Income taxes were discussed and revenue increases. All Candidate favored lowering taxes at a time when America is broke. Ron Paul wins the round with elimination of all income taxes at ZERO. None of the candidates favored a single tax rate for both citizens and corporations. Mitoosense doesn't care what rate is selected as long as the divide between personal and corporations are eliminated along with ALL employer based deductions. When everyone pays equally without exemptions and deductions we will have a fair system supported by all Americans!!
Mitt Romney was very clear about his plans for an American 21st Century. Romney Plans to build the strongest military ever known and govern through that strength. It worked well for Reagan even at the cost of budgets.
This covers what Mitoosense considers important issues and responses. It includes criticism of the Press/Media and PAC money. There were many other issues including gay marriage and gun control. We encourage you to read the entire transcript at Chicago Sun Times and not rely on pundits who twist the truth!!!
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