Joe Biden announced to all dignitaries boarding the helicopter "Who's on First" Arriving on the South Lawn and greeted by US President Barack Obama and a full 21 gun salute. (they all missed).
After the ceremony on the South Lawn President Who tipped Obama with a Gold Yuan, the currency from Who ville. President Obama did not carry Who's bags as previously reported. Entering the White House from the South Portico President Who joined President Obama and Vice President Biden inside. Biden reminded Obama Who's in First through the door. Noting Who had not yet changed the locks on the White House, they both were relieved.
President Who told President Obama he may keep the Who ville Giant Pandas for five more years. With the Pandas secure, President Obama moved on to Human Rights concerns. President Who responded "they were doing all they can for the US workers.
Who also asked why Obama did not protect his own borders as a solution to his Human Rights concerns. In honor of Who's visit a formal black tie State Dinner was held. On the guest list were many American notables of Who ville heritage. Including Jackie Chan Why, Vera Wang What, and Michelle Kwan Who.
Corporations represented were Xerox, Pepsi, Disney and GM. Presumably, the Robber Barons were all attracted to the Who ville's illiterate cheap labor, absent environmental controls and Who ville's expanding industrial revolution. Harry Reid (D) Nevada was seen in black tie and wearing a windmill beanie to draw attention to Nevada's Green Energy promised by Obama Recovery Act Funds. Speaker of the House (R) Grinch, John Boehner was far to busy with lobbyist to attend.
The lavish dinner included every delicacy from around the world. President Obama had the beef. Vice President Biden had lobster. Who had green eggs and ham and GM executives all had the crow. Obama asked Who " Do you want fries with those green eggs Sir?"
Today, Who and Obama met to discuss trade issues facing the two countries. Who promised he would insure they would not export poison toys, toothpaste, pet food or drywall to the US. Who questioned Obama if he could loan the US more money to build new factories in Who ville.
Who was not interested in building factories in the US, He cited tough labor laws, envionmental standards and congressional pork taxes are counter productive. President Who was given a choice for tomorrow's agenda. He could either go to Chicago and meet with Mayor Daly or go hunting with Dick Cheney. Should be an interestingc selection either way.
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