I like Sarah Palin, but she quit her position as Governor of Alaska.
I really never fully understood why she quit such a lucrative position of power such as Governor.
I hear and enjoy allot of her T-Party Rhetoric that criticizes the actions of others in an dysfunctional government. We all know what's wrong, Ray Charles could see that and he's dead and blind. Criticism without solution is hypocrisy in inaction and she quit her job as Governor.
President Nixon was the only guy to quit the Presidency and that screwed everything up for ten years.
Many pundits ask "Is she qualified to be President of the United States of America"?
George W Bush proved that if you meet the criteria of the US Constitution intelligence is not required. The first law of Bush politics is "spin the narrative fast enough that facts are lost in the lying".
I must admit after her interview with Katy Couric I have trouble imagining her in debate with Obama or other World Leaders. Trick question about "do you read" and "where's Russia" was beyond Sarahs knowledge. Did I mention she resigned as Governor of Alaska.
Sarah Palin is as qualified as Paul Teutel Sr. to be President and Paul didn't quit Governor of Alaska. I Like the idea of a Palin/Teutel ticket in 2012 or Teutel/Palin?
Paul Teutel is no relation to famous Ma and Pa Tuttle I checked. I watch the testosterone basic cable soap opera success "American Chopper". What I enjoy about the show is the obvious use of American Made Products. I don't however, follow Dancing with the Stars and fail to see the interest.
Chung's Chinese Choppers evidently would not sell on the Discovery Channel. Although a spot on Home Shopping Cutlery Network might be a big success. It's all about image and people who ride American Made Motorcycles might purchase steak knives from China. This is a big problem in America.
I'm not ruling Sarah out as a candidate in 2012, after all I supported Ross Perot and Obama.
I would like to hear less about what others did wrong and more about detailed analyses of how she would fix our problems.
I really never fully understood why she quit such a lucrative position of power such as Governor.
I hear and enjoy allot of her T-Party Rhetoric that criticizes the actions of others in an dysfunctional government. We all know what's wrong, Ray Charles could see that and he's dead and blind. Criticism without solution is hypocrisy in inaction and she quit her job as Governor.
President Nixon was the only guy to quit the Presidency and that screwed everything up for ten years.
Many pundits ask "Is she qualified to be President of the United States of America"?
George W Bush proved that if you meet the criteria of the US Constitution intelligence is not required. The first law of Bush politics is "spin the narrative fast enough that facts are lost in the lying".
I must admit after her interview with Katy Couric I have trouble imagining her in debate with Obama or other World Leaders. Trick question about "do you read" and "where's Russia" was beyond Sarahs knowledge. Did I mention she resigned as Governor of Alaska.
Sarah Palin is as qualified as Paul Teutel Sr. to be President and Paul didn't quit Governor of Alaska. I Like the idea of a Palin/Teutel ticket in 2012 or Teutel/Palin?
Paul Teutel is no relation to famous Ma and Pa Tuttle I checked. I watch the testosterone basic cable soap opera success "American Chopper". What I enjoy about the show is the obvious use of American Made Products. I don't however, follow Dancing with the Stars and fail to see the interest.
Chung's Chinese Choppers evidently would not sell on the Discovery Channel. Although a spot on Home Shopping Cutlery Network might be a big success. It's all about image and people who ride American Made Motorcycles might purchase steak knives from China. This is a big problem in America.
I'm not ruling Sarah out as a candidate in 2012, after all I supported Ross Perot and Obama.
I would like to hear less about what others did wrong and more about detailed analyses of how she would fix our problems.
Remembering our last Presidential Election our President promised to imprison the Banksters bring jobs back to America and rebuild the abandoned middle class. What we got was Health care and Financial Reforms that legalize 2big2fail. Obama accomplished both without putting one Bankster in jail or controlling the increasing rate of poverty in America. John Kennedy said "success has a thousand fathers".
The faces of failure endure until the damage is repaired. Obama has thus far acted as a one term President. The Obama legacy is his vision and not the will of the people. Obama will be remembered as a capable President who's only errors were his own misguided agenda of change. Good intentions out of proper sequence and poorly executed legislation will stain his legacy when all America wanted him to succeed.
Regardless of the candidate I want to hear solutions only in 2012. No more tattletales. Pointing fingers is only good in court and nobody goes to court or prison today.
Whoever we elect I hope they don't quit for more pay on "Dancing with the Stars"
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