Since last nights telecast was little more than mud wrestling, Newt Gingrich gets the most attention as the squeaky wheel. The other candidates are relatively clean with Newt and Herman Cain having similar moral compass. It's hypocrisy in action with Newt Gingrich who was unrelenting criticism of Bubba Clinton for his escapades with women. Those in glass houses should not throw stones. The House in question of coarse is the US House of Representative that Gingrich resigned in disgrace and fines. The charges and fines were for lying to investigations.
Gingrich now claims to have cleansed himself of his past by marriage to his 8 year concubine Calista and becoming a Catholic follower. Both are highly questionable admissions in proof of repentance. Mitoosense believes Gingrich broke Commandments 7 thru 10 in last nights debate. For the record Gingrich finished forth in Iowa, Fifth in New Hampshire and first in hypocrisy. We know he took $1.6 million from Freddie Mac selling cronyism. He paid $300,000 in fines for lying to Congress and recently lied and said he was not eligible for the draft or "I didn't qualify"
In spite of his poor performance in ballots, Newt has still ordained himself the obvious candidate to defeat Obama in November. His balls are as big as his support of the truth. The most surprising fact is both FOX and CNN seem to support this coronation as they totally ignore his performance at the ballot box. This was true in Iowa again in New Hampshire and now again in South Carolina. Each time they have predicted a Gingrich win and lost.
The first question from King was: are charges made by former wife "Gingrich asked for an open marriage when he was involved in a eight year affair with concubine Calista". Newt answered by attacking the question as destructive, vicious and negative. Newts adjectives always come in threes. It's his debate trademark. Then finally answered with his former wife's allegation were false, charging the former wife as a liar, presumably. Not sure if the wife is a liar but, we are all aware Newt is a proven liar in Congressional Records, not public opinions.
Gingrich went from attacks on his wife to attacking the moderator King for asking the question. Newt is implying the question is despicable and not the truth of his actions. He went on to attack CNN and ABC as covert sponsors of Barack Obama. Friends Romans and Countrymen Lend Me Your Ears was said to be a similar speech from Mark Anthony.
Gingrich out for blood went after Mitt Romney for his record at Bain Capital. Newt charges Bain as Vampires in Capitalism, bleeding American business of assets and forcing healthy corporations and jobs into bankruptcy courts. This is nothing but pure fabrication. Corporations are above the law for all Americans and bankruptcy is just another tool in their kit. Corporations are a imaginary double standard to protect the rich.
Gingrich then claimed his work in Congress was responsible for the Romney fortune and the Bain Empire. Interesting, this places Newt on both side of the Bain issue charging them as predator's and following with his legislation was central to Bain's business models. Stating himself, Jack Kemp and Ronald Reagan created the perfect environment for Bain growth. Mitt Romney stated during his 25 years in business he never once had appreciations for what the government did for him. He went on to say that Ronald Reagan's book only mentioned Newt once and dismissed Newt's input negatively. Mitt also stated George Romney his father was also referenced once in the Reagan Diaries, dispelling any close association with Reagan and Gingrich. Romney also stated he was not accustomed to challenges to his integrity. Romney would not apologize for being successful in business and implied only Gingrich and Democrats would attack Capitalism!!! The Gingrich message is his close ties to the achievement of other famous men. Gingrich finds himself victorious thru association. John Fitzgerald Kennedy said "Victory has a thousand fathers" Newt claims 900 associations. Basically if you take away the work of Kemp, Reagan, Clinton and word Conservative in the Gingrich message you will be left with only dirt.
$1.6 million dollars of extortion money from Freddie Mac, $300,000 in fines for lying to Congress and resignation as Speaker of the House. The Gingrich platform is legalized child labor, legalize illegal aliens and indenture the American workers to low wages. He fails to understand or cares that most of Americans on Food Stamps already have one job, some two. He does not understand the entitlement destroying America are Tax exemption, bailouts and GOP profiteering the federal government's Wealth Fare tax credits. He supports plans to lower Mitt Romney's 15% tax rate even lower and spend spend spend for power power power. His moral compass is not an issue in comparison to hard facts.The entire debate was centered on a fifth place candidates infamous affairs and failed accomplishments. Some pundits are claiming Newt won again
Mitoosense was relieved when Bachman stepped down, grateful when Cain was gone, understanding when Huntsman left and renewed when Perry finally quit. When Gingrich is removed from the national discussion I will be truly blessed. Voting in South Carolina should be an easy choice on Saturday............
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