In the beginning man hunted and fished for his needs. Hunters and Gatherers wandered the planet in search of their next meal. Agriculture was discovered and the mailbox was invented. Tribes traded and bartered for their needs in the absents of government and taxes. Two bushels of wheat for a chicken. Two chickens equals one goat. Five goats equals one cow etc. No Banksters or Broksters.
We didn't have government until the bronze age and gold smelting was discovered. As soon as we found gold we invented the pentagram of evil including war, greed, government, politicians, rulers and taxes. The Gold Standard was born. It was given the name of economy. Markets flourished as clans bought and sold all commodities in gold exchanges. Kings had armies and armies controlled the people and the gold.
Commerce produced wealthy, poor and slaves. The new system divided the wealth unevenly by creating hundreds of slaves and thousands of poor to create the wealth of a few.
This system worked for a couple of thousand years then some guy killed the King and Democracy was born. This was a good day indeed. Now each person could own property and gold. It was then necessary to assess each person for taxes to build roads schools and perform the work of the dead King. England still has Kings and Queens and they serve the same useless purpose for 5 thousand years. No comment on the English Monarchy as I'm Scottish and therefore guilty of countless attempts to kill them off throughout history. Regardless of the government the crops still grow and fish still swim.
Democracy was a long time coming and self government was difficult, until we formed a more perfect Union in the US Constitution. Great read on the least sellers lists.
Things got out of control for a while so we chose up sides and exercised our rights to butcher each other in World Wars 1 and 2. The crops were still growing and fish swam in the oceans as we killed people for the control of Gold. This concludes the history of the World Parts One and Two.
Then a long came a guy named Nixon and he abandoned the Gold Standard for the Confetti Standard. We now could print money rather than dig for Gold. This is where most people get lost because Gold does not evaporate whereas money does.
If you placed six hundred dollars in a drawer with six hundred dollars worth of Gold and closed the drawer for fifty years you would find when you opened the drawer the Money was only worth one hundred dollars and the Gold was worth about the same in purchase power. Gold is slowly mined around the planet increasing the volume. Money is printed currency and can be printed in endless supply. The printing of new money is what causes the evaporation of the dollars.
If you find yourself in poverty, the reason is simple. The rulers make it against the law for you to print your own money. Therefore, you don't make the rules you only follow the rules.
Following the rules will always make you poor. There are two rules beyond your control and both are intangible. They are imaginary and fabricated by the rulers. They are Interest and Tax. Without the Gold Standard they control your wealth by printing money, interest and taxes. The three are mystically tied to each other in a blur of obscurity called finance. Don't waste your time trying to figure it out because without a real commodity like Gold the rules change faster than you can say Bernie Madoff. When any changes are made to one it affects the other two.
If you print more money you must increase tax because printing more money makes the current money worth less (worth less not worthless) Current money is why it's called currency. Printing money and tax are inseparable. You make more money you pay more tax. They offer college degrees to study tax so don't try to figure this out either.
Wow! I made it back to Government Motors or GM. GM is in the news this week because of the stock offering on Greed Street. The hope is the sell off will retire some of the debt owed the taxpayers from Bush TARP 2big2fail. Whoppeee! we may get a third of our money returned from TARP. You remember when George the Shoe Guy came out of the Socialism Closet and changed capitalism forever with TARP.
We haven't been this mad since Jerry Ford exonerated Richard Nixon from prosecution of high crimes and misdemeanors. The Pardon that grants a Get Outta Jail Free in exchange for the appointment of "Leader of the Free World".
Anyhow an article published today claiming the T Party was wrong and the GM Bailout was the smartest move since we bought Texas from Mexico.
2big2fail is nothing more than 2blind2see. The Salvation of GM is not the source of the angry taxpayer. For years GM legally repossessed cars and foreclosed homes from taxpayers as rule one of capitalism. It's not so much that GM and the Dirty Dozen Banks were bailed out. The anger comes as we have gone from the Gold Standard to the Confetti Standard and now courtesy of George W Bush we now have the Double Standard. The Double Standard is very simple. It has no rules and can be crafted to any situation.
Look, We all know that if you wait long enough and carry John Q Citizen long enough eventually providing him with subsidies he will overcome his obstacles and return to work and regain solvency just like GM. Joe Plumber will pay his mortgage and make car payments when he returns to work. If we as a country did for the taxpayers what they did for GM and Banksters we wouldn't have recessions. People could stay in their homes and wait out the storm until the economy improves.
I don't support the idea of 2big2fail or 2blind2see. When Lehman Brothers went down the London Bank Barclay's bought most of the assets within 24 hours. Less than a week later a Japanese Bank bought all of Lehman's Asian holdings and the taxpayer paid nada. In one week the whole bankruptcy was done. We forget that before there was GM there were separate corporation of Chevy, Olds, Pontiac, Cadillac, Fisher Body, Delco all formed into a huge corporation to compete against Henry Ford. The best scenario would return these corporation back to where they began. I would support subsidies to invest in a solid business model borrower to rebuild Cadillac or Pontiac. Instead we bailout a bunch of losers and perpetuate incompetency. 2big2 fail is the reward for Peter Principle. Where a man is rewarded for sublime incompetency.
In a nut shell, I don't believe America owes anyone a TARP Bailout but, if you give it to one then you must change the rules for all. GM is not a success story. GM is a story of corruption that impedes the much needed correction provided by free market capitalism. I recommend we return all the foreclosed homes and reward the homeowner with bonuses or the Banksters should be imprisoned and their Banks sold off like Lehman Brothers. Only then will we begin to crawl out of this hole of 2big2fail.
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