As a card carrying member of the Boomer generation I have witnessed a great amount of change in America. Growing up in the 50’sand 60’s was the best time in history to be alive.
We had a milkman, breadman, ice cream guy on a bicycle with a dry ice box that steamed smoke when opened and even a truck with fresh picked vegetables from nearby fields, complete with scales and baskets.
Most people had a car but, cars were generally at work during the day with the bread winner. It was not uncommon for folks not to have a car. If you carefully listened for the various horns whistles and bells of delivery men, necessities were brought to the home.
Salesmen prowled the community selling brushes cosmetics and sweepers door to door. You really didn’t need a car. Every home was occupied with a homemaker who tended to children who ran free range in the safety of the community. Neighborhoods were so safe people rarely locked their doors. Your neighbors had your back, keeping a constant vigil on your property. You rarely saw a cop or the fire department except the 4th of July
There were World War 2 veterans everywhere whose souls had been battle tempered by Japan, Germany and the Great Depression. They carried with them a message of Obligation from Friends, Hero’s now buried in foreign lands.
An Obligation paramount to life itself as decorum prevailed throughout the land.
They knew that while you may inherit the US Constitution at birth; that freedom was paid for equally by each generation.
They understood the US Constitution granted No Freedoms or rights, but rather was the instruction manual, in the proper hands, to greatest nation the World has ever known.
Disciplined that Democracy cannot be gifted inherited or transferred to another nation.
We witnessed the Liberty that has grown around the world, sprouted from the blood of the Obligation. Virtually all of the Free World benefits from the Obligation.
The Hero’s of Normandy and Iwo Jima were not asked for college degrees, diplomas or validations from Wall Street for their right of passage. Nor did they die to insure Bankers and Politicians would redeem so unfairly in future generations.
As a recipient of their freedom you were expected to live with only the highest level of morality and decorum.
Tolerant of those who might fall short, but never of those who mocked the Obligation.
On rare occasions an unruly individual would test these values and fall victim to the powerful punch from the Obligation carried by the veterans.
The sentiment in America in 50’s 60’s was everyone regardless of occupation, was entitled to all aspect of the benefits of their freedom. The wages paid to factory employees regardless of education or world commerce reflected the debts owed by all America to the Obligation.
The world was full of tyrants and a time might come when veterans would be needed again. You had to work, but work was plentiful and profitable as the boomers slowly grew to consumers.
It’s obvious today; many among us foolishly mock the Obligation as their Constitutional Right.
To mock the Obligation diminishes the US Constitution in fact; the Obligation precedes the Constitution.
It is the Obligation that guarantees the Constitution.
The Freedom you enjoy is not yours at all. But is a result of the Obligation
Today we find our selves in a much different world. The delivery men are long gone; the neighborhoods are empty, not safe despite sirens of police everywhere. Houses are empty during the day as both men and women must work for disparaging wages, placing children in day care institutions raising the next generation as wards of the state. We have way too many cars, some people have three although; none could compare to a 57 Chevy or Thunderbird.
People everywhere are screaming about the constitution and rights. Homes are foreclosed and Americans sleep in the streets.
The wealth in America is focused to only a few atop 1% of population that suck off the GDP as parasites.
Factories are shuttered unable to compete against the overseas sweat shops illegal in the US but; supported by Wall Street Raiders.
Uncontrolled borders and immigration allow for runaway drop in wages endorsed by our government although against the Law, deemed necessary to feed our Wall Street Based Economy. We have traded our economic engine for a $5.00 shirt at Wall Mart.
We still have Washington, DC, the Capitol Buildings, Congress, House Representatives and White house; we can still view the US Constitution and read our entitlements.
If you focus on the runaway out of control national debt: Please be advised your looking at the wrong debt.
What we‘ve lost is "The Obligation"
Note: everything that made America a great country in 1970 is still here.
Including resources of Iron, Steel, and Copper as well as the factories that produced them. The only thing that has changed is our people and their priorities of how we use them.
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