The first order of business of House Speaker (R) John Boehner was to check the literacy of the House members to determine if they could read the US Constitution. In a emotional symbolic gesture each member rose to his roll call reading a portion of the US Constitution.
No checks from the Tobacco Lobby were distributed on the first day of the 112th Congress.
Sadly, this is probably the only time they will read this year as most will return to their day jobs, extorting money for the next election. Bartering for handouts from the Hedge Fund Pharaoh's of Cheap Street in exchange for the storehouse of the American people.
Congress doesn't actually give them the peoples money. The accepted tactics have always been to not tax money away in special demographic tax code deductions and legislation requiring the citizen to patronize the Oligopoly Industry or be jailed. This is a very effective in Social Security, Obama Care, Medi Care and Auto Insurance.
Social Security was a noble idea of the Dirty Thirties that provided retirement for people lucky enough to live to 65 years old. Nothing at all wrong with the concept or the fundamentals of saving money for retirements.
Social Security is not savings. Social Security does not set your money away for retirement later. Social Security is a government sponsored Ponzi Scheme that relies on more people paying into rather than drawing from the General Fund. Very similar to any form of Insurance where many people buy as fewer people make claims gives the illusion of security. Social Security was never intended to be used for Banking, Driving, Obtaining Utilities or Social Surveillance. This is the unfortunate loopholes created by the Oligarchy/Oligopoly System
Virtually anytime you receive goods and service through your employer it had to originate in Congress and signed by your President. This Oligarchy System grants your immense power and liberty won in the Declaration of Independence to the government via your Oligopoly employer. It's not the government or your employer taking your liberty, it's Government and Corporations working in concert together that deny Americans their liberty to chose. You effectively are forced into accepting a tiny benefit as payment for enormous values of work produced in the greater framework of Democratic GDP.
Ironically, most Americans never doubted the literacy of Congress. It's their hearing that should be in question. Perhaps instead of reading the Constitution a hearing and drug test would be a better use of the People's Time.
Oligarchy always looks real good and smells real bad. When asked if you want a free house, we all say yes. When the house turns out to be government housing we are revealed the source of the rancid smell. What you take is quadrupled in what you owe in Oligarchy!!
Truthfully, the Government is not empowered to give you anything. Government can only return what was yours originally. The gift was always yours!!!All this free stuff is costing Americans their freedom and forces American Labor from being competitive in World Commerce. The American Worker can prevail once Congress gets out of the way.
Obama Care Didn't create jobs and very doubtful repealing the legislation would put Americans to work. The word usage of "JOBS" is merely away to distract the electorate away from the intent of the legislation.
Clever titles and imaginary facts are the tools of Congress. A good example of Congress at work was the recent conflict between VP Biden and William Wyden (3 years old) who would not give the Vice President his notes returned. The Vice President offered the young William a small mint as he quickly grabbed returned control of his speech notes. William was no match for the experienced Joe Biden.
Substitute the notes in William Wydens tiny hands as Obama Care Act and the hidden mint in Biden left hand as Jobs for William and you have a perfect analogy of how we get screwed year after year.
My thought on Obama Care are it's Employer Based Health Care and therefore corrupt. After you accept it's employer based all other aspects are moot. Elimination of Pre-Existing Conditions and Cancellation of benefits of the sick become unimportant in Obama Care.
Your employer is your place of work. The work you agree to produce is compensated with script on Friday. Benefits such as paid vacations and health care have always been utilized to coerce employees to long term employments at minimal costs. The work you provide is your leverage to generate wealth. Fear of the employer you may quit for better compensation is your right as a American worker. To give away your employee rights to chose how your money is spent reduces the worker to enslavement to the Government, Bankers and Employers.
The Big Squeeze of the the 21st century are to charge for goods and services considered free benefits of the 20th century. We now pay obscene charges for TV, Telephone and Health/Insurance from the collusion of the Oligopoly/Oligarchy corrupt systems.
The very system that defiles our schools, destroying the middle class as it reduces America to a third rate country. To further the theft they tell us we are not educated and poverty is your fault. We all know as Americans produce more certificates of competency they simply raise the bar a bit higher. Highly skilled American workers are casually tossed to the streets as the Banksters feed from the GDP.
The dilemma of the 112 th Congress is the coveted currency they have always extorted is in jeopardy of total collapse. The tiny benefits of the taxpayer cannot be taken to pay the huge costs buried in a administration of bureaucratic monsters built into Government, Banking and Insurances. The only way to save themselves is to reinstall the system of the Great American Middle Class who created the wealth for two hundred years. They aren't going forward without us.
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