Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sarah Palin for Top Momma Grizzly

I like Sarah Palin, but she quit her position as Governor of Alaska.
I really never fully understood why she quit such a lucrative position of power such as Governor.
I hear and enjoy allot of her T-Party Rhetoric that criticizes the actions of others in an dysfunctional government. We all know what's wrong, Ray Charles could see that and he's dead and blind. Criticism without solution is hypocrisy in inaction and she quit her job as Governor.
President Nixon was the only guy to quit the Presidency and that screwed everything up for ten years.
Many pundits ask "Is she qualified to be President of the United States of America"?
George W Bush proved that if you meet the criteria of the US Constitution intelligence is not required. The first law of Bush politics is "spin the narrative fast enough that facts are lost in the lying".
I must admit after her interview with Katy Couric I have trouble imagining her in debate with Obama or other World Leaders. Trick question about "do you read" and "where's Russia" was beyond Sarahs knowledge. Did I mention she resigned as Governor of Alaska.
Sarah Palin is as qualified as Paul Teutel Sr. to be President and Paul didn't quit Governor of Alaska. I Like the idea of a Palin/Teutel ticket in 2012 or Teutel/Palin?
Paul Teutel is no relation to famous Ma and Pa Tuttle I checked. I watch the testosterone basic cable soap opera success "American Chopper". What I enjoy about the show is the obvious use of American Made Products. I don't however, follow Dancing with the Stars and fail to see the interest.
Chung's Chinese Choppers evidently would not sell on the Discovery Channel. Although a spot on Home Shopping Cutlery Network might be a big success. It's all about image and people who ride American Made Motorcycles might purchase steak knives from China. This is a big problem in America.
I'm not ruling Sarah out as a candidate in 2012, after all I supported Ross Perot and Obama.
I would like to hear less about what others did wrong and more about detailed analyses of how she would fix our problems.
I really never fully understood why she quit such a lucrative position of power such as Governor.
I hear and enjoy allot of her T-Party Rhetoric that criticizes the actions of others in an dysfunctional government. We all know what's wrong, Ray Charles could see that and he's dead and blind. Criticism without solution is hypocrisy in inaction and she quit her job as Governor.
President Nixon was the only guy to quit the Presidency and that screwed everything up for ten years.
Many pundits ask "Is she qualified to be President of the United States of America"?
George W Bush proved that if you meet the criteria of the US Constitution intelligence is not required. The first law of Bush politics is "spin the narrative fast enough that facts are lost in the lying".
I must admit after her interview with Katy Couric I have trouble imagining her in debate with Obama or other World Leaders. Trick question about "do you read" and "where's Russia" was beyond Sarahs knowledge. Did I mention she resigned as Governor of Alaska.
Sarah Palin is as qualified as Paul Teutel Sr. to be President and Paul didn't quit Governor of Alaska. I Like the idea of a Palin/Teutel ticket in 2012 or Teutel/Palin?
Paul Teutel is no relation to famous Ma and Pa Tuttle I checked. I watch the testosterone basic cable soap opera success "American Chopper". What I enjoy about the show is the obvious use of American Made Products. I don't however, follow Dancing with the Stars and fail to see the interest.
Chung's Chinese Choppers evidently would not sell on the Discovery Channel. Although a spot on Home Shopping Cutlery Network might be a big success. It's all about image and people who ride American Made Motorcycles might purchase steak knives from China. This is a big problem in America.
I'm not ruling Sarah out as a candidate in 2012, after all I supported Ross Perot and Obama.
I would like to hear less about what others did wrong and more about detailed analyses of how she would fix our problems.
Remembering our last Presidential Election our President promised to imprison the Banksters bring jobs back to America and rebuild the abandoned middle class. What we got was Health care and Financial Reforms that legalize 2big2fail. Obama accomplished both without putting one Bankster in jail or controlling the increasing rate of poverty in America. John Kennedy said "success has a thousand fathers".
The faces of failure endure until the damage is repaired. Obama has thus far acted as a one term President. The Obama legacy is his vision and not the will of the people. Obama will be remembered as a capable President who's only errors were his own misguided agenda of change. Good intentions out of proper sequence and poorly executed legislation will stain his legacy when all America wanted him to succeed.
Regardless of the candidate I want to hear solutions only in 2012. No more tattletales. Pointing fingers is only good in court and nobody goes to court or prison today.
Whoever we elect I hope they don't quit for more pay on "Dancing with the Stars"
Chinese Friday

The Friday after Thanksgiving is considered the heaviest shopping day in America. The logic for the phenomenon is to purchase more junk for more thanks to be celebrated next year. A self fulfilling prophesy perhaps. The patron saint of Thanksgiving is the Turkey. Not the country, the bird. As Abraham sacrificed his first born ,Thanksgiving carves a turkey for every American table. Life is good for the Turkey until the leaves begin to turn color in the North. The timing coincides nicely with the Christian observance of Christmas, now only a few weeks away. Christ's birthday is celebrated with more junk for next years Thanksgiving observance thus, completing the circle of the Retail Theocracy. Thanksgiving is a American holiday unobserved in other parts of the world.
I'm not sure how the rest of world get by but, I'm sure they must have similar Keynesian Holidays tied to their GDP. China is a Communist, Buddhist Country without Pumpkins, Pilgrims or Christmas. The Turkey is nothing more than a large Chinese Chicken.
No other Country in the world profits so well from what could only be described as a gift from Buddha himself. Just as sure as the leaves will turn color in the Fall, the Wise Men of Wall Street will appear with factory orders and American Gold. We no longer trade in Frankincense and Muir.
China was our Alli in World War 2 but, in the Korean Conflict they fought against the US Military. Just this morning it was announced North Korea fired missiles at South Korea. Two South Korea Marines died in the attacks. Happy Thanksgiving from Communist North Korea.
America was on a fast track to squash North Korea in 1950 like a road pizza until the Chinese crossed the border aiding the Communist North. The war raged on and the 38th parallel established as a result of attrition. Both Countries exhausted their ability to win and victory never resulted.
I'm not sure how the rest of world get by but, I'm sure they must have similar Keynesian Holidays tied to their GDP. China is a Communist, Buddhist Country without Pumpkins, Pilgrims or Christmas. The Turkey is nothing more than a large Chinese Chicken.
No other Country in the world profits so well from what could only be described as a gift from Buddha himself. Just as sure as the leaves will turn color in the Fall, the Wise Men of Wall Street will appear with factory orders and American Gold. We no longer trade in Frankincense and Muir.
China was our Alli in World War 2 but, in the Korean Conflict they fought against the US Military. Just this morning it was announced North Korea fired missiles at South Korea. Two South Korea Marines died in the attacks. Happy Thanksgiving from Communist North Korea.
America was on a fast track to squash North Korea in 1950 like a road pizza until the Chinese crossed the border aiding the Communist North. The war raged on and the 38th parallel established as a result of attrition. Both Countries exhausted their ability to win and victory never resulted.
This year when you purchase lead painted poisonous products for loved ones, tell your cashier
" Buddha Sent Me" or "Mao has a better idea" and see if you get another 10% off the National Debt.
This year I ask all Americans to support the Troops and Veterans of World War 2, Korea and Vietnam. Buy American Products this year. Demand American Products and American Factories. You may pay more in dollars but we won't be sending our youth to slaughter and the military budget will decrease. China will develop their own economy with their Communist Allies.
Demand American Products this Christmas. America needs high paying skilled jobs for our youth not merchants of death in the military.
This year I ask all Americans to support the Troops and Veterans of World War 2, Korea and Vietnam. Buy American Products this year. Demand American Products and American Factories. You may pay more in dollars but we won't be sending our youth to slaughter and the military budget will decrease. China will develop their own economy with their Communist Allies.
Demand American Products this Christmas. America needs high paying skilled jobs for our youth not merchants of death in the military.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Government Motors the Double Standard of Excellents

In the beginning man hunted and fished for his needs. Hunters and Gatherers wandered the planet in search of their next meal. Agriculture was discovered and the mailbox was invented. Tribes traded and bartered for their needs in the absents of government and taxes. Two bushels of wheat for a chicken. Two chickens equals one goat. Five goats equals one cow etc. No Banksters or Broksters.
We didn't have government until the bronze age and gold smelting was discovered. As soon as we found gold we invented the pentagram of evil including war, greed, government, politicians, rulers and taxes. The Gold Standard was born. It was given the name of economy. Markets flourished as clans bought and sold all commodities in gold exchanges. Kings had armies and armies controlled the people and the gold.
Commerce produced wealthy, poor and slaves. The new system divided the wealth unevenly by creating hundreds of slaves and thousands of poor to create the wealth of a few.
This system worked for a couple of thousand years then some guy killed the King and Democracy was born. This was a good day indeed. Now each person could own property and gold. It was then necessary to assess each person for taxes to build roads schools and perform the work of the dead King. England still has Kings and Queens and they serve the same useless purpose for 5 thousand years. No comment on the English Monarchy as I'm Scottish and therefore guilty of countless attempts to kill them off throughout history. Regardless of the government the crops still grow and fish still swim.
Democracy was a long time coming and self government was difficult, until we formed a more perfect Union in the US Constitution. Great read on the least sellers lists.
Things got out of control for a while so we chose up sides and exercised our rights to butcher each other in World Wars 1 and 2. The crops were still growing and fish swam in the oceans as we killed people for the control of Gold. This concludes the history of the World Parts One and Two.
Then a long came a guy named Nixon and he abandoned the Gold Standard for the Confetti Standard. We now could print money rather than dig for Gold. This is where most people get lost because Gold does not evaporate whereas money does.
If you placed six hundred dollars in a drawer with six hundred dollars worth of Gold and closed the drawer for fifty years you would find when you opened the drawer the Money was only worth one hundred dollars and the Gold was worth about the same in purchase power. Gold is slowly mined around the planet increasing the volume. Money is printed currency and can be printed in endless supply. The printing of new money is what causes the evaporation of the dollars.
If you find yourself in poverty, the reason is simple. The rulers make it against the law for you to print your own money. Therefore, you don't make the rules you only follow the rules.
Following the rules will always make you poor. There are two rules beyond your control and both are intangible. They are imaginary and fabricated by the rulers. They are Interest and Tax. Without the Gold Standard they control your wealth by printing money, interest and taxes. The three are mystically tied to each other in a blur of obscurity called finance. Don't waste your time trying to figure it out because without a real commodity like Gold the rules change faster than you can say Bernie Madoff. When any changes are made to one it affects the other two.
If you print more money you must increase tax because printing more money makes the current money worth less (worth less not worthless) Current money is why it's called currency. Printing money and tax are inseparable. You make more money you pay more tax. They offer college degrees to study tax so don't try to figure this out either.
Wow! I made it back to Government Motors or GM. GM is in the news this week because of the stock offering on Greed Street. The hope is the sell off will retire some of the debt owed the taxpayers from Bush TARP 2big2fail. Whoppeee! we may get a third of our money returned from TARP. You remember when George the Shoe Guy came out of the Socialism Closet and changed capitalism forever with TARP.
We haven't been this mad since Jerry Ford exonerated Richard Nixon from prosecution of high crimes and misdemeanors. The Pardon that grants a Get Outta Jail Free in exchange for the appointment of "Leader of the Free World".
Anyhow an article published today claiming the T Party was wrong and the GM Bailout was the smartest move since we bought Texas from Mexico.
2big2fail is nothing more than 2blind2see. The Salvation of GM is not the source of the angry taxpayer. For years GM legally repossessed cars and foreclosed homes from taxpayers as rule one of capitalism. It's not so much that GM and the Dirty Dozen Banks were bailed out. The anger comes as we have gone from the Gold Standard to the Confetti Standard and now courtesy of George W Bush we now have the Double Standard. The Double Standard is very simple. It has no rules and can be crafted to any situation.
Look, We all know that if you wait long enough and carry John Q Citizen long enough eventually providing him with subsidies he will overcome his obstacles and return to work and regain solvency just like GM. Joe Plumber will pay his mortgage and make car payments when he returns to work. If we as a country did for the taxpayers what they did for GM and Banksters we wouldn't have recessions. People could stay in their homes and wait out the storm until the economy improves.
I don't support the idea of 2big2fail or 2blind2see. When Lehman Brothers went down the London Bank Barclay's bought most of the assets within 24 hours. Less than a week later a Japanese Bank bought all of Lehman's Asian holdings and the taxpayer paid nada. In one week the whole bankruptcy was done. We forget that before there was GM there were separate corporation of Chevy, Olds, Pontiac, Cadillac, Fisher Body, Delco all formed into a huge corporation to compete against Henry Ford. The best scenario would return these corporation back to where they began. I would support subsidies to invest in a solid business model borrower to rebuild Cadillac or Pontiac. Instead we bailout a bunch of losers and perpetuate incompetency. 2big2 fail is the reward for Peter Principle. Where a man is rewarded for sublime incompetency.
In a nut shell, I don't believe America owes anyone a TARP Bailout but, if you give it to one then you must change the rules for all. GM is not a success story. GM is a story of corruption that impedes the much needed correction provided by free market capitalism. I recommend we return all the foreclosed homes and reward the homeowner with bonuses or the Banksters should be imprisoned and their Banks sold off like Lehman Brothers. Only then will we begin to crawl out of this hole of 2big2fail.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Paper or Plastic

I noticed an article on the Internet regarding columnist Dave Barry's recent experiences at the Airport's Nekid Machine. After you have passed through the metal detector you are the faced with the choices of "Nekid Machine" or "The Man Handled Pat Down" to determine if your a terrorist. Pat could be either male or female. Once you make a selection you may not withdraw from the inspections. If you choose to withdraw you will be arrested and fined $11,000 in court and could face hard time. The fine does not included extra bags charges. No Shit!!
We as a nation thought Check Point Charlie and the Brandenburg Gate were a disgrace. Guess what; they don't wanna see your papers any longer. Due to bureaucratic neglect your Driver' Operators License or SS Card offer no relief from inspections. Homeland Stupidity recognizes anyone can obtain these document either legally or through forgery. If you choose the Nekid Machine (sun screen suggested) you could be kicked out of line if you don't pass on the Green Light Nekid Machine inspection. The Nekid Machine reveals any weapons of mass destruction and your birthday suit.
Dave Barry evidently had a blurred groin area and therefore got the double pleasure and embarrassment of receiving both invasions of privacy. Whether your embarrassed by the disclosure your groin is blurred or proud of the achievement is of personal preference. Could be someone thought Dave was suspicious or maybe really "hot looking"qualifying him for the additional delay.
It's now known if you fail both inspection you now qualify for the full body cavity search. Presumably the inspections are performed by the very best of TSA workers. These highly skilled workers have been thoroughly trained in human cavity search and cleaning BP Gulf Coast Beaches. Either way a complimentary Confessional booth is offered by the Priesthood, after you have cleared the inspections of course. The Priests inform you that wearing white on your wedding day is not approved. I assume after the third option you are either eligible to fly, prison cell or gay marriage. I was just getting accustomed to paper or plastic at the grocery and now I'm asked "Dallas" or "Eternal Damnation"? I'm not a prude or anything but, John Holmes neither.
We as a nation thought Check Point Charlie and the Brandenburg Gate were a disgrace. Guess what; they don't wanna see your papers any longer. Due to bureaucratic neglect your Driver' Operators License or SS Card offer no relief from inspections. Homeland Stupidity recognizes anyone can obtain these document either legally or through forgery. If you choose the Nekid Machine (sun screen suggested) you could be kicked out of line if you don't pass on the Green Light Nekid Machine inspection. The Nekid Machine reveals any weapons of mass destruction and your birthday suit.
Dave Barry evidently had a blurred groin area and therefore got the double pleasure and embarrassment of receiving both invasions of privacy. Whether your embarrassed by the disclosure your groin is blurred or proud of the achievement is of personal preference. Could be someone thought Dave was suspicious or maybe really "hot looking"qualifying him for the additional delay.
It's now known if you fail both inspection you now qualify for the full body cavity search. Presumably the inspections are performed by the very best of TSA workers. These highly skilled workers have been thoroughly trained in human cavity search and cleaning BP Gulf Coast Beaches. Either way a complimentary Confessional booth is offered by the Priesthood, after you have cleared the inspections of course. The Priests inform you that wearing white on your wedding day is not approved. I assume after the third option you are either eligible to fly, prison cell or gay marriage. I was just getting accustomed to paper or plastic at the grocery and now I'm asked "Dallas" or "Eternal Damnation"? I'm not a prude or anything but, John Holmes neither.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Terror Alerts---Author Unknown

I received this very funny parody of Homeland Stupidity from a friend in E-mail format. Therefore, we know Homeland has read and forwarded the humor to the FBI and CIA and all other dark operation who spy on the citizens through the Patriot Act.
I found the humor enlightening and wondering what other generations would feel about our current threats compared to those of past generations. Enjoy!!
Subject: International Alert Levels Raised
I found the humor enlightening and wondering what other generations would feel about our current threats compared to those of past generations. Enjoy!!
Subject: International Alert Levels Raised
The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent
terrorist threats, and have therefore raised their security level from
"Miffed" to "Peeved". Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet
again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross". The English have not been
"A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940, when tea supplies nearly ran out.
Terrorists have been re-categorized from "Tiresome" to "A Bloody
Nuisance". The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning
level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.
The Scots have raised their threat level from "Pissed Off" to
"Let's get the Bastards". They don't have any other levels. This is
the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for
the last 300 years.
The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its
terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide".. The only two higher levels in
France are "Collaborate" and "Surrender". The rise was precipitated by
a recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively
paralyzing the country's military capability.
Italy has increased the alert level from "Shout Loudly and
Excitedly" to "Elaborate Military Posturing". Two more levels remain:
"Ineffective Combat Operations" and "Change Sides".
The Germans have increased their alert state from "Disdainful
Arrogance" to "Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs". They also
have two higher levels: "Invade a Neighbor" and "Lose".
Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the
only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels.
The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to
deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new
Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.
Americans meanwhile, and as usual, are carrying out pre-emptive
strikes on all of their allies "just in case".
Canada doesn't have any alert levels.
New Zealand has raised its security levels - from "baaa" to
"BAAAA". Due to continuing defense cutbacks, New Zealand has only one
more level of escalation, which is "I hope Australia will come and
rescue us".
Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from "No
worries" to "She'll be alright, mate". Three more escalation levels
remain: "Crikey!", "I think we'll need to cancel the barbie this
weekend" and "The barbie is cancelled". So far no situation has ever
warranted use of the final escalation level.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Hurricane Disaster, Contagious Diseases and George W Bush

Sadists everywhere are embracing the release of the long awaited George W Bush's new book Decision Points. The often maligned former President has been seen shamelessly hawking interest in his 7 million dollar book sales. His saturation levels on daytime TV recently has outpaced his successor Celebrity President Obama.
We may soon see Bush and Obama on "Dancing with the Stars" but probably not dancing Bi-Partisan. Dancing to the top forty hit "Hey Big Spender" is rumored. The Secretary of State has reportedly banned former President Bubba Clinton from the show due to family value issues.
The new book is the self fulfilling prophecy that history would ultimately judge his administration. Reminding Americans again, making 17% of the people happy all the time is a daunting task.
We may soon see Bush and Obama on "Dancing with the Stars" but probably not dancing Bi-Partisan. Dancing to the top forty hit "Hey Big Spender" is rumored. The Secretary of State has reportedly banned former President Bubba Clinton from the show due to family value issues.
The new book is the self fulfilling prophecy that history would ultimately judge his administration. Reminding Americans again, making 17% of the people happy all the time is a daunting task.
Be sure to pick up a copy of Bush's Decision Points. If you haven't already purchased your copy you will probably be accused of not supporting the Troops.
The book carries the theme throughout that things could have been much worse had he not acted boldly in his leadership. After all Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years and only had 10 plagues to his credit. A challenge easily surpassed by Bush.
Credit for "Mission Accomplished" is often implied to the reader of the text but, not expressly noted in the book.
Readers witness the difficult Bush task of un-spining the truth is much more problematic than fabricating imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction. Facts are stubborn and not easily removed from history. Bush seemed frustrated that Vice President Al Gore and President Obama received "The Nobel Peace Prize and he didn't even get an Academy Award Nomination.
The books revelation that the darkest day of his Presidency was the accusation from a illiterate Hip Hop Star that Bush was a Racist. The exchange of "Who's a Racist" is now competing with "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" The book inspires us to question if Bush is a racist and Hip Hops are racist why, then is former Mayor of "The Big Easy" Ray Nagin not a racist.
Former F.E.M.A Director "Heckuva Job Brownie" was unavailable for comment.
It's important to note the Supreme Court has recently ruled that Water Boarding Mayors is against the "Geneva Convention" Water Boarding Hip Hops Stars is OK.
Hurricane Katrina, War Dead in Iraq and the Terror Attacks on New York City and The Pentagon wisely take second place to being personally charged with racism. The Bush famous quote of "Fool me once shame on me and Fool me twice, shame on the other two things" apply here.
Famous Bush Doctrines such as No Contractor Left Behind and The Jobs America does not want are not embellished in his long list of achievements. Vice President and Mentor Dick Cheney advised the No- Bid Contracts to Haliburton and Covert Immigration should be left out of their book for reasons of national security. Thanks to the Bush Patriot Act our government no longer needs the US Constitution. The Patriot Act provides for KGB type surveillance on the public. It seems that during the Bush Years civil discord has reached a level where home made domestic terror is perceived as a bigger threat than Arabs hiding on planes.
The book carries the theme throughout that things could have been much worse had he not acted boldly in his leadership. After all Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years and only had 10 plagues to his credit. A challenge easily surpassed by Bush.
Credit for "Mission Accomplished" is often implied to the reader of the text but, not expressly noted in the book.
Readers witness the difficult Bush task of un-spining the truth is much more problematic than fabricating imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction. Facts are stubborn and not easily removed from history. Bush seemed frustrated that Vice President Al Gore and President Obama received "The Nobel Peace Prize and he didn't even get an Academy Award Nomination.
The books revelation that the darkest day of his Presidency was the accusation from a illiterate Hip Hop Star that Bush was a Racist. The exchange of "Who's a Racist" is now competing with "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" The book inspires us to question if Bush is a racist and Hip Hops are racist why, then is former Mayor of "The Big Easy" Ray Nagin not a racist.
Former F.E.M.A Director "Heckuva Job Brownie" was unavailable for comment.
It's important to note the Supreme Court has recently ruled that Water Boarding Mayors is against the "Geneva Convention" Water Boarding Hip Hops Stars is OK.
Hurricane Katrina, War Dead in Iraq and the Terror Attacks on New York City and The Pentagon wisely take second place to being personally charged with racism. The Bush famous quote of "Fool me once shame on me and Fool me twice, shame on the other two things" apply here.
Famous Bush Doctrines such as No Contractor Left Behind and The Jobs America does not want are not embellished in his long list of achievements. Vice President and Mentor Dick Cheney advised the No- Bid Contracts to Haliburton and Covert Immigration should be left out of their book for reasons of national security. Thanks to the Bush Patriot Act our government no longer needs the US Constitution. The Patriot Act provides for KGB type surveillance on the public. It seems that during the Bush Years civil discord has reached a level where home made domestic terror is perceived as a bigger threat than Arabs hiding on planes.
Bush refuses to acknowledge the Iraq Invasion was a real boner mistake. Bush stresses that Saddam Hussein was a poor leader and therefore needed replaced. He fails to mention the citizens never threw shoes at Saddam or Iranian threats quadrupled in Saddam's absents. The book claims that Bush kept us safe from terror attacks. He does not mention the weapons he shielded us from did not exist or we've only been attacked once and it was on his watch!! George never compromised his values even when faced with facts his values were wrong.
This is the core of his legacy. The "Decider" made American Foreign Policy from nothing more than stubborn childish values. He told us he was a free market capitalist when gasoline was $4.00 a gallon. When the Banksters needed TARP Bailout money he quickly abandoned free market capitalist for a socialist administration. His convictions are obviously shallow when choices are between cash or convictions.
His domestic policies transformed a 3 Trillion dollar Clinton surplus into a out of control 13 trillion dollar deficit. Americans booted out of homes with TARP money and sleeping in the streets is the Bush legacy.
The charge that Dick Cheney was actually running the country is rebuffed by Bush. It's still unclear to most Americans as to; was Dick running the country or did we simply have eight years with two Vice Presidents.
Ultimately, Bush is correct, history will decide the Bush Legacy. We all hope we've seen the last chapter. Bush will be remembered most not for starting a senseless War in Iraq or Playing the Fiddle while destroying the Largest Economy the world has ever known. George W Bush should be remembered for having done so without a single drop of alcohol.
Ultimately, Bush is correct, history will decide the Bush Legacy. We all hope we've seen the last chapter. Bush will be remembered most not for starting a senseless War in Iraq or Playing the Fiddle while destroying the Largest Economy the world has ever known. George W Bush should be remembered for having done so without a single drop of alcohol.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Voo Doo Economics.

Most of the time I'm lost in all the economists who tell us what we need to do to bring down the unemployment rate in America. Among our list of things that don't work are The Bush TARP, Bank Bailouts, Obama Stimulus and Recovery Act, Obama Health care, all forms of Corporate Welfare, AIG Insurance Bailouts and Financial Reform Act. These genius legislation's are reported to be working in the absents of new jobs.
C'mon guys that means it's not working!! What is a jobless recovery: it's failure is what you got. Even in spite of jobless recovery the Banksters redeem huge Bonus Booty and Corporate Welfare abounds the same as before the bust.
They seem to be offering fixes to unemployment that benefit everything but jobs? Could this be intentional and how can things like health care create jobs? A Quantum Leap of faith for hope and change. None the less this is what we all bought and worse paid. We can all testify that if you induce Two Trillion Dollars of borrowed money into the Stock Market it goes up 5500 points. So what?
To understand the fix we first need to understand the core problem. At the top of the list is the unemployment rate of 9.7% This number which is closely watched and always receives reviews from the pundits is our first mistake. The number does not reflect people who have been booted out of the count because they have been unemployed to long to be counted. The unemployment rate only reflects those who are eligible to collect unemployment benefits. If your an illegal worker, under employed or part-time then you don't count. This is a lot of people Mr President. Continued denial of the extent of the problem is a product of politics not economics.
A good place to start then, would to count all the workers who are in the labor market. The next step would be to address who may work and who is too young, too old or illegal. Once we know how large the problem is we can now begin to fix the problem. Short answer of 9.7% is as delusional as Congress, Obama, US Treasury, Pharaoh's of Greed Street and The Dirty Dozen Banksters
I think it important to release to my numerous readers my qualifications to develop an economic plan. You may be surprised I successfully completed a High School Education and Carpentry Apprenticeship in my youth. Equally important is the revelation I never wanted to be an economist.
Some may scoff at my qualifications but I remind all; my economics plan is working as well as those who garnered the Harvard Degrees and now occupy high ranking in the US Treasury, Federal Reserve and Presidency of The United States of America.
First solution would be to enforce laws of immigration, child labor and retirement for workers. This is a very big problem but one that is easily fixed. The rights of legal Americans should not be hostage to the plight and rights of people who are here illegally. These problems did not occur in the last two centuries and therefore are created in the last decade. The lost decade of George W Bush's no advancement only circular economics. Understanding how many are eligible to work and how many real jobs are available is central to fixing the problem.
The second problem of imported goods, free trade G-8, G-20 and WTC meetings is fair trade. If you have free trade you must first have fair trade. To trade their must be equality in the rules. Both countries who trade must have similar standards of worker's living to be fair trade. It's not important they share a currency or make the same wage. All that is required is they share the same workers rights, environmental standards and overall standard of living. This way we don't destroy the planet and kill all the buffalo again. Unfair trade is abusive to both countries in the long run and in short term rewards the greed of only a few. Long term the demand for goods diminishes in depression, poverty and both traders loose.
Another aspect of importation of goods are the true cost of the products. It's rather easy to calculate the unit cost, add shipping and markup. What's not included is the cost of screening all shipments for drugs and bombs to kill us. Imports are slowing down air travel and requires thousands of people to screen packages bags and travelers. Anyone remember the days when you walked casually to your flight and waited to board. We now have an army of secrete police looking for a needle in a haystack of underwear and cosmetics. If one airliner or ship is lost in terrorist bombs then that cost should be added to the cost of the product. Certainly the costs of the two World Trade Centers should be added to the costs of Free Trade.
Free is always a tip that something looks good but smells bad.
Nor, is the costs of the US Military to aid in safe passage from pirates on land, sea and air calculated into that Poisonous Chinese toothpaste. Also overlooked, is the quality is often poor but sometimes is a poisonous product. Perhaps a terrorist tariff should be applied to all foreign products entering the country. The cost of terrorist activities should be rightly placed upon the products and not solely on the consumer who buys the products without seeing the real cost. It looks cheaper because we don't see all cost. Throw in a couple of Aircraft Carriers, B-2 Bombers and Homeland Stupidity and the $5.00 shirt at Wall Mart looks more like $150.00 dollars
If you start to look at this problem logically you begin to see that manufacturing in the US is actually cheaper when the costs are all inclusive. I think we need to take the people working for Homeland Stupidity , the Military and TSA and give them high paying manufacturing jobs in American made products and rebuild our once prosperous middle class. When we deny terrorist the opportunity to kill us with our own planes we all are safer.
The cost of the Military, TSA Workers and inconvenience to travelers is paid by the taxpayer not corporations. Similar to illegal immigration, Wall Streets booms from cheap labor and Main Street bursts under the burden of the Wars, Military, TSA and Entitlements.
Corporations in America have been recently deemed to have all the rights of the Citizens. It's time the Supreme Court now bestow the Corporations with all the liabilities of our citizens.
When it proved to costly to ship our jobs overseas they allowed illegal immigration to provide the same cheap labor to the Pharaoh's of Greed Street. Both have threatened our American way of life and security. We are all unsafe in our own homes until we rebuild the middle class.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Rock, Paper, Scissors

The news today is the American People put the car in R and returned the keys to US House of Representatives to the Republicans and their T-Party appendages. The same people who put the economy in the deep deep ditch under the direction of George W Bush.
"R" is a metaphor and has nothing in common with direction however, they're driving again.
New House Majority Leader John Boehner in concert with Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mc Connell declined the offer of the Obama's Slurppy in favor of the House Merlot.
Whine is now being served to ranking Republicans and Freshmen. We all know, nobody knows whine like John and Mitch. We're all hopeful their driving skills have improved and direction is clear.
I don't know about you but I'm a bit tired of hearing about Obama Care. My fear is they will waste as much time to repeal it as it took to conceive same. If only we could somehow trick them into fixing the economy, install a strong middle class, punish the banksters in court and control our borders. Then deport the criminal illegal free ranging aliens, all for a good start.
The Senate will remain in D allowing the Democrats to keep the key's to the Senate. It's unclear what the Democrats are drinking but, its clearly not slurppy.
Meanwhile Big Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve announced his plan to purchase 600 billion in Treasury Bonds. 75 billion a month until the economy responds positively.. Similar to beating the crew until the moral improves analogy. Ben doesn't have any money and China is tapped out so he'll fire up Merlin's Magic Money Machine and ask former Patriots for help. Benjamin Franklin and Ulysses S Grant will allow their likeness to print some more American debt. None of the money will be used for the COLA or other public good.
The zero percent interest at the discount window since 2008 was not enough to stimulate the economy. Lower interest at the discount window means the Dirty Dozen Banksters can loan out money cheaper. The problem evidently is nobody wants the cheap money because the middle class is tapped out and barely hanging on to the homes they should have never bought and now stuck with.
The 600 billion Bond purchase is in addition to the 1.7 trillion dollar toxic asset purchases that were designed to make the Banksters look really smart. It's all about faith in the realm of Hi-Finance. Understandably faith is in very short supply in America today.
I'm not sure how this all is supposed to work but I think it's like buying a house. First you buy a house that you can't afford. so you apply and receive a second mortgage to make a bridge loan on the payments until you can sell the house for a profit. Then you take the profits from your sale and double down buying two houses you can't afford and another bridge loan to make payments until you sell. After all your good for the note huh. To offset your costs you rent one house for less than the mortgage payments. The reason you rent and loose money is because the property is vastly overpriced and there isn't a market for houses in this price range.
The beauty of this system is each time an insolvent loan is granted the Banksters, Real Estate Agents, Appraises attach fees and taxes all increase accordingly. This makes more discretionary income to invest back into the market. Presumably the system works well as long as China doesn't run out of money to loan us. Heaven forbid China runs out of money cause they got Nuclear Weapons.
The Pharaoh's of Greed Street are in favor as this means more money for the New York Casino. Printing more money insures inflation and even though stock values won't increase the stock costs are sure to rise. This means more bonus from their genius as the market soars from inflation.The same tactics as the Obama Stimulus and Bush TARP that drove the Dow Jones from 6,600 to over 11,000 in 18 months. Even though their bonus money is theoretically worth less due to inflation. Some bonus is better than no bonus on the Dow Jones Treadmill of Fortune...
The election over, the winners are all flaunting their mandates of representing the people. Most of them are delusional about their win. They're for a very short time the best of the worst in American politics.
Our President Obama wasted no time to offer empathy/sympathy for those who made the "Tough Choices" and lost their seat at the public trough. The "Tough Choices no doubt were casting yes votes for Obama Care and Financial Reform Act that the majority of Americans were firmly against. Life is tuff at the public trough!
When we elect people to office to represent the people as our proxy. We don't expect them to vote against the will of the people. Obama Care and Financial Reform Acts are like a pre-arranged marriage.
The hope is one day we will embrace the needs of the politicians. The longer bad legislation is allowed to be law the more it is accepted. Not because it's better or working but, rather as people die through attrition's new taxpayers just don't know better and legislation like Social Security becomes accepted.
I'm not against Social Security, Medicare Medicaid or Health Care. Like most people I abhor the way they're administered. The system that places the government and employer between the consumer and his purchases cause for runaway imaginary costs. Free is always implied because the citizen never sees how much money is transferred. I don't need it and I don't want it thank you very much.
The path we have chosen rewards only a few as the imaginary bar of prosperity is raised. Every time profits are increased more people fall beneath the prosperity bar. The trick is to convince the American people they're poor because they haven't the right education and therefore they're poverty is deserved and self-imposed.
We Americans are just not as smart as the Chinese worker?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hope, Change Down the Drain

Mid-Term Elections are over marking another election cycle complete. I remember my first vote. I voted for Richard Nixon in 72. The 26th amendment passed July 1, 1971 allowed eighteen year old the right to vote. The Boomer's were beginning their wave of control over the culture in America.
The 26th Amendment to the US Constitution was the Boomer's first mark on America. I had no idea how rare Constitutional Amendments were in the American Government.. In a very few short months my first vote would be nullified by the man I voted for.
Vice President, Spiro T Agnew had already resigned amid charges of bribery as Governor of Maryland. Nixon wounded politically appointed Jerry Ford as his new Vice President
Richard Nixon would also resign in the Watergate Scandal leaving Jerry Ford as President of the United States of America and never received a single vote.
President Ford then gave Nixon an Unconditional Presidential Pardon to Nixon for any future indictments against Nixon.
All this because of my vote? I would be more careful when voting in the future. Like most Americans I couldn't wait to vote President Ford out of the White House.
I voted for a peanut farmer in Georgia to get the undeserving criminal pardoning Ford out of the Oval Office. I would soon regret my second vote as much as the first. At least Carter didn't resign.
I voted optimistically for Ronald Regan twice. Reagan's policies slowly pulled the economy out of recession. The recovery unfortunately was paid in full by the Middle Class in trickle down economics. Foreign Cars were everywhere and telephones, stocks and bonds, savings and loans, airlines, intrastate trucking were all deregulated. All Good for Big Business and bad for the middle class. Union busting was open season under Reagan.
Having been trickled down upon way to long I could see that some Americans were losing their jobs as Corporate America made huge profits under Reagan. The CEO's made thirty times the average salaries of the average American worker in 1981. Thanks to Reagan the Banksters, Auto Czars and Insurance Stealers now claim 500 times the average salary of the American Worker in 2010. Labor unions are powerless today. Deregulation made possible the Silverado Savings Fiasco, Obscene Corporate Profits and the Bank Failure of 2008. Add two wars and Bubba 42's Blue Dress was looking pale in comparison in my voting records.
I voted against Bush 41 and consider this my first good vote. Bush 41 went down in his infamous slogan "Read My Lips No New Taxes" Neal Bush son of Bush 41 was indicted and convicted in The $160 billion dollar taxpayer bailouts of Silverado Savings and Loan Fiasco that was paid in full by the Middle Class in Bush 41's "New Taxes"
I supported Ross Perot in the next election to break the Democrat/ Republican cycles but, Ross dropped out in cold feet. I voted for Slick Willy Clinton as a one term solution to removing Bush 41 from the Oval Office. The Clinton Battle Cry was "It's the Economy Stupid" knocking the wheels off Bush 41's failed platforms of "Family Values". I could see then and now to have Family Values you must first Value Families!
Now I was a seasoned voter having been a witness to the results of my former voting. I learned the pictures of the Guy hanging in all the schools were not great men at all. These American Presidents; some were made great by the office. None made the office great. Some were a disgrace to the office and voting was serious business !!!
To my surprise I would vote again for Slick Willy Clinton. Bubba had the economy clicking and all the trains were on time. First time in fifty years we had a balanced budget and a 3 trillion dollar surplus in the US Treasury.
The Federal reserve Chairmen Alan Greenspan was so concerned about Bubba's economy he stated on National Television that wages were increasing in full employment and he would raise interest rates to slow the economy hedging against the imaginary inflation.
What I heard was people who work for a paycheck would be denied prosperity by making some unemployed. This statement with uncontrolled borders were circumventing the laws of supply and demand in labor markets. It was evident the Federal Government could now control both supply and demand of labor in America. Raising the interest rate to increase unemployment is as despicable as allowing illegal free ranging criminal aliens access to our American jobs. The prospect of working hard to achieve the American Dream was gone.
Because of Bush 41's Silverado Savings Fiasco I voted against George W Bush twice. Without my vote Bush 43 destroyed the economy with another banking fiasco, uncontrolled borders, started the war in Iraq to eliminate imaginary "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and initiated no contractor left behind covert agenda's "No Bid Contracts" to cronies Haliburton and Blackwater. Then former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson handed over the the Keys of the US Treasury to AIG who would in turn bailout Goldman Sachs and the Dirty Dozen Banksters.
Bush 43 lead us in a big circle landing the economy back in 1999 without a 3 trillion surplus and 13 trillion in debt and two wars raging eight years. The Bush cronies made billions from the circle in the lost decade. Again the American people will pick up the tab. This time without a long gone middle class. There are so many phrases to define Bush 43. From "I'm The Decider" Mission Accomplished" George the Shoe Guy" and "Weapons of Mass Destruction". His legacy is a disgrace to the American People.
I supported President Obama but did not vote for Obama. All said and done, close to election it was revealed his Aunt was living on welfare in Boston and not here legally. This was more than I could accept. I have many regrets of the Obama Administration but winning over Mc Cain is not one of the reasons.
I must admit my support for him was racially motivated. I believed a man with a black father would not bend to the Oligarchy Government. Obama would be a President of the people. Sadly, I was wrong as partisan politics and the Pharaoh's of Wall Street played him like a marionette.
The Obama Employer based Healthcare and Financial Reform Act will mold his legacy in 2012. Obama was given an open checkbook and great opportunity to offer real hope to the middle class. Instead he has been proven more concerned with building a bigger Federal Government limiting freedom of the citizens.
Bush 43 was intent on building Big Business in America. Obama 44 has proven to be intent on building a Bigger Federal Government. The people want neither.
This Mid Term Elections are not a mandate to the newly elected candidates. The newly elected servants are on notice, we will replace you if you support either Big Government or Big Business.
Our elections are only moderately better than selection of the Number One College Football Teams in America. Similar to the Republicans and Democrats we allow news giants UPI and API tell us who is best. We need election reforms that allow for none of the above and no corporate donations across the board.
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