Amendment 2 Reads:
A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
On May 8, 1792, Congress passed "[a]n act more effectually to provide for the National Defence, by establishing an Uniform Militia throughout the United States" requiring:
[Each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia...[and] every citizen so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch with a box therein to contain not less than twenty-four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball: or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch and powder-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a pound of powder; and shall appear, so armed, accoutred and provided, when called out to exercise, or into service, except, that when called out on company days to exercise only, he may appear without a knapsack.[79]\
The reason for all this legislation was not to protect us from bears. The reason was for security from foreign invaders and possible tyranny from within US Government. They were evidently very sensitive about border control back in the day!
The National Defence Act lasted until 1903 when it was replace with The National Guard Act.
The recent shootings in Tucson have sparked new debates of "The Right To Bear Arms" The logic for the 2 Amendment is for the security of a Free State. We are all safer when everyone has a firearm and properly trained. We have gun permits but without training. Our founders who drafted the US Constitution were all to familiar with "Government By the Government for the Government". The instrument signed and drafted was "By the People For the People". Changes to the US Constitution should be taken very seriously.
My first exposure to firearms was at 10 years of age. Against my Mother's wishes. I received a shotgun as a Christmas gift. I hunted in Central Indiana with my father and his friends at work. My fathers friends were all veterans of World War 2. Hunting with these guys was more like maneuvers than sportsmanship.
Every November 11 was Veterans Day and the opening day of hunting season. We drove in the dark, ate breakfast in the dark but, as the sun rose on the morning of November 11 the hunt began.
We seldom encountered police officers but you couldn't help noticing the difference in the demeanor of the Sheriff when everybody has a loaded weapon. The use of sir with generous amounts of smiles are noted as the investigation continues with arm present. There is a certain respect followed when the Sheriff questions a War Veteran who is trained and likely to have killed others in his very recent past. Everyone is on their best behavior when firearms are represented from both sides. As a young boy I remember how impressed I was with the courtesy of the Police. After Police business was completed it was followed with small talk and best wishes of have a great day. I sold my guns at age 43. Ironically, very close to the recommended age of 45 in The National Defence Act. Our Founders must have given National Security a lot of thought. The pundits of cable news spin militia and people who have weapons as subversive citizens who threaten the security of The United States of America. Most of these pundits condone the use of firearms for hunting and sportsmanship. Our founder's provided for "The Right to Bear Arm" to be the first defense against foreign invaders and tyranny from within a corrupt American Government.
Years have past since those days and I can attest to the brash demeanor police display when they are armed and you are not. I would much rather be in a room with 100 armed citizens than in a room with 99 unarmed and one packing. Cops loose their cars, minds and weapons all the time and once the gun ownership transfers to the untrained terrible consequences are then possible. Barney of Mayberry always carried his bullet in his pocket for good reason.
I'm now sixty years old and like many Americans I feel unsafe in my own home. I worry about the people who illegally invade our borders everyday. My greatest fear though is from the American Government who condones this Covert Illegal Immigration.
I think it's time for all Americans age 18 to 45 years of age to purchase a firearm and keep your powder dry, as requested by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin. All who would be deemed a threat to Cable News Pundits today. Remember the Arab thugs of 911 were all legal in America.. There are far more cars in America than firearms. We spend vast amounts of money licensing and registering Automobiles and those who operate same. More people die from automobiles than firearms each year.
If we spent more money on licensing, registering and tracking firearms then tracking the citizens we would all be better off. If our national discussion were on the positive aspects of gun ownership instead of finding ways to penalize those who protect us from foreign invaders and tyranny of a police state we would all benefit. It worked well from 1776 to 1903.
The violence occurring today is due to a lack of arms. Criminals seek to exploit the use of weapons only when it's determined nobody will return fire. 911 would not have happened if firearms were not banned from aircraft. Limiting the citizen's rights to bear arms is a bonanza for criminals and protection of a Police State. Congress is concerned of the threats the Second Amendment impose. The Second Amendment is the trump card given to every American. They always have been concerned and that's precisely why we have "The Right to Bear Arms".
The terrible events of Tucson are an act of the insane. If not gunpowder the insane will murder with bombs or chemical weapons.
Charges of enticement by politicians pandering people with cross hairs on maps are responsible for the murders. Were theses people not around on October 30, 2010 when Jon Stewert held his "Rally to Restore Sanity" on the National Mall.
250,000 thousand people were there to recognize America was headed down the wrong path. The Rally was on cable TV and seen by millions. One cannot deny Comedy Central saw the storm coming. Why does cable news not challenge America that the violence in America is Americas fault. Americans need to become more responsive to their role in self government.
Are Nielsen's Ratings and greed between pundits for advertising dollars become a source greater than gunpowder? Is the power of the press being used to spin facts into fiction. Is a half truth a lie of deception? When will we stop listening to pundits who refuse to disclose the whole truth.
Was the tragedy in Tucson the responsibility of the Second Amendment or abuses from the First Amendment. We will never know, because the answer is in the mind of a madman!
Where was this outrage when 11 men were murdered on BP Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico only 9 months ago. This was a significant loss of life and injury far worse than Tucson and yet those who died in the Gulf pretty much passed in obscurity. Is it less important they perished without firearms or because politicians and government is largely to blame!
Both event are terrible and both should have received the same focus as those killed with firearms. Why the difference?
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