Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Holy Moses it's Passover

Obama's Brilliant Plan

935 billion Healthcare Mandatory Tax, 2.1 billion for TARP Housing and today signing the Student Loan Legislation.
American Housing now provided by the government and health care free. Seems as though ,if we all apply for foods stamps, employment will no longer be necessary.
Why did we not think of this sooner. Great job Mr President, I hope China keeps working.
Chinese Cars ?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Truth and Consequences

I see hundreds of people on cable news each day claiming to be the voice of the American people. Yet none speaks for me. Most are intent on claiming to represent main stream America to promote their very narrow agenda of change.
Promise of future change is cloaked in vague promise with little substance that cannot be held accountable. Words and phrase are carefully drafted by professional wordsmiths to insure the true agenda is unnoticed until all voting is completed. It's far more important for voters to focus on what was not stated rather than interpret the verbal message.
All seem to support these agendas with twisted facts and outright lies centered on highly charged topics of Gun Control, Abortion and Gay Marriage to enrage an ignorant and very unhappy population.
The ignorant follow these distractions that mask the source of their true unhappiness. The issues of Lost Civil Liberties, Criminal Immigration and Corporate Bailouts that perpetuate the wealthiest Americans are continually ignored.
Never before in my recollection has the balance of wealth been so lopsided. Hundreds of homeless Americans sleep in the streets while Big Banks board up their homes provided by the Taxpayer dimes through 0% loans from the US Treasury, TARP and TALP legislation. The TARP/TALP legislation has stymied the free markets, preventing the economic correction from depleting Corporate Wealth around the world.
Simply put Hank Paulson made sure his cronies would be spared from any loss by the Taxpayer’s Dime while unemployed homeless sleep in the streets.
For most of my life I was far to busy to get involved in political debates. I think political debate comes as we mature from the blessed ignorance of youth to battle scared maturity of age. In our youth we saw the corruption in our society and made changes as we stole the torch from previous generations.
Boomers were there at the Kent State Massacre, The 69 Democratic Convention and the Civil Rights for minorities and women.
The political parties of the day both courted the Boomer demographic as a must have to win. The results were 18 year old vote, 18 year old drinking age with both political parties promise to end the Vietnam War and later abolished the Military Draft.
Bang we were off to a great start. We still have the Draft Board but, only in times of Declaration of War. Clearly this was not the case in Vietnam Korea, Iraq 92 Iraq 02 as well as Afghanistan 02. Our nimrod leaders of the day choose to use the term War to enlist the support of mindless political agendas.
If history teaches us anything the United States of America entered World War 2 in December of 1941. The war ended in August of 1945. When your back is against the wall great things can happen. I don’t recall long discussions of Healthcare when Hitler bombed London while the Toyota bombed Pearl Harbor.
I don’t follow any political party agenda. My views are singular in the notion the brunt of the blame cannot be placed on any party. The American People are to blame as a country not as a demographic. It’s not their fault, its Americas failure to govern for the people.
As a Boomer it’s time for us to get off our fat asses and stop this wholesale destruction of America.
After all we invented discord!!!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Conundrum Today
Honestly the numbers are so vast I can't comprehend. Anyhow whether up or down they never say how much is lost. We know Madoff made off and GM went under as did Washington Mutual gone forever.
I wonder adjusted for inflation how much money has been lost to date in the Stock Market>
A Fine Mess

The recession that began in December of 2007 lingers on despite a rising stock market. Claims are made by pundits this is normal for the Stock Market to lead a upward economic trend. Using past historical data as evidence America will soon have a chicken in every pot.
The Great Depression lasted from 10/29 to 1940 or nearly 11 years.
The dismal employment numbers recently indicate Florida's 12.2% unemployed and growing. The reporting does not reflect people who are part time, under employed or others who have given into poverty. When both demographics are used the rate jumps to 20.7%. Nor do these numbers include 22 million illegals hiding in George's Bushes
This rate today no doubt exceeds the 25% rate posted in The Great Depression.
I have many concerns that our economy during the GW Bush Administration was falsely bolstered by the Housing Mortgage Derivative Fiasco similar to his fathers (HW Bush) Saving and Loan Debacle, which involved Neil Bush (son/brother) as board of director of the highly publicized and bankrupt Silverado Savings of the day.
The savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s (commonly referred to as the S&L crisis) was the failure of 747 savings and loan associations (S&Ls aka thrifts). A Savings and Loan is a financial institution in the United States that accepts savings deposits and makes mortgage, car and other personal loans to individual members. The ultimate cost of the crisis is estimated to have totaled around $160.1 billion, about $124.6 billion of which was directly paid for by the US government via a financial bailout under the leadership of George H.W. Bush—that is, the US taxpayer provided the funding for the bailout, either directly or through charges on their savings and loan accounts and increased taxes[1]—which contributed to the large budget deficits of the early 1990s.
As the American manufacturing centers were sent overseas in search of cheap labor and no environmental concerns by the Wall Street Raiders, many Americans were forced to abandon those careers for another industry. One by one American Giants of Manufacturing were either shuttered or moved to foreign countries where they can operate as Robber Barons of the early 1900's. The exodus of American made products of Autos, Construction, Farm equipment, home appliance, televisions were all lost.
You get the Picture it's been going on since 1970.
Displaced Americans were being forced into a ever tightening circle of competition. The vast number of these individual were absorbed by The Bush Housing Scam.
I refer to it as Bush's because although he never seemed in control of anything it was his name on the door. It was the Bush Administration that turned the US Treasury upside down and shook it as a Haliburton piggy bank.
The collapse left Construction Overbuilt ,Real Estate Over Priced as realtor's, appraisers and phony Mortgage Brokers all lost their jobs. We also witnessed the take over of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Lending as well as the massive TARP Bank Bailouts. Mysteriously Regular Gasoline rose to an unexplainable $4.00 a gallon making daily commuting imposible.
Water over the dam, as we put this Parker Bros economy behind and look forwards .If Bush were never president and none of the above occurred we would still have a large unemployment problem. Or the same problems only we would still have our money and the housing crisis of so many foreclosures and upside down mortgages would not be an issue. Cities would not have homeless and their budgets balanced.
The real problem was never addressed and it's painfully clear we can't all work for the government or build bridges to nowhere. We need other industries. Obama never seems to address the issue of what direction America is headed. Obama mimics the Bush claims of an untrained American work force even though neither Bush, Obama or Homeland Stupidity impedes uncontrolled untrained illegals from free ranging in America.
Obama seems to think the recovery act will magically produce a thousand Microsoft's and Computer industries and the Emperor will suddenly appear to have clothes. Could happen, probably won't.
If we travel back to 1970 and and examine why we sent our jobs overseas the answer is simple, It's Unencumbered Capitalism.
America became a great nation from Capitalism, but along the way we also learned that uncontrolled it produces a total depletion of resources, workers, destroys the environment and quality of life. As America grew up we established National Parks as off limits, Labor Laws for workers banning children in the workplace, Workers Compensation, OSHA all to reign in pure Capitalism Greed of Robber Barons.
It's popular for Wall Street Raiders of the sweat shops around the world to frame the problem as entirely based on US wages. They never acknowledge the human rights they violate of foreign workers or ecological disasters that we residents of EARTH will be forced to cleanup as world wide Superfund's sites, that once were only in America.
Ignoring the damage this does to US Foreign Policies as we humiliate their workers. Nor do they realize the importance of comparisons of labor can only be compared as Standard of Living, not just wages, as foreign workers don't support the US Congress and Pork
If America is truly a world leader then we must demand the same environmrntal standards and workers rights universally, or step aside to another countries leadership. The money made by Wall Street stays on Wall Street and average Joe American is forced into poverty ,but forced to share in Taxes.
America Knows better, we stopped the Robber Barons in America a hundred years ago. If we don't stop now we will repeat the last hundred years on global scale. Where will all the Wall Street money be when the final bill comes. The money to cleanup their global waste will be paid by the workers and Wall Street will hoard the profits as their own.
The end of the crash of 2007 is still unknown. What is known is, the Black Tuesday October 1929 crash lasted 11 years. For the first three years America was promised a return to normal in 1933 as eminent. An Englishmen was responsible for coining the term "Great Depression" in 1934. The long recovery still 6 years away.
Many people believe the collapse of our economy was seen well in advance, probably as early as 2003, but rather than stop the collapse they plotted to profit from the collapse. This known as "MALFEASANCE" as stated below.
The bonuses of 2010 proves the malfeasance(intentional and illeagle) was profitable to a few at your considerable expense.
Malfeasance 1929 breakdown of international trade, and Institutional economists who point to under consumption and over-investment (causing an economic bubble), malfeasance by bankers and industrialists, or incompetence by government officials. The consensus viewpoint is that there was a large-scale loss of confidence that led to a sudden reduction in consumption and investment spending. Once panic and deflation set in, many people believed they could make more money by keeping clear of the markets as prices dropped lower and a given amount of money bought ever more goods, exacerbating the drop in demand.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Fat Tax

I think most Americans abhor the commercials for government subsidized welfare such as electric wheelchairs medical supplies and drug sponsoring on the taxpayer owned federal regulated air waves.
To me they're a constant reminder of the blighted corruptions in the Welfare System.
In light of the fact government welfare is so profitable that manufacturers and marketing can afford the additional extreme costs of Prime Time Television Advertising without regulation is evidence enough of the abuses the government welfare system must be enduring.
No cuts in entitlements only cutting in the profits of Manufacturing, Drug and Television profiteering of the government dole!!
Surely a tax on the obvious abused advertisement will return money back to the Federal Coffers and give a respite of sanity to those who watch broadcast television.
Other abusers included should be Television Political Advertisements.
I therefore recommend a 90% tax on all political advertising for Government Political Advocacy or Election on Television Commercials.
Furthermore on wages for any government advocate receiving taxpayer assistance should forward a 50% surcharge of his salary for said television advocacy.
We the People will surcharge an advocacy tax, Similar to the NFL licensing agreements for use of their materials. Just as each NfL Broadcast has its Copyrights. So too should the people own all rights to any work of the Government and license and charge a tax as they see fit.
Pay to Play format all references for The Peoples Affairs or Government in America.
This is an all out assault on the on elected officials and lobbyist who benefit directly from the People's Work. No doubt, political advertisements are currently a tax deduction, further exacerbating the waste
This should retire the National Debt. As well as reduce ALL Government Employees to Servants of the People as our Forefathers intended.
Impose the Fat Tax now.
The Grocery

My state imposes no tax on most foods. The thought being, like water everyone should have some, so kind of our government not to tax eating and drinking.
As I shop I review the prices of bread or milk that may have moved up or down. I further have choices of brands to be considered as, quality is just as important as price. If an increase is noted I may choose to cut back, not purchase or perhaps patronizes another grocer.
Conversely, if the price has dropped and the quality is the same, I always stock up. This is exactly what the grocer wanted to reduce prices on slow moving products, thus freeing shelf space to newer products.
Clearly, the grocery business is highly competitive as consumers are offered an array of choices. The grocer purchases his food from the farmer and the laws of supply and demand command how much the grocer will pay, how much the farmer will make, placing the consumer directly in the middle of the whole process.
This system gives equal control to the farmer who grows the food and the grocery who markets the food and the consumer who eats the food without government interventions.
Imagine for a moment if a politician were to attempt improving the grocery business, perhaps streamline the grocery for the public good.
I expect he would first impose a license of approval from government say, Congress. This has an immediate impact for now Congress can now force the grocer to operate as demanded by Congress
Congress incidentally is elected by the people for the people.
Naturally Congress would become involved in Price, Quality, Selections as well as Payments
The grocer would be forced to comply or loose his license. (Many will) To control the consumer it’s best to acquire consumers money before he receives it, to insure the money flows as Congress dictates.
Employer based deductions clearly is the popular choice, as most people would not freely adhere to the new system of grocery. Employers are now clearly necessary to the loop.
This begins to blur the line between free enterprise and government thus implying a worker is now somehow responsible to both employer and government. An unfair reality emerges in food source availability is now transferred to the employer via the government from the worker. Making for a harder working more dependants, obedient and thrifty US Worker.
Workers are denied choice as the requirements are mandatory at all employers. Congress would command employers to; seize money from the worker and then select a mandatory Congressional approved grocer, thus gaining obvious control of employer, consumer and grocer.
Employers will now select who his employees should patronize for free food.
Threats from the government of fines seizures and even jail would be implemented for public good.
It is up to congress to mandate cost of goods, how much the farmer gets, how much the grocer makes as profit in addition to who may sell groceries and who may not.
Congressional authority is necessary without Congressional Authority it would violate The Peoples US Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments
. This system insures that all components of the grocery food supply are now in control of Congress. The obvious question now is; who controls Congress?
Sadly it’s the grocery.
Once the choices and money from the consumer to markets is circumvented to the employer and the employee can only select from congressional groceries it’s easy to see all the money now ping pongs back and forth between the grocer and Congress.
Grocers are now allowed huge bonuses and profits and now expected to donate heavily to re-elections, thus completing the circle of piracy. The only limitation now is the sweat from the GDP and national debt.
The supplier, the farmer has lost control because he may only sell product to the Congressional grocery. Therefore the farmer who produces the food is isolated from the consumer who eats the food and the “Wealth” is captured by Congress and the Grocer (WALL STREET)now firmly in the middle. Americans become sharecroppers rather than shareholders. Entitlements are the people’s only recourse as courts begin flooding and attorneys flourish
The people, as long as they don’t die feeds a system and the system feeds the people as the Congress now sees fit.
This is mirror image of our current Healthcare in America. Substitute Farmer for Doctor and Grocery for Insurance Company and Consumer for Taxpayer and you now have a system prime for corruption.
Corruption occurs now that the government controls all aspects of commerce. The Grocery will now advertise on television as free food with perks, call now for free home delivery forcing the now uncontrolled cost to skyrocket. The bubble grows as crooks invade the porous system formerly controlled by the people. People attempt to obtain and will an, unfair potion of the food supply as entitlements. Black markets appear as foods are sold twice.
Above all is the undeniable disclosure that the government and Wall Street now control the people!! It’s hard to imagine the Pilgrims who landed here to flee an unfair government could plant the seeds of another
Friday, March 26, 2010
No More Handouts, No More Bailout

Foreclosed 2big2fail Bank owned property hoarded under TARP legislation should be forced to sell back to the consumer in 90 days or be demolished for public good.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Obligation

As a card carrying member of the Boomer generation I have witnessed a great amount of change in America. Growing up in the 50’sand 60’s was the best time in history to be alive.
We had a milkman, breadman, ice cream guy on a bicycle with a dry ice box that steamed smoke when opened and even a truck with fresh picked vegetables from nearby fields, complete with scales and baskets.
Most people had a car but, cars were generally at work during the day with the bread winner. It was not uncommon for folks not to have a car. If you carefully listened for the various horns whistles and bells of delivery men, necessities were brought to the home.
Salesmen prowled the community selling brushes cosmetics and sweepers door to door. You really didn’t need a car. Every home was occupied with a homemaker who tended to children who ran free range in the safety of the community. Neighborhoods were so safe people rarely locked their doors. Your neighbors had your back, keeping a constant vigil on your property. You rarely saw a cop or the fire department except the 4th of July
There were World War 2 veterans everywhere whose souls had been battle tempered by Japan, Germany and the Great Depression. They carried with them a message of Obligation from Friends, Hero’s now buried in foreign lands.
An Obligation paramount to life itself as decorum prevailed throughout the land.
They knew that while you may inherit the US Constitution at birth; that freedom was paid for equally by each generation.
They understood the US Constitution granted No Freedoms or rights, but rather was the instruction manual, in the proper hands, to greatest nation the World has ever known.
Disciplined that Democracy cannot be gifted inherited or transferred to another nation.
We witnessed the Liberty that has grown around the world, sprouted from the blood of the Obligation. Virtually all of the Free World benefits from the Obligation.
The Hero’s of Normandy and Iwo Jima were not asked for college degrees, diplomas or validations from Wall Street for their right of passage. Nor did they die to insure Bankers and Politicians would redeem so unfairly in future generations.
As a recipient of their freedom you were expected to live with only the highest level of morality and decorum.
Tolerant of those who might fall short, but never of those who mocked the Obligation.
On rare occasions an unruly individual would test these values and fall victim to the powerful punch from the Obligation carried by the veterans.
The sentiment in America in 50’s 60’s was everyone regardless of occupation, was entitled to all aspect of the benefits of their freedom. The wages paid to factory employees regardless of education or world commerce reflected the debts owed by all America to the Obligation.
The world was full of tyrants and a time might come when veterans would be needed again. You had to work, but work was plentiful and profitable as the boomers slowly grew to consumers.
It’s obvious today; many among us foolishly mock the Obligation as their Constitutional Right.
To mock the Obligation diminishes the US Constitution in fact; the Obligation precedes the Constitution.
It is the Obligation that guarantees the Constitution.
The Freedom you enjoy is not yours at all. But is a result of the Obligation
Today we find our selves in a much different world. The delivery men are long gone; the neighborhoods are empty, not safe despite sirens of police everywhere. Houses are empty during the day as both men and women must work for disparaging wages, placing children in day care institutions raising the next generation as wards of the state. We have way too many cars, some people have three although; none could compare to a 57 Chevy or Thunderbird.
People everywhere are screaming about the constitution and rights. Homes are foreclosed and Americans sleep in the streets.
The wealth in America is focused to only a few atop 1% of population that suck off the GDP as parasites.
Factories are shuttered unable to compete against the overseas sweat shops illegal in the US but; supported by Wall Street Raiders.
Uncontrolled borders and immigration allow for runaway drop in wages endorsed by our government although against the Law, deemed necessary to feed our Wall Street Based Economy. We have traded our economic engine for a $5.00 shirt at Wall Mart.
We still have Washington, DC, the Capitol Buildings, Congress, House Representatives and White house; we can still view the US Constitution and read our entitlements.
If you focus on the runaway out of control national debt: Please be advised your looking at the wrong debt.
What we‘ve lost is "The Obligation"
Note: everything that made America a great country in 1970 is still here.
Including resources of Iron, Steel, and Copper as well as the factories that produced them. The only thing that has changed is our people and their priorities of how we use them.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
World Piece
Suggestions; Israel take Theocracyland CentralGovernment control pieces and give Casinos Gambling, Alcohol, Tobacco and Camel Racing to the Palestinians and call it a day
The Perfect Crime

In addition anyone is eligible to join the fraternity of Thief, Highwaymen or Piracy. Committing the perfect crime requires you must be able to regulate who can steal and who may not. Permit, fees, degrees and licenses can impose this mandatory regulation necessary to the legal crime. Similar in many ways to modern day banking where the customers are captive to the system.
Democracy severely complicates legalized theft in America.
Certainly other forms of government are more conducive to legalized crime. Forcing people to conform and eliminate freedom of choice is the hallmark of Communism. Communism is often disguised under a veil of public good as provided by an oppressive government
The tools required to legally steal in a Democracy therefore must be carefully crafted to allow as few as possible to have access to the crime. This is a very tall order and could take a hundred years of effort
Consider the Toll Road: here’s a good example of charging passage to your destination. As long as the consumer feels the charges are worthy of his hard earned money he will patronize the road justifying the charges. As the greed of the owner increases the consumer may choose other options to avoid overpaying. The user cannot barter or negotiate the cost. you either pay the pre determined amount or no access.
The consumer may the select an alternate route. Clearly a problem when you have competition. Competition must be eliminated as a highest priority, this leaves the user with the option of Flying, Rail or Boat
These options vastly increases the scope of the crime because all options must be closed, sealing the donut hole in order that the crime work
There is only one more possible option that Americans might select; the option of refusing to go at all. This is the most difficult as you must command people, they must travel the road or face fines, seizure or jail. Forcing the public always breeds civil discord.
Truly this eliminates the Toll Road as a viable choice for the perfect crime.
To commit the perfect crime you must have a vehicle that all Americans need.
A vehicle core to the very existence of human dignity would make an excellent choice.
You cannot die without some form of medical care and since nobody gets out of here alive; Healthcare Insurance fills in all the blanks.
Confusing Insurance Claim Form documents requiring both doctor and patients hour’s of complex billing process drive costs up resulting in payments to doctors and patients down. Adding dollars to their robust balance sheet. Due to most healthcare insurance is employer based package neither, doctor or patients have leverage to control the Giant Insurance Companies
Since World War 2 Insurance has amass huge wealth dominating urban skylines by pirating the American people
To qualify Health Insurance as a vehicle to the Perfect Crime you must first change the name to Healthcare Reform. This is a necessary because the insurance industry has bled the American Consumer for forty years by over charging and then through cleverly worded insurance contracts; they are not be required to pay anything. Dead men tell no tales.
Legalizing the bait and switch industry known as healthcare. Cloaked in numbers ,so few are sick most of the population was ignorant to the theft that was occurring daily. When you get sick and try to collect the scam is revealed.
This corrupt system has reached a point where the extortion simply could not increase further without mandatory legislation requiring lobbyist to purchase a US Congressmen. When the cost is spread over an entire captive population the piracy of corruption is masked by shear numbers of scale.
Insurance Reform is
1. Not Mandatory
2. Not Employer Based or Government Based
3. Regulates the Insurance Company rather than the customer
4. Generic coverage to all Americans including Congressmen and Government employees demanding the same care and coverage for everyone
The 2700 page Healthcare Act signed by President Obama is Healthcare Larceny, not reform. The enormous content of the legislation merely describes the Perfect Crime
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
$$$$ Kahching $$$$

The President signed the Health Care Reform Legislation into law today. The proposed legislation was delivered to the White House by a courier straining from the enormous size that resembled the Tax Code.
Despite pressures in shortfalls for funds to increases in COLA, pending State& Municipal bankruptcies and slow Income Tax returns the President signed the 935 billion legislation anyway.
To commemorate this important historic legislation each person in America will receive a free symbolic Obama rectal thermometer!
People who are members of the Republican Party should expect an extra large version with higher temperature gradient.....
Construction of Insurance Prisons expected to begin soon.
Andy Rooney
This weeks topic he chose unemployment and plumbers. He seemed to be claiming unemployed Americans were unwilling to take jobs as tradesmen due to over qualifications. Accusing the population of being rather smug.
I question Mr Rooney's data, America needs more plumbers and less journalists. He certainly didn't offer any facts to support his theory.
Unemployed plumbers are no doubt outraged. Not to mention the qualification to be a Licensed Plumber are far more formidable than a journalist. After all anyone can be a journalist.
Possibly he isn't aware most Americans would prefer to work in crap than attempting to sell crap in prime time.
Anyhow maybe he's just having a bad day or his toilet has overflowed again
Automotive News (lampoon)

Toyota Motors unveiled it's latest new model today. The timely announcement by CEO Yamamoto is no doubt due to the recent negative pressures from the media regarding Toyota's current line models. The new model "THE KAMIKAZE" will have a single accelerator and brake pedal no more confusing operator 2 pedal choices with optional Bombay doors, auto parachutes and ejection seat. The vehicle was unveiled at the latest NASCAR race, proudly showing off the race version as THE ZERO.
Sadly The Emperor of Imperial Japan could not attend as he was vacationing in Pearl Harbor,Hawaii
Stateside, Government Motors ( formerly general motors) has announced new changes in the 2011 nameplate. Due to recent US census indicating changes in ethnic diversity, Chevrolet will henceforth be sold as CHEBY.
Introducing new models such as the eight door BUSH ESCAPE and the CHENEY SS the first cars ever to run on pure operator methane!! The Cadillac name has changed to simply CRADIRAC. The Obama model will be free ,needs no maintenance ,is friendly to the environment, may be deemed unconstitutional, will be available in 2030
Learning from the the Bank Bailout a new derivative manufacturing process will utilize failed components of past models and cover them with phony warranties where all losses will be paid under the taxpayer supported 2big2fail format. Smart huh
FIAT, formerly Chrysler announced the innovative 5-50 warranty. The coverage is for five minutes from contract signing and if the car blows you keep 50% of the parts.
Tony Bamboozall head of Acquisition said Fiat would tender offers to Club Car, the American golf cart manufacturer as move to enter the lucrative off road market.
Mario Bamboozall head of Marketing will focus on the lower end donkey owner demographic similar to Europe.
Vito and Luigi Bamboozall will continue working in Collection and Warranty departments
B o A

Recently I was subpoenaed to court for civil deposition. The Sherriff served me and gave me the subpoena and a check for $7.00 for my trouble. I informed the Sheriff that $7.00 would not cover parking not to mention my compensation for lost wages.
He declared “It’s the law if you fail to appear I will arrest you” Wow, better go or face obstruction charges.
I entered the deposition in a very nice upscale room in a private office building (a bit cold from over worked AC) confronted with four very well dressed attorneys and a extremely attractive court reporter with a convoluted typewriter, the likes such as I’ve never seen.
I was asked to please be seated momentarily. They could not begin as they waited for a colleague who was late. I took this opportunity to inquire, Were all present working for a mere $7.00 dollars? I was relieved to find they in fact received much more compensation than I. The attorney who was late only enriched those hourly attendees who patiently waited his arrival
Still I did not understand the disparaging wage for myself; however it was a step up from jail time.
I answered all questions and was released. Happy to have performed my civic duty I proceeded to the bank to cash my hard-earned compensation
The first thing I noticed was the check was written on 2big2fail Bank their signage had an unmistakable similarity to the Jolly Roger’s Skull and Crossbones found on poison..
I went inside and was surprised at the interior temperature was uncomfortably warm. I thought they must be very green or very cheap or possibly both. I then encountered large service counter with ten teller positions and only three active with one express for exclusive corporate commercial customers which I didn’t qualify. Quite strange I thought for someone had the foresight to recognize the volume needed by designing ten tellers positions, why then would the bank utilize only three. Turns out by creating long lines the bank insures their employees are constantly working constantly shouting next, next, next.
The customer is forced to subsidize the bank by infusing his time to aid the obvious efficiency of the bank. I’m not particularly smart I just had an extensive amount time to figure out how the system works.
I patiently waited in line and for the first time in my life I became somewhat jealous of a handicap woman in a wheel chair. A quick scan of the bank proved she must have brought her own; smart woman!
Inching closer and closer to my destiny through the imposing rat maze with every sharp shout of next I finally confronted a teller. I must say I experienced an unavoidable overwhelming emotion of having won something. I smiled and informed the teller how very glad I was to meet with her. She seemed annoyed at my enthusiasm.
I reflected briefly on a happier commercial advertisement I had recently seen every 15 minutes on television and thought this would not make a very good advertisement at all.
I proudly produced my script and asked for my promised compensation. The teller asked I sign the back along with my inked thumb print as ID and a Driver’s Operator License too boot.
Geese Wally, this is a long way from the old days when the neighborhood grocery would cash government checks.
The teller then asked did I have an account at 2big2fail. I said NO. Wrong answer, as they would demand a $7.00 fee for their trouble. I questioned the seven dollar charges as part of their duty to pay upon demand otherwise the check was worthless... The teller advised I could avoid the charges if I opened an account at 2big2fail. Desperate for my $7.00 dollars I reluctantly agreed to the obvious privateering of my hard earned monies.
More information was now required such as my personal retirement information from Social Security Administration was demanded also name addresses to name a few. Thinking it was little premature to discuss my retirement I provided the teller at 2big2fail demands for personal retirement account information.
Almost there; I opened the account at 2big2fail and requested a counter check for which the teller provided. I then proudly wrote a check for my hard earned $7.00 dollars and promptly returned it to the teller. I was very proud of my business prowess for devising such a scheme.
The teller said I’m sorry sir you account is overdrawn you have an overdraft fee of $35.00 dollars and 2 $7.00 dollar transaction teller service fees: you owe 2big2fail $42.00 or face reprisals on credit reporting information
Defeated I walked out of 2big2fail and recognized the significance of the Jolly Roger signage. I realized everyone I encountered from the Sheriff to the attorneys and the bank employees were paid by the taxpayer for their service. I felt like a cadaver that parasites swarm over to survive. I wondered if possibly John Dillinger launched his career under a similar circumstance. Should I report the seven dollars to the IRS or claim bankruptcy for $42.00.
The next time, I will not accept any checks written on 2big2fail instead I will surrender to the Sheriff ,go directly to jail where the food and healthcare is free and I can at last be an asset to my community.
Today's Thought
Monday, March 22, 2010
Healthcare Reform Passes

Let it be known the long awaited sausage has arrived from the butchers of our nations capitol.
The legislation was voted on Sunday at nearly midnight on a full moon the first day of spring equinox at low tide. Clearly Democrats summoned Stonehenge and the position of the planets to gain favor.
Like a used runaway Toyota the troubled legislation will now begin the rebuilding process of repair. Not the best looking car on the lot, but fearful of delay the majority chose to push a broken plan into the shop or face the real possibility of no plan later. The decision to push a car that may run later as opposed to good legislation running now is a product of the Democratic Majority.
Democrats exposed their fear of severe prophetic losses at the mid term elections as their highest priority. Accelerator is stuck full ahead into oblivion.
Factoid Today
Change is good
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A New World Order
Before I could say "You Bastards" I fell asleep
I awoke this morning to what I believed was an out of body experience. Turns out it was only the car radio from a nearby illegal alien returning from a night of home invasions.
As I lay there in a partial state of Alzheimer's I ran the morning ritual of, Who am I, Where am I and did anything good happen recently. Results were Check,Check and NO. Yep, It's me as I arose from slumber.
Headed towards the coffee pot the second activity of the morning, the first is not significant to this editorial, I negotiated the hallway. I ran into the door frame happens all to often and today wasn't any different.
As the hot Brain Liqueur brewed from the steaming pot I looked for other thing on my morning list of to do's. Turn on the TV, open the drapes, and fire up the hard drive.
Now with steaming coffee in hand I sat at my key board and 17 remote controls as I sipped the blessed brew. Nerve endings were connecting and the Alzheimer's nearly gone. (cured again)
My focus began rewinding yesterdays events. When I got to "You Bastards" I was hit with a revelation, Why not sell the whole state to a corporation. They already have preferred ownership of sports venues around the country at taxpayer expense.
I honestly began feeling a kindred spirit ship with Albert Einstein Just as he must have experienced a overwhelming feeling of eureka when E=MC2 was discovered. The cosmos has chosen me to be the guru of "Palmer's Theory of Negativity"
A NEW World Order: this was clearly the answer. Eliminate all non essential costs of governors congressmen and the like,transfer government payrolls to the highest bidding corporation to operate at their discretion's.
Saaaay..... Disney, they already own Orlando and have maintained there own government and zip code for years. We Floridians would become Mousketeers, and all would wear mandatory mouse ears to and from work with cute tails hanging from our auto tags. The space shuttle would exchange wings for ears.
Skeptics will say "That will never work". Ah, but it has worked. In the middle ages we had serfs and peons who worked the land for the King. In exchange for their labors they were given food
(not stamps either),if they planted food and shelter, if they built shelter. DIY technology of the day.
The king would keep all the gold because he was smarter and his expertise was invaluable. Let's call him "His Majesty KING BONUS" This system worked for a thousand years and then along comes the "Old Magna Carta" and ruins everything, shit..
Truly, Americans for the past two hundred years never really owned anything. Our ancestors were custodians of the land, only they retained the gold as profits and when they died it passed down to other generation or back to the government to be sold again. This was our legacy until now. This was the public trust for the people
Now the Banks own almost everything, minus what the corporations claim. Americans have mortgages,obscene taxes and script that is constantly devalued by The Feds. And the double standards of 2big2fail TARP legislation grips the land.
The only line of distinction between banking and government is, Banks add interest and government adds tax. Both are imaginary charges that fluctuate to insure Average Joe is always broke. An endless maze of squirrel cages refered to as the GDP. Crafted for the people that never look out to see their own reality.You can't win if you don't make the rules!
Back to The Theory of Negativity. The way I see things the corporation will own the entire state and instead of being shareholders we would be more akin to say sharecroppers
We would change Washington, District of Columbia to simply District of Corporation. George Washington would not approve or the US Constitution so we'll drop old George and write a more adaptive user friendly constitution.
Don't need a President, Congress or House either. Each state will sell out to a corporation and the White house will be more of a board room Headed by a Chairman of Corporations (possibly Gates or Buffett) replacing the President.
Florida would change to Mouseland, Michigan would change to GM and so on. New York will stay a welfare state and simply adopt TARP as its name and force Wall Street to move to Las Vegas where it belongs.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Tear'em down or sell'em ,get off the dime
With all the empty boarded up homes across America. Why do millions sleep in the streets. Is the TARP money allowing 2big2fail banks to hoard realestate. While they hold out for a better economy fueled by inflation. Should America pass legislation forcing foreclosed homes be torn down after 90 days. The inventory of empty houses is staggering as is the homeless
All I Know is What's on Television

If Americans truly need better education and training for jobs in 2010. Why does our Homeland Stupidity allow 22 million free rangeing criminal aliens with no education, illiterate and mute to english uncontrolled access to employment markets, schools and hospitals? Safe to say they do take jobs that 100% of Unemployed Americans have no access to.
Why do we pepetuate the wealth in America by infusing trillions of newly printed imaginary US dollars to Failed Insurance, Failed Banks and Failed Auto Companies? If Small Business is reported to be the backbone of our economy then put tax dollars where it works. The badly needed correction of the ecomomy has been impeded by TARP Legislation
Where was the fourth amendment to the US Constitution when The Patriot Act was passed and where was the Supreme Court?
Why do we have Seperation of Chuch and State and not Separation of State and Banking