Even though the steel turned out to be of lower quality. American Capitalist patronized the foreign products as leverage against high quality more costly American made steel.
The higher paying union jobs were first to be laid off. Middle Management workers cheered as the over priced union labor was sent packing. Then the Auto workers fell victim to the same Wall Street Henchman. Foreign Autos imported to sell to the American Consumer. Ditto for textiles, appliances, furniture and construction equipment. American giants such as Packard, Studebaker and Amercan Motors fell from economic pressures without notice.
As each industry was cannibalized the remainder of the population endorsed the sacrifice for cheaper and cheaper products. They patronized the cheaper product and believed it couldn't happen to them. Deflation did not occur because the savings of wages were absorbed in higher profits, dividends, CEO Executive salary and bonuses skyrocketed. CEO's didn't work harder, they simply laid claim to the wages now left on the table. CEO's didn't invent new products or clever procedures, they became highwaymen on the middle class jobs. Neighborhoods declined and Little Leagues are replaced by Strip Clubs and Porn Stores
When the unions were busted the Wall Street Henchmen focused on Middle Managers. The non union sector who thought they were protected, were now fare game. The terms downsizing, early retirements and out sourcing were utilized to give them the bad news. They thought it wouldn't happen to them. They believed it was supply and demand free market capitalism. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Then Congress passed the NAFTA Act which allowed the remaining non union manufacturing to move to Mexico where labor was measured in nickles and dimes instead of $20.00 per hour. Now the non union workers lost their jobs because of the same misguided logic of cheaper is better.
At one time there were 65 million buffalo free ranging in America. The first buffalo slaughtered were cheap due to huge supply. Without conservation the buffalo were decimated in a few years. Numbers dropped to a few hundred instead of millions. The value of the natural resource was never reflected in the cost of a single bullet and shipping East. The Buffalo are gone and so are our jobs.
Mexico had no Pork Taxes or Congress to support. Environmental Standards were non existent as industry could now pollute at the expense of the workers.
The people who thought it wouldn't happen to them gets smaller and smaller as wealth is driven to the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and their henchmen.
Then came the Bush Covert Immigration policies that stated the "Mexicans perform the jobs most Americans did not want" The look the other way policy allowed 22 million free ranging criminal aliens to pour across the border. The Mexicans took 100% of jobs no Americans has access. The illegal pays no taxes as he provides cheap labor to Wall Street and burdens the schools hospitals and welfare of Main Street. The profits shared by a few, the burdens shared by all.
Bush and Obama support the logic Americans are to blame for their lack of education and degrees. Logic not supported by College Graduates who cannot find work much less pay of school loans.
The last American Industry to fall was Construction. Construction cannot be performed overseas, outsourced or down sized. The only way to raid these coffers were illegal immigration and fantasy mortgages developed by Wall Street. Once again the profits and bonuses were taken by the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and the bills for their greed become the burden of TARP Act on Main street.
The Banksters and CEO's who's greed defiled the economy ran to Congress for mercy. Corporate Welfare became TARP Bailouts for bonuses. GM declared bankruptcy after TARP monies were secured.
Now the focus is on teachers, firefighters, sanitation workers and policemen who are the source of our problems. Layoffs, salary freeze and retirement account are raided to feed the greed of Wall Street.
46 State governments are insolvent and facing bankruptcy. 46 out of 50 is not a sickness, it's epidemic. Americans failed each other , we failed the very core of our union which is each other. We placed our faith in government and failed our union of life liberty and pursuit of happiness. We all thought it wouldn't happen to us.
If your a teacher, firefighter, sanitation worker or cop who now finds himself in the jaws of Greed Street Banksters I ask you"Where was the outrage when it was my job raided". Why did it take you so long to see the Covert Immigration and foreign trade would eventually get your job as well. Who did you think was paying your wages and retirement?
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