Most of the time I'm lost in all the economists who tell us what we need to do to bring down the unemployment rate in America. Among our list of things that don't work are The Bush TARP, Bank Bailouts, Obama Stimulus and Recovery Act, Obama Health care, all forms of Corporate Welfare, AIG Insurance Bailouts and Financial Reform Act. These genius legislation's are reported to be working in the absents of new jobs.
C'mon guys that means it's not working!! What is a jobless recovery: it's failure is what you got. Even in spite of jobless recovery the Banksters redeem huge Bonus Booty and Corporate Welfare abounds the same as before the bust.
They seem to be offering fixes to unemployment that benefit everything but jobs? Could this be intentional and how can things like health care create jobs? A Quantum Leap of faith for hope and change. None the less this is what we all bought and worse paid. We can all testify that if you induce Two Trillion Dollars of borrowed money into the Stock Market it goes up 5500 points. So what?
To understand the fix we first need to understand the core problem. At the top of the list is the unemployment rate of 9.7% This number which is closely watched and always receives reviews from the pundits is our first mistake. The number does not reflect people who have been booted out of the count because they have been unemployed to long to be counted. The unemployment rate only reflects those who are eligible to collect unemployment benefits. If your an illegal worker, under employed or part-time then you don't count. This is a lot of people Mr President. Continued denial of the extent of the problem is a product of politics not economics.
A good place to start then, would to count all the workers who are in the labor market. The next step would be to address who may work and who is too young, too old or illegal. Once we know how large the problem is we can now begin to fix the problem. Short answer of 9.7% is as delusional as Congress, Obama, US Treasury, Pharaoh's of Greed Street and The Dirty Dozen Banksters
I think it important to release to my numerous readers my qualifications to develop an economic plan. You may be surprised I successfully completed a High School Education and Carpentry Apprenticeship in my youth. Equally important is the revelation I never wanted to be an economist.
Some may scoff at my qualifications but I remind all; my economics plan is working as well as those who garnered the Harvard Degrees and now occupy high ranking in the US Treasury, Federal Reserve and Presidency of The United States of America.
First solution would be to enforce laws of immigration, child labor and retirement for workers. This is a very big problem but one that is easily fixed. The rights of legal Americans should not be hostage to the plight and rights of people who are here illegally. These problems did not occur in the last two centuries and therefore are created in the last decade. The lost decade of George W Bush's no advancement only circular economics. Understanding how many are eligible to work and how many real jobs are available is central to fixing the problem.
The second problem of imported goods, free trade G-8, G-20 and WTC meetings is fair trade. If you have free trade you must first have fair trade. To trade their must be equality in the rules. Both countries who trade must have similar standards of worker's living to be fair trade. It's not important they share a currency or make the same wage. All that is required is they share the same workers rights, environmental standards and overall standard of living. This way we don't destroy the planet and kill all the buffalo again. Unfair trade is abusive to both countries in the long run and in short term rewards the greed of only a few. Long term the demand for goods diminishes in depression, poverty and both traders loose.
Another aspect of importation of goods are the true cost of the products. It's rather easy to calculate the unit cost, add shipping and markup. What's not included is the cost of screening all shipments for drugs and bombs to kill us. Imports are slowing down air travel and requires thousands of people to screen packages bags and travelers. Anyone remember the days when you walked casually to your flight and waited to board. We now have an army of secrete police looking for a needle in a haystack of underwear and cosmetics. If one airliner or ship is lost in terrorist bombs then that cost should be added to the cost of the product. Certainly the costs of the two World Trade Centers should be added to the costs of Free Trade.
Free is always a tip that something looks good but smells bad.
Nor, is the costs of the US Military to aid in safe passage from pirates on land, sea and air calculated into that Poisonous Chinese toothpaste. Also overlooked, is the quality is often poor but sometimes is a poisonous product. Perhaps a terrorist tariff should be applied to all foreign products entering the country. The cost of terrorist activities should be rightly placed upon the products and not solely on the consumer who buys the products without seeing the real cost. It looks cheaper because we don't see all cost. Throw in a couple of Aircraft Carriers, B-2 Bombers and Homeland Stupidity and the $5.00 shirt at Wall Mart looks more like $150.00 dollars
If you start to look at this problem logically you begin to see that manufacturing in the US is actually cheaper when the costs are all inclusive. I think we need to take the people working for Homeland Stupidity , the Military and TSA and give them high paying manufacturing jobs in American made products and rebuild our once prosperous middle class. When we deny terrorist the opportunity to kill us with our own planes we all are safer.
The cost of the Military, TSA Workers and inconvenience to travelers is paid by the taxpayer not corporations. Similar to illegal immigration, Wall Streets booms from cheap labor and Main Street bursts under the burden of the Wars, Military, TSA and Entitlements.
Corporations in America have been recently deemed to have all the rights of the Citizens. It's time the Supreme Court now bestow the Corporations with all the liabilities of our citizens.
When it proved to costly to ship our jobs overseas they allowed illegal immigration to provide the same cheap labor to the Pharaoh's of Greed Street. Both have threatened our American way of life and security. We are all unsafe in our own homes until we rebuild the middle class.
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