The US Constitution September 17, 1887 reads in part the following.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.. ( defence is spelled as written and adds some humor to our current immigration dilemmas)
My interpretation of this paragraph is:
Long before we had government there was a Union of people who fought for Independence from English Monarchy King George. The first evidence of our Union is The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776. The Declaration is the written Obligation of Americans to Americans, not to government. Nor, does it imply America's obligation is to government or employers and then Americans. The Union is referenced in the name they choose United States. Clearly, Americans unified only for the common good is implied.
The people who defeated King George are now the Union of Americans and creating laws of self government to provide justice, for common defence, promote (not provide), general welfare and secure liberty for the people or Union. The Preamble is describing the highest priority of what will become the United States of America and it's government by default.
The balance of the US Constitution merely describes how "We the People" should accommodate the language found in the first paragraph "Preamble". Provide justice, defence our borders, promote general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty. If our focus on our Constitution were on the first Paragraph "The Preamble" most of our problems would vanish tomorrow. Remember the US Constitution grants no rights or entitlements. The US Constitution is your American Handbook in the proper hands to the greatest nation the world has ever known.
Arguments on the floor of Congress and Supreme Court ignore the Preamble as our first priority. The Preamble is wrongly viewed as window dressing for the meat and potatoes of the fine print that follows. The intent of the US Constitution is found only in the Preamble from "We the People"
When determining if there is violation of the US Constitution our first priority is to consult the highest priority of the "Preamble".
If the violation inhibits Justice, Defence, General Welfare or Secure Liberty its Un-Constitutional. You can't twist the sections and amendments of the Constitution to violate the Preamble. If you violate the first paragraph the rest of the document is useless.
You cannot amend the US Constitution to violate the "Preamble". Reading the original document written by the founder's represented "By The People" you will not find any language violating the first paragraph. In short if it's not good for the people, it's no good.
Illegal Immigration defiles our Preamble as it exposes the government created by the Union as a total failure of a "More Perfect Union".
Section 9: Limits of Congress reads in part:
The privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Case of Rebellion or Invasion of the Public Safety may require it.
My interpretation of this section is the right of the citizen cannot be compromised unless in Rebellion or Invasion. Invader's have no rights.
Some words describing invaders are, invade, enter, encroach, overrun, permeate, intrude, infest, violate and pillage. Un-documented worker is the preferred choice of our current administration to describe the invasion occurring daily on our border with Mexico.
Un- documented workers completely ignores the law abiding documented worker provided in the laws of our Democracy. Democracy provides for those who violate the laws to be punished, not rewarded. Our President in the State of the Union proposed that children of criminal aliens who have graduated from High School be granted citizenship. I vehemently disagree.
The first mistake was allowing the criminal illegals to invade our borders. The second mistake was allowing them sanctuary. The third mistake was offering employment. Adding granted citizenship's to these criminals regardless of education violates the US Constitution the American citizens and the legal worker who work within the greater framework we call Democracy. Arguments these people are needed to perform work is an indication of changes in immigration laws may need reviewed. It does not indicate any laws of the land should be ignored. Powers such as these are for Monarchy and Dictatorships not Democracy. We all agree.
To correct this infestation we should first control our borders. Second deport those living here un-documented and prison for those who offer sanctuary housing. Third remove the un-documented worker from the work place and prison for anyone who offers them employment. Fourth those in government responsible for any form of law enforcement be held responsible for not complying with the written laws. Claiming non- jurisdiction does not mean not copyable to the crime of illegal immigration. Criminal Immigration violates the Preamble and Section 9 insures the un-documented has no rights under our laws. Rewarding those with citizenship violates my rights under our Constitution.
The Patriot Act violates the Preamble the Fourth Amendment illegal search and seizures. The Supreme Court has held parts of this legislation are Un-Constitutional. When parts of legislation are found to be Un-Constitutional the entire legislation should be tossed out re-drafted and voted on again.
Mandatory Health Insurance and Auto Insurance is first extortion and then Un-Constitutional. You can hold people responsible for their actions in our Justice system but, you can't force people to forfeit their money or blessings of Liberty.
Food for thought, Why do we purchase medical coverage at home again at work and then again in our cars. Further why should it be free if your very young or very old. If were gonna have government insurance how many people would select auto insurance over health insurance. Auto insurance is something we can all use and now.
If we have government Health Insurance then we should not pay for medical coverage at work, home or auto. Insurance is merely a vehicle of extortion that benefit the Underwriter and Attorneys who sue them in court. The average guy gets paperwork disclaimers and premiums and little coverage. That's why your policy looks like a New York phone book. The policies fine print discloses why they don't pay. If you care to read the fine print, if not sick when you begin I assure you. the more you read the more ill your likely to become.
Your retirement account administered by the Social Security has evolved into Social Surveillance. The number that once identified you as a contributor to government sponsored retirement is now used as a tracking number from birth to grave. You cannot access water, electricity, banking or phones without revealing your retirement number. You cannot buy sell or trade in America without the number. The money you contribute is not your benefit. The money left over is your benefit and this number always equals poverty.
In short any money paid to the government expect long term pain and little benefit. Democracy is not government. Your neighbor if American is your security. Help him and he will help you. That's what made us great.
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