Sadists everywhere are embracing the release of the long awaited George W Bush's new book Decision Points. The often maligned former President has been seen shamelessly hawking interest in his 7 million dollar book sales. His saturation levels on daytime TV recently has outpaced his successor Celebrity President Obama.
We may soon see Bush and Obama on "Dancing with the Stars" but probably not dancing Bi-Partisan. Dancing to the top forty hit "Hey Big Spender" is rumored. The Secretary of State has reportedly banned former President Bubba Clinton from the show due to family value issues.
The new book is the self fulfilling prophecy that history would ultimately judge his administration. Reminding Americans again, making 17% of the people happy all the time is a daunting task.
We may soon see Bush and Obama on "Dancing with the Stars" but probably not dancing Bi-Partisan. Dancing to the top forty hit "Hey Big Spender" is rumored. The Secretary of State has reportedly banned former President Bubba Clinton from the show due to family value issues.
The new book is the self fulfilling prophecy that history would ultimately judge his administration. Reminding Americans again, making 17% of the people happy all the time is a daunting task.
Be sure to pick up a copy of Bush's Decision Points. If you haven't already purchased your copy you will probably be accused of not supporting the Troops.
The book carries the theme throughout that things could have been much worse had he not acted boldly in his leadership. After all Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years and only had 10 plagues to his credit. A challenge easily surpassed by Bush.
Credit for "Mission Accomplished" is often implied to the reader of the text but, not expressly noted in the book.
Readers witness the difficult Bush task of un-spining the truth is much more problematic than fabricating imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction. Facts are stubborn and not easily removed from history. Bush seemed frustrated that Vice President Al Gore and President Obama received "The Nobel Peace Prize and he didn't even get an Academy Award Nomination.
The books revelation that the darkest day of his Presidency was the accusation from a illiterate Hip Hop Star that Bush was a Racist. The exchange of "Who's a Racist" is now competing with "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" The book inspires us to question if Bush is a racist and Hip Hops are racist why, then is former Mayor of "The Big Easy" Ray Nagin not a racist.
Former F.E.M.A Director "Heckuva Job Brownie" was unavailable for comment.
It's important to note the Supreme Court has recently ruled that Water Boarding Mayors is against the "Geneva Convention" Water Boarding Hip Hops Stars is OK.
Hurricane Katrina, War Dead in Iraq and the Terror Attacks on New York City and The Pentagon wisely take second place to being personally charged with racism. The Bush famous quote of "Fool me once shame on me and Fool me twice, shame on the other two things" apply here.
Famous Bush Doctrines such as No Contractor Left Behind and The Jobs America does not want are not embellished in his long list of achievements. Vice President and Mentor Dick Cheney advised the No- Bid Contracts to Haliburton and Covert Immigration should be left out of their book for reasons of national security. Thanks to the Bush Patriot Act our government no longer needs the US Constitution. The Patriot Act provides for KGB type surveillance on the public. It seems that during the Bush Years civil discord has reached a level where home made domestic terror is perceived as a bigger threat than Arabs hiding on planes.
The book carries the theme throughout that things could have been much worse had he not acted boldly in his leadership. After all Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years and only had 10 plagues to his credit. A challenge easily surpassed by Bush.
Credit for "Mission Accomplished" is often implied to the reader of the text but, not expressly noted in the book.
Readers witness the difficult Bush task of un-spining the truth is much more problematic than fabricating imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction. Facts are stubborn and not easily removed from history. Bush seemed frustrated that Vice President Al Gore and President Obama received "The Nobel Peace Prize and he didn't even get an Academy Award Nomination.
The books revelation that the darkest day of his Presidency was the accusation from a illiterate Hip Hop Star that Bush was a Racist. The exchange of "Who's a Racist" is now competing with "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" The book inspires us to question if Bush is a racist and Hip Hops are racist why, then is former Mayor of "The Big Easy" Ray Nagin not a racist.
Former F.E.M.A Director "Heckuva Job Brownie" was unavailable for comment.
It's important to note the Supreme Court has recently ruled that Water Boarding Mayors is against the "Geneva Convention" Water Boarding Hip Hops Stars is OK.
Hurricane Katrina, War Dead in Iraq and the Terror Attacks on New York City and The Pentagon wisely take second place to being personally charged with racism. The Bush famous quote of "Fool me once shame on me and Fool me twice, shame on the other two things" apply here.
Famous Bush Doctrines such as No Contractor Left Behind and The Jobs America does not want are not embellished in his long list of achievements. Vice President and Mentor Dick Cheney advised the No- Bid Contracts to Haliburton and Covert Immigration should be left out of their book for reasons of national security. Thanks to the Bush Patriot Act our government no longer needs the US Constitution. The Patriot Act provides for KGB type surveillance on the public. It seems that during the Bush Years civil discord has reached a level where home made domestic terror is perceived as a bigger threat than Arabs hiding on planes.
Bush refuses to acknowledge the Iraq Invasion was a real boner mistake. Bush stresses that Saddam Hussein was a poor leader and therefore needed replaced. He fails to mention the citizens never threw shoes at Saddam or Iranian threats quadrupled in Saddam's absents. The book claims that Bush kept us safe from terror attacks. He does not mention the weapons he shielded us from did not exist or we've only been attacked once and it was on his watch!! George never compromised his values even when faced with facts his values were wrong.
This is the core of his legacy. The "Decider" made American Foreign Policy from nothing more than stubborn childish values. He told us he was a free market capitalist when gasoline was $4.00 a gallon. When the Banksters needed TARP Bailout money he quickly abandoned free market capitalist for a socialist administration. His convictions are obviously shallow when choices are between cash or convictions.
His domestic policies transformed a 3 Trillion dollar Clinton surplus into a out of control 13 trillion dollar deficit. Americans booted out of homes with TARP money and sleeping in the streets is the Bush legacy.
The charge that Dick Cheney was actually running the country is rebuffed by Bush. It's still unclear to most Americans as to; was Dick running the country or did we simply have eight years with two Vice Presidents.
Ultimately, Bush is correct, history will decide the Bush Legacy. We all hope we've seen the last chapter. Bush will be remembered most not for starting a senseless War in Iraq or Playing the Fiddle while destroying the Largest Economy the world has ever known. George W Bush should be remembered for having done so without a single drop of alcohol.
Ultimately, Bush is correct, history will decide the Bush Legacy. We all hope we've seen the last chapter. Bush will be remembered most not for starting a senseless War in Iraq or Playing the Fiddle while destroying the Largest Economy the world has ever known. George W Bush should be remembered for having done so without a single drop of alcohol.
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