The first question went to Rick Santorum on Illegal Immigration, a sensitive issue in Florida. Santorum agreed with Mitt Romney and supported self deportation of Illegals. Cutting of aid and employment opportunities through E-Verify as proof of citizenship. Without financial supports Illegals would be forced to repatriate.
Newt Gingrich followed with changes to Legal Immigration, Visas and Guest Worker programs to allow the Illegals to stay. Newt's solution seems to just change the definition and the problem will go away. People who have been breaking the laws for 25 consecutive years would become eligible for citizenship through a citizen review board. (Another Agency Really Newt) No apparent logic just give up I'm thinking.
Ron Paul seemed to diminish the whole problem as an economic issue. The Illegals would be needed when the economy increased. This was the worst response I've ever heard.
Gingrich was asked to clarify accusations Mitt Romney was Anti-Immigrate. Newt stated the charges were Romney wanted to deport Grandmothers and Grandfathers here illegally. There was an immediate exchange with Romney separating the obvious Legal and Illegal Immigration issue. Romney reduced Gingrich argument saying the problem was not 11 million Grandmothers. That's a lot of Grandmothers
The Candidates all agreed English should be the official language of the US. Cuba, South and Central foreign relations and trade were discussed. Ron Paul was against nation building in Cuba or anywhere else for the record. Santorum wants trade if nations will jump through his hoops when directed.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac futures were discussed. Mitt Romney took the opportunity to toss more dirt on the Gingrich Landfill and offered no thoughts of their futures. Gingrich then rebutted and denied being a lobbyist for the giant mortgage insurers. It's not clear what or if Newt did anything at all. The $1.6 million he took as compensation for doing nothing was never disputed. He may have been waxing the floors and greasing poles as far as we know. Gingrich then attacked Romney as a stock holder in both firms. It's not clear to me why this is important or if a blind trust was involved. It is important to Mitoosense Gingrich had his hand in the government supported firm up to his elbows. In addition Romney revealed Gingrich owned stocks in both firms as well. Gingrich in frustration waved his hands about bit added nothing.
Gingrich stated he advised Congress not to fund Freddie Mac in 2008. This was after his money was cut off. Rick Santorum said he with other Senators championed an effort to reform the institutions. Either 2006 or 2008 was far far to late as the handwriting was clearly on the wall to even modest investors.
The debate became heated when Blitzer asked Gingrich about transparency of Mitt Romney's taxes. Newt began several maneuvers to avoid the questions and at one point tried to assume duties of CNN. The issue of negative advertisements surrounding foreign bank accounts of Mitt Romney. Mudslinging at it's core. Several volleys back and forth and Newt finally forced to ask why Romney had money in foreign banks. Mitt was eager to answer the question that would put more dirt in the Gingrich Landfill. Romney said the money was not hidden and reported and taxes paid every year. Gingrich must have known this was true because he tried to avoid the entire issue of Other People's Money.
Several Tax issues were round tabled none were an inspiration to me. It will take a Democrat to fix the tax problems. Republicans are a Blind Trust when it comes to taxes. Ron Paul challenged all to compete in a 25 mile bicycle race in Texas heat to prove his health was sound despite his age.
The Highlight of the evening was the next question regarding NASA. Mitt Romney was clearly leading in all categories thus far and the next question is the one that will propel him to the nomination!!!
Blitzer outlined the Gingrich plan to establish a moon colony in less than eight years. The question to Romney was did he think this was a viable plan. Mitt answered he would explore any plans that would offer new science and technology that benefit America. All three candidates condemned Newt's Moon Base as frivolous campaign promises. Romney stated in business anyone who brought such an idea to his desk would be fired immediately.
Gingrich responded by attacking NASA as historically mismanaged. A diversion from the ridicule of his idea. Gingrich was losing big time and his hypocritical campaigning was center stage. Give them the moon and become President. Ron Paul's one liner was "going to the moon was a bad idea but offered to send Newt and his friends". I remebered.. The Great One.. Jackie Gleason and the Honeymooners famous line "Bang Zoom Alice to the Moon"
Health Care was debated and none of the candidates had any viable plans to improve the system. They all focused on how to collect money and whom. Health Care is the victim of greedy insurance and profiteering government sponsored health care. Go to any city or town and look up. You won't see tall Hospitals saving lives. Look up and you will see towering insurance companies an banks with all our money. Congress and the President gave it to them.
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