The recession that began in December of 2007 lingers on despite a rising stock market. Claims are made by pundits this is normal for the Stock Market to lead a upward economic trend. Using past historical data as evidence America will soon have a chicken in every pot.
The Great Depression lasted from 10/29 to 1940 or nearly 11 years.
The dismal employment numbers recently indicate Florida's 12.2% unemployed and growing. The reporting does not reflect people who are part time, under employed or others who have given into poverty. When both demographics are used the rate jumps to 20.7%. Nor do these numbers include 22 million illegals hiding in George's Bushes
This rate today no doubt exceeds the 25% rate posted in The Great Depression.
I have many concerns that our economy during the GW Bush Administration was falsely bolstered by the Housing Mortgage Derivative Fiasco similar to his fathers (HW Bush) Saving and Loan Debacle, which involved Neil Bush (son/brother) as board of director of the highly publicized and bankrupt Silverado Savings of the day.
The savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s (commonly referred to as the S&L crisis) was the failure of 747 savings and loan associations (S&Ls aka thrifts). A Savings and Loan is a financial institution in the United States that accepts savings deposits and makes mortgage, car and other personal loans to individual members. The ultimate cost of the crisis is estimated to have totaled around $160.1 billion, about $124.6 billion of which was directly paid for by the US government via a financial bailout under the leadership of George H.W. Bush—that is, the US taxpayer provided the funding for the bailout, either directly or through charges on their savings and loan accounts and increased taxes[1]—which contributed to the large budget deficits of the early 1990s.
As the American manufacturing centers were sent overseas in search of cheap labor and no environmental concerns by the Wall Street Raiders, many Americans were forced to abandon those careers for another industry. One by one American Giants of Manufacturing were either shuttered or moved to foreign countries where they can operate as Robber Barons of the early 1900's. The exodus of American made products of Autos, Construction, Farm equipment, home appliance, televisions were all lost.
You get the Picture it's been going on since 1970.
Displaced Americans were being forced into a ever tightening circle of competition. The vast number of these individual were absorbed by The Bush Housing Scam.
I refer to it as Bush's because although he never seemed in control of anything it was his name on the door. It was the Bush Administration that turned the US Treasury upside down and shook it as a Haliburton piggy bank.
The collapse left Construction Overbuilt ,Real Estate Over Priced as realtor's, appraisers and phony Mortgage Brokers all lost their jobs. We also witnessed the take over of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Lending as well as the massive TARP Bank Bailouts. Mysteriously Regular Gasoline rose to an unexplainable $4.00 a gallon making daily commuting imposible.
Water over the dam, as we put this Parker Bros economy behind and look forwards .If Bush were never president and none of the above occurred we would still have a large unemployment problem. Or the same problems only we would still have our money and the housing crisis of so many foreclosures and upside down mortgages would not be an issue. Cities would not have homeless and their budgets balanced.
The real problem was never addressed and it's painfully clear we can't all work for the government or build bridges to nowhere. We need other industries. Obama never seems to address the issue of what direction America is headed. Obama mimics the Bush claims of an untrained American work force even though neither Bush, Obama or Homeland Stupidity impedes uncontrolled untrained illegals from free ranging in America.
Obama seems to think the recovery act will magically produce a thousand Microsoft's and Computer industries and the Emperor will suddenly appear to have clothes. Could happen, probably won't.
If we travel back to 1970 and and examine why we sent our jobs overseas the answer is simple, It's Unencumbered Capitalism.
America became a great nation from Capitalism, but along the way we also learned that uncontrolled it produces a total depletion of resources, workers, destroys the environment and quality of life. As America grew up we established National Parks as off limits, Labor Laws for workers banning children in the workplace, Workers Compensation, OSHA all to reign in pure Capitalism Greed of Robber Barons.
It's popular for Wall Street Raiders of the sweat shops around the world to frame the problem as entirely based on US wages. They never acknowledge the human rights they violate of foreign workers or ecological disasters that we residents of EARTH will be forced to cleanup as world wide Superfund's sites, that once were only in America.
Ignoring the damage this does to US Foreign Policies as we humiliate their workers. Nor do they realize the importance of comparisons of labor can only be compared as Standard of Living, not just wages, as foreign workers don't support the US Congress and Pork
If America is truly a world leader then we must demand the same environmrntal standards and workers rights universally, or step aside to another countries leadership. The money made by Wall Street stays on Wall Street and average Joe American is forced into poverty ,but forced to share in Taxes.
America Knows better, we stopped the Robber Barons in America a hundred years ago. If we don't stop now we will repeat the last hundred years on global scale. Where will all the Wall Street money be when the final bill comes. The money to cleanup their global waste will be paid by the workers and Wall Street will hoard the profits as their own.
The end of the crash of 2007 is still unknown. What is known is, the Black Tuesday October 1929 crash lasted 11 years. For the first three years America was promised a return to normal in 1933 as eminent. An Englishmen was responsible for coining the term "Great Depression" in 1934. The long recovery still 6 years away.
Many people believe the collapse of our economy was seen well in advance, probably as early as 2003, but rather than stop the collapse they plotted to profit from the collapse. This known as "MALFEASANCE" as stated below.
The bonuses of 2010 proves the malfeasance(intentional and illeagle) was profitable to a few at your considerable expense.
Malfeasance 1929 breakdown of international trade, and Institutional economists who point to under consumption and over-investment (causing an economic bubble), malfeasance by bankers and industrialists, or incompetence by government officials. The consensus viewpoint is that there was a large-scale loss of confidence that led to a sudden reduction in consumption and investment spending. Once panic and deflation set in, many people believed they could make more money by keeping clear of the markets as prices dropped lower and a given amount of money bought ever more goods, exacerbating the drop in demand.
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