In crafting the perfect crime the objective is to divest other people of their wealth and property. The most common approach is strong arm robbery. Unfortunately this breeds Anarchy and in a Democracy stealing will likely land you in jail.
In addition anyone is eligible to join the fraternity of Thief, Highwaymen or Piracy. Committing the perfect crime requires you must be able to regulate who can steal and who may not. Permit, fees, degrees and licenses can impose this mandatory regulation necessary to the legal crime. Similar in many ways to modern day banking where the customers are captive to the system.
Democracy severely complicates legalized theft in America.
Certainly other forms of government are more conducive to legalized crime. Forcing people to conform and eliminate freedom of choice is the hallmark of Communism. Communism is often disguised under a veil of public good as provided by an oppressive government
The tools required to legally steal in a Democracy therefore must be carefully crafted to allow as few as possible to have access to the crime. This is a very tall order and could take a hundred years of effort
Consider the Toll Road: here’s a good example of charging passage to your destination. As long as the consumer feels the charges are worthy of his hard earned money he will patronize the road justifying the charges. As the greed of the owner increases the consumer may choose other options to avoid overpaying. The user cannot barter or negotiate the cost. you either pay the pre determined amount or no access.
The consumer may the select an alternate route. Clearly a problem when you have competition. Competition must be eliminated as a highest priority, this leaves the user with the option of Flying, Rail or Boat
These options vastly increases the scope of the crime because all options must be closed, sealing the donut hole in order that the crime work
There is only one more possible option that Americans might select; the option of refusing to go at all. This is the most difficult as you must command people, they must travel the road or face fines, seizure or jail. Forcing the public always breeds civil discord.
Truly this eliminates the Toll Road as a viable choice for the perfect crime.
To commit the perfect crime you must have a vehicle that all Americans need.
A vehicle core to the very existence of human dignity would make an excellent choice.
You cannot die without some form of medical care and since nobody gets out of here alive; Healthcare Insurance fills in all the blanks.
Confusing Insurance Claim Form documents requiring both doctor and patients hour’s of complex billing process drive costs up resulting in payments to doctors and patients down. Adding dollars to their robust balance sheet. Due to most healthcare insurance is employer based package neither, doctor or patients have leverage to control the Giant Insurance Companies
Since World War 2 Insurance has amass huge wealth dominating urban skylines by pirating the American people
To qualify Health Insurance as a vehicle to the Perfect Crime you must first change the name to Healthcare Reform. This is a necessary because the insurance industry has bled the American Consumer for forty years by over charging and then through cleverly worded insurance contracts; they are not be required to pay anything. Dead men tell no tales.
Legalizing the bait and switch industry known as healthcare. Cloaked in numbers ,so few are sick most of the population was ignorant to the theft that was occurring daily. When you get sick and try to collect the scam is revealed.
This corrupt system has reached a point where the extortion simply could not increase further without mandatory legislation requiring lobbyist to purchase a US Congressmen. When the cost is spread over an entire captive population the piracy of corruption is masked by shear numbers of scale.
Insurance Reform is
1. Not Mandatory
2. Not Employer Based or Government Based
3. Regulates the Insurance Company rather than the customer
4. Generic coverage to all Americans including Congressmen and Government employees demanding the same care and coverage for everyone
The 2700 page Healthcare Act signed by President Obama is Healthcare Larceny, not reform. The enormous content of the legislation merely describes the Perfect Crime
In addition anyone is eligible to join the fraternity of Thief, Highwaymen or Piracy. Committing the perfect crime requires you must be able to regulate who can steal and who may not. Permit, fees, degrees and licenses can impose this mandatory regulation necessary to the legal crime. Similar in many ways to modern day banking where the customers are captive to the system.
Democracy severely complicates legalized theft in America.
Certainly other forms of government are more conducive to legalized crime. Forcing people to conform and eliminate freedom of choice is the hallmark of Communism. Communism is often disguised under a veil of public good as provided by an oppressive government
The tools required to legally steal in a Democracy therefore must be carefully crafted to allow as few as possible to have access to the crime. This is a very tall order and could take a hundred years of effort
Consider the Toll Road: here’s a good example of charging passage to your destination. As long as the consumer feels the charges are worthy of his hard earned money he will patronize the road justifying the charges. As the greed of the owner increases the consumer may choose other options to avoid overpaying. The user cannot barter or negotiate the cost. you either pay the pre determined amount or no access.
The consumer may the select an alternate route. Clearly a problem when you have competition. Competition must be eliminated as a highest priority, this leaves the user with the option of Flying, Rail or Boat
These options vastly increases the scope of the crime because all options must be closed, sealing the donut hole in order that the crime work
There is only one more possible option that Americans might select; the option of refusing to go at all. This is the most difficult as you must command people, they must travel the road or face fines, seizure or jail. Forcing the public always breeds civil discord.
Truly this eliminates the Toll Road as a viable choice for the perfect crime.
To commit the perfect crime you must have a vehicle that all Americans need.
A vehicle core to the very existence of human dignity would make an excellent choice.
You cannot die without some form of medical care and since nobody gets out of here alive; Healthcare Insurance fills in all the blanks.
Confusing Insurance Claim Form documents requiring both doctor and patients hour’s of complex billing process drive costs up resulting in payments to doctors and patients down. Adding dollars to their robust balance sheet. Due to most healthcare insurance is employer based package neither, doctor or patients have leverage to control the Giant Insurance Companies
Since World War 2 Insurance has amass huge wealth dominating urban skylines by pirating the American people
To qualify Health Insurance as a vehicle to the Perfect Crime you must first change the name to Healthcare Reform. This is a necessary because the insurance industry has bled the American Consumer for forty years by over charging and then through cleverly worded insurance contracts; they are not be required to pay anything. Dead men tell no tales.
Legalizing the bait and switch industry known as healthcare. Cloaked in numbers ,so few are sick most of the population was ignorant to the theft that was occurring daily. When you get sick and try to collect the scam is revealed.
This corrupt system has reached a point where the extortion simply could not increase further without mandatory legislation requiring lobbyist to purchase a US Congressmen. When the cost is spread over an entire captive population the piracy of corruption is masked by shear numbers of scale.
Insurance Reform is
1. Not Mandatory
2. Not Employer Based or Government Based
3. Regulates the Insurance Company rather than the customer
4. Generic coverage to all Americans including Congressmen and Government employees demanding the same care and coverage for everyone
The 2700 page Healthcare Act signed by President Obama is Healthcare Larceny, not reform. The enormous content of the legislation merely describes the Perfect Crime
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