What if America were more like the grocery I’m always amazed of the grocery selections available with itemized prices clearly posted for the customers convenience. Posted prices are important because one would not want to arrive at the check out short. Knowing the cost is so American.
My state imposes no tax on most foods. The thought being, like water everyone should have some, so kind of our government not to tax eating and drinking.
As I shop I review the prices of bread or milk that may have moved up or down. I further have choices of brands to be considered as, quality is just as important as price. If an increase is noted I may choose to cut back, not purchase or perhaps patronizes another grocer.
Conversely, if the price has dropped and the quality is the same, I always stock up. This is exactly what the grocer wanted to reduce prices on slow moving products, thus freeing shelf space to newer products.
Clearly, the grocery business is highly competitive as consumers are offered an array of choices. The grocer purchases his food from the farmer and the laws of supply and demand command how much the grocer will pay, how much the farmer will make, placing the consumer directly in the middle of the whole process.
This system gives equal control to the farmer who grows the food and the grocery who markets the food and the consumer who eats the food without government interventions.
Imagine for a moment if a politician were to attempt improving the grocery business, perhaps streamline the grocery for the public good.
I expect he would first impose a license of approval from government say, Congress. This has an immediate impact for now Congress can now force the grocer to operate as demanded by Congress
Congress incidentally is elected by the people for the people.
Naturally Congress would become involved in Price, Quality, Selections as well as Payments
The grocer would be forced to comply or loose his license. (Many will) To control the consumer it’s best to acquire consumers money before he receives it, to insure the money flows as Congress dictates.
Employer based deductions clearly is the popular choice, as most people would not freely adhere to the new system of grocery. Employers are now clearly necessary to the loop.
This begins to blur the line between free enterprise and government thus implying a worker is now somehow responsible to both employer and government. An unfair reality emerges in food source availability is now transferred to the employer via the government from the worker. Making for a harder working more dependants, obedient and thrifty US Worker.
Workers are denied choice as the requirements are mandatory at all employers. Congress would command employers to; seize money from the worker and then select a mandatory Congressional approved grocer, thus gaining obvious control of employer, consumer and grocer.
Employers will now select who his employees should patronize for free food.
Threats from the government of fines seizures and even jail would be implemented for public good.
It is up to congress to mandate cost of goods, how much the farmer gets, how much the grocer makes as profit in addition to who may sell groceries and who may not.
Congressional authority is necessary without Congressional Authority it would violate The Peoples US Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments
. This system insures that all components of the grocery food supply are now in control of Congress. The obvious question now is; who controls Congress?
Sadly it’s the grocery.
Once the choices and money from the consumer to markets is circumvented to the employer and the employee can only select from congressional groceries it’s easy to see all the money now ping pongs back and forth between the grocer and Congress.
Grocers are now allowed huge bonuses and profits and now expected to donate heavily to re-elections, thus completing the circle of piracy. The only limitation now is the sweat from the GDP and national debt.
The supplier, the farmer has lost control because he may only sell product to the Congressional grocery. Therefore the farmer who produces the food is isolated from the consumer who eats the food and the “Wealth” is captured by Congress and the Grocer (WALL STREET)now firmly in the middle. Americans become sharecroppers rather than shareholders. Entitlements are the people’s only recourse as courts begin flooding and attorneys flourish
The people, as long as they don’t die feeds a system and the system feeds the people as the Congress now sees fit.
This is mirror image of our current Healthcare in America. Substitute Farmer for Doctor and Grocery for Insurance Company and Consumer for Taxpayer and you now have a system prime for corruption.
Corruption occurs now that the government controls all aspects of commerce. The Grocery will now advertise on television as free food with perks, call now for free home delivery forcing the now uncontrolled cost to skyrocket. The bubble grows as crooks invade the porous system formerly controlled by the people. People attempt to obtain and will an, unfair potion of the food supply as entitlements. Black markets appear as foods are sold twice.
Above all is the undeniable disclosure that the government and Wall Street now control the people!! It’s hard to imagine the Pilgrims who landed here to flee an unfair government could plant the seeds of another
My state imposes no tax on most foods. The thought being, like water everyone should have some, so kind of our government not to tax eating and drinking.
As I shop I review the prices of bread or milk that may have moved up or down. I further have choices of brands to be considered as, quality is just as important as price. If an increase is noted I may choose to cut back, not purchase or perhaps patronizes another grocer.
Conversely, if the price has dropped and the quality is the same, I always stock up. This is exactly what the grocer wanted to reduce prices on slow moving products, thus freeing shelf space to newer products.
Clearly, the grocery business is highly competitive as consumers are offered an array of choices. The grocer purchases his food from the farmer and the laws of supply and demand command how much the grocer will pay, how much the farmer will make, placing the consumer directly in the middle of the whole process.
This system gives equal control to the farmer who grows the food and the grocery who markets the food and the consumer who eats the food without government interventions.
Imagine for a moment if a politician were to attempt improving the grocery business, perhaps streamline the grocery for the public good.
I expect he would first impose a license of approval from government say, Congress. This has an immediate impact for now Congress can now force the grocer to operate as demanded by Congress
Congress incidentally is elected by the people for the people.
Naturally Congress would become involved in Price, Quality, Selections as well as Payments
The grocer would be forced to comply or loose his license. (Many will) To control the consumer it’s best to acquire consumers money before he receives it, to insure the money flows as Congress dictates.
Employer based deductions clearly is the popular choice, as most people would not freely adhere to the new system of grocery. Employers are now clearly necessary to the loop.
This begins to blur the line between free enterprise and government thus implying a worker is now somehow responsible to both employer and government. An unfair reality emerges in food source availability is now transferred to the employer via the government from the worker. Making for a harder working more dependants, obedient and thrifty US Worker.
Workers are denied choice as the requirements are mandatory at all employers. Congress would command employers to; seize money from the worker and then select a mandatory Congressional approved grocer, thus gaining obvious control of employer, consumer and grocer.
Employers will now select who his employees should patronize for free food.
Threats from the government of fines seizures and even jail would be implemented for public good.
It is up to congress to mandate cost of goods, how much the farmer gets, how much the grocer makes as profit in addition to who may sell groceries and who may not.
Congressional authority is necessary without Congressional Authority it would violate The Peoples US Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments
. This system insures that all components of the grocery food supply are now in control of Congress. The obvious question now is; who controls Congress?
Sadly it’s the grocery.
Once the choices and money from the consumer to markets is circumvented to the employer and the employee can only select from congressional groceries it’s easy to see all the money now ping pongs back and forth between the grocer and Congress.
Grocers are now allowed huge bonuses and profits and now expected to donate heavily to re-elections, thus completing the circle of piracy. The only limitation now is the sweat from the GDP and national debt.
The supplier, the farmer has lost control because he may only sell product to the Congressional grocery. Therefore the farmer who produces the food is isolated from the consumer who eats the food and the “Wealth” is captured by Congress and the Grocer (WALL STREET)now firmly in the middle. Americans become sharecroppers rather than shareholders. Entitlements are the people’s only recourse as courts begin flooding and attorneys flourish
The people, as long as they don’t die feeds a system and the system feeds the people as the Congress now sees fit.
This is mirror image of our current Healthcare in America. Substitute Farmer for Doctor and Grocery for Insurance Company and Consumer for Taxpayer and you now have a system prime for corruption.
Corruption occurs now that the government controls all aspects of commerce. The Grocery will now advertise on television as free food with perks, call now for free home delivery forcing the now uncontrolled cost to skyrocket. The bubble grows as crooks invade the porous system formerly controlled by the people. People attempt to obtain and will an, unfair potion of the food supply as entitlements. Black markets appear as foods are sold twice.
Above all is the undeniable disclosure that the government and Wall Street now control the people!! It’s hard to imagine the Pilgrims who landed here to flee an unfair government could plant the seeds of another
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