Mid-Term Elections are over marking another election cycle complete. I remember my first vote. I voted for Richard Nixon in 72. The 26th amendment passed July 1, 1971 allowed eighteen year old the right to vote. The Boomer's were beginning their wave of control over the culture in America.
The 26th Amendment to the US Constitution was the Boomer's first mark on America. I had no idea how rare Constitutional Amendments were in the American Government.. In a very few short months my first vote would be nullified by the man I voted for.
Vice President, Spiro T Agnew had already resigned amid charges of bribery as Governor of Maryland. Nixon wounded politically appointed Jerry Ford as his new Vice President
Richard Nixon would also resign in the Watergate Scandal leaving Jerry Ford as President of the United States of America and never received a single vote.
President Ford then gave Nixon an Unconditional Presidential Pardon to Nixon for any future indictments against Nixon.
All this because of my vote? I would be more careful when voting in the future. Like most Americans I couldn't wait to vote President Ford out of the White House.
I voted for a peanut farmer in Georgia to get the undeserving criminal pardoning Ford out of the Oval Office. I would soon regret my second vote as much as the first. At least Carter didn't resign.
I voted optimistically for Ronald Regan twice. Reagan's policies slowly pulled the economy out of recession. The recovery unfortunately was paid in full by the Middle Class in trickle down economics. Foreign Cars were everywhere and telephones, stocks and bonds, savings and loans, airlines, intrastate trucking were all deregulated. All Good for Big Business and bad for the middle class. Union busting was open season under Reagan.
Having been trickled down upon way to long I could see that some Americans were losing their jobs as Corporate America made huge profits under Reagan. The CEO's made thirty times the average salaries of the average American worker in 1981. Thanks to Reagan the Banksters, Auto Czars and Insurance Stealers now claim 500 times the average salary of the American Worker in 2010. Labor unions are powerless today. Deregulation made possible the Silverado Savings Fiasco, Obscene Corporate Profits and the Bank Failure of 2008. Add two wars and Bubba 42's Blue Dress was looking pale in comparison in my voting records.
I voted against Bush 41 and consider this my first good vote. Bush 41 went down in his infamous slogan "Read My Lips No New Taxes" Neal Bush son of Bush 41 was indicted and convicted in The $160 billion dollar taxpayer bailouts of Silverado Savings and Loan Fiasco that was paid in full by the Middle Class in Bush 41's "New Taxes"
I supported Ross Perot in the next election to break the Democrat/ Republican cycles but, Ross dropped out in cold feet. I voted for Slick Willy Clinton as a one term solution to removing Bush 41 from the Oval Office. The Clinton Battle Cry was "It's the Economy Stupid" knocking the wheels off Bush 41's failed platforms of "Family Values". I could see then and now to have Family Values you must first Value Families!
Now I was a seasoned voter having been a witness to the results of my former voting. I learned the pictures of the Guy hanging in all the schools were not great men at all. These American Presidents; some were made great by the office. None made the office great. Some were a disgrace to the office and voting was serious business !!!
To my surprise I would vote again for Slick Willy Clinton. Bubba had the economy clicking and all the trains were on time. First time in fifty years we had a balanced budget and a 3 trillion dollar surplus in the US Treasury.
The Federal reserve Chairmen Alan Greenspan was so concerned about Bubba's economy he stated on National Television that wages were increasing in full employment and he would raise interest rates to slow the economy hedging against the imaginary inflation.
What I heard was people who work for a paycheck would be denied prosperity by making some unemployed. This statement with uncontrolled borders were circumventing the laws of supply and demand in labor markets. It was evident the Federal Government could now control both supply and demand of labor in America. Raising the interest rate to increase unemployment is as despicable as allowing illegal free ranging criminal aliens access to our American jobs. The prospect of working hard to achieve the American Dream was gone.
Because of Bush 41's Silverado Savings Fiasco I voted against George W Bush twice. Without my vote Bush 43 destroyed the economy with another banking fiasco, uncontrolled borders, started the war in Iraq to eliminate imaginary "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and initiated no contractor left behind covert agenda's "No Bid Contracts" to cronies Haliburton and Blackwater. Then former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson handed over the the Keys of the US Treasury to AIG who would in turn bailout Goldman Sachs and the Dirty Dozen Banksters.
Bush 43 lead us in a big circle landing the economy back in 1999 without a 3 trillion surplus and 13 trillion in debt and two wars raging eight years. The Bush cronies made billions from the circle in the lost decade. Again the American people will pick up the tab. This time without a long gone middle class. There are so many phrases to define Bush 43. From "I'm The Decider" Mission Accomplished" George the Shoe Guy" and "Weapons of Mass Destruction". His legacy is a disgrace to the American People.
I supported President Obama but did not vote for Obama. All said and done, close to election it was revealed his Aunt was living on welfare in Boston and not here legally. This was more than I could accept. I have many regrets of the Obama Administration but winning over Mc Cain is not one of the reasons.
I must admit my support for him was racially motivated. I believed a man with a black father would not bend to the Oligarchy Government. Obama would be a President of the people. Sadly, I was wrong as partisan politics and the Pharaoh's of Wall Street played him like a marionette.
The Obama Employer based Healthcare and Financial Reform Act will mold his legacy in 2012. Obama was given an open checkbook and great opportunity to offer real hope to the middle class. Instead he has been proven more concerned with building a bigger Federal Government limiting freedom of the citizens.
Bush 43 was intent on building Big Business in America. Obama 44 has proven to be intent on building a Bigger Federal Government. The people want neither.
This Mid Term Elections are not a mandate to the newly elected candidates. The newly elected servants are on notice, we will replace you if you support either Big Government or Big Business.
Our elections are only moderately better than selection of the Number One College Football Teams in America. Similar to the Republicans and Democrats we allow news giants UPI and API tell us who is best. We need election reforms that allow for none of the above and no corporate donations across the board.
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