The senseless shooting in Arizona reminds us of our own mortality. We grieve the lives lost and pray for recovery of the injured.
We live in a dangerous world. The guilt or innocence of the shooter on Saturday will unfold in the months ahead.
It appears the man responsible is most likely insane. Had he not chosen the Congress on Your Corner of Gabrielle Gifford he could have just as easily chosen his community college or any public venue to express his insanity.
It's impossible for the rational mind to understand the logic of the insane. The task for all Americans should be focused on the source of the illness.
The prosecution should not include misguided persecution. Since the event on Saturday many of the pundits have tried to spin the massacre to reinforce political gains. Remember 911 when we attacked the wrong country in attempt to avenge the deaths of World Trade Centers in New York. It's very important to connect the dots and not assume or jump to unproven theories.
The first is the obvious use of hand guns and Arizona's lacks laws of gun permits. Other's have tried to claims the Arizona Immigration issues as the source of the killings. Some have pointed to Gabrielle Giffords support of Obama Care.
In the end politics will probably not be the reason the killer murdered six Americans. The attacks at Virginia Tech were not an attack upon education and the Arizona killing will not be because of politics. Religon did not cause the Ft Hood massacre. These are the acts of deranged individuals unable to deal with the stresses imposed in American life. The fact the shooter attacked so many who were not involved in government is evidence that none are safe in America.
The fact he used a hand gun is not a good reason to promote second amendment infringements. Timothy Mc Veigh killed many more in Oklahoma City with diesel fuel and fertilizer.
Certainly none of the pundits have posed the question of "could we be copyable for the killings" Why was the man not working? Did his parents both work? Is he a product of daycare in his youth. Did America somehow overlook his illness? Was he the failure or did we fail the young man? Is the killer a product of the system or is this simply a quirk of genetics and every so many births we get one lunatic.
When one surveys the complexity of the human mind the possibilities are endless. I believe one of the biggest problems in America is the size of government. We now have several generations of Americans who believe the government is the answer to all their problems. The hurricane Katrina disaster is a good example of the citizens placing all their security in the government. This seems to be a belief supported by politicians to the electorate, The notion the government will take care of you is ridiculous.
Our security is in our Union not our government. We Americans are truly dependant upon each other not government. Government is the necessary evil produced in any Democracy.
The illusion of government is that by some miracle the government has wealth and therefore we are entitled to our share. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the distribution of the wealth we all contribute. Inequities emerge as many people feel cheated. Not surprisingly many are cheated as some people take more than their fair share. This is the source of all Civil Unrest. People who fall between the porous cracks in government rules become violent. The answer is not to change the rules of government. The answer is not to give them our money and become independent of government. The government has way to much control for a healthy Democracy. When people begin to believe the government supplies all happiness. This is the source of whats wrong in America. We have lost faith in ourselves and focus on a government that fails to meet our needs of liberty and our pursuit of happiness.
Too often our government impedes our ability to pursuit of happiness. License to work or sell our products goods and services is bureaucratic revenue generators to build a bigger government. Larger government gives more power to those in government. The result is a system far from Democracy that perpetuates a bigger government year after year. Our debt and government are out of control in an Oligarchy Nightmare.
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