I watched Tom Brokaw’s latest work BOOMER$. I hope you caught the show, if not make a point to watch soon.
I see hundreds of people on cable news each day claiming to be the voice of the American people. Yet none speaks for me. Most are intent on claiming to represent main stream America to promote their very narrow agenda of change.
Promise of future change is cloaked in vague promise with little substance that cannot be held accountable. Words and phrase are carefully drafted by professional wordsmiths to insure the true agenda is unnoticed until all voting is completed. It's far more important for voters to focus on what was not stated rather than interpret the verbal message.
I see hundreds of people on cable news each day claiming to be the voice of the American people. Yet none speaks for me. Most are intent on claiming to represent main stream America to promote their very narrow agenda of change.
Promise of future change is cloaked in vague promise with little substance that cannot be held accountable. Words and phrase are carefully drafted by professional wordsmiths to insure the true agenda is unnoticed until all voting is completed. It's far more important for voters to focus on what was not stated rather than interpret the verbal message.
All seem to support these agendas with twisted facts and outright lies centered on highly charged topics of Gun Control, Abortion and Gay Marriage to enrage an ignorant and very unhappy population.
The ignorant follow these distractions that mask the source of their true unhappiness. The issues of Lost Civil Liberties, Criminal Immigration and Corporate Bailouts that perpetuate the wealthiest Americans are continually ignored.
Never before in my recollection has the balance of wealth been so lopsided. Hundreds of homeless Americans sleep in the streets while Big Banks board up their homes provided by the Taxpayer dimes through 0% loans from the US Treasury, TARP and TALP legislation. The TARP/TALP legislation has stymied the free markets, preventing the economic correction from depleting Corporate Wealth around the world.
Simply put Hank Paulson made sure his cronies would be spared from any loss by the Taxpayer’s Dime while unemployed homeless sleep in the streets.
For most of my life I was far to busy to get involved in political debates. I think political debate comes as we mature from the blessed ignorance of youth to battle scared maturity of age. In our youth we saw the corruption in our society and made changes as we stole the torch from previous generations.
Boomers were there at the Kent State Massacre, The 69 Democratic Convention and the Civil Rights for minorities and women.
The political parties of the day both courted the Boomer demographic as a must have to win. The results were 18 year old vote, 18 year old drinking age with both political parties promise to end the Vietnam War and later abolished the Military Draft.
Bang we were off to a great start. We still have the Draft Board but, only in times of Declaration of War. Clearly this was not the case in Vietnam Korea, Iraq 92 Iraq 02 as well as Afghanistan 02. Our nimrod leaders of the day choose to use the term War to enlist the support of mindless political agendas.
If history teaches us anything the United States of America entered World War 2 in December of 1941. The war ended in August of 1945. When your back is against the wall great things can happen. I don’t recall long discussions of Healthcare when Hitler bombed London while the Toyota bombed Pearl Harbor.
I don’t follow any political party agenda. My views are singular in the notion the brunt of the blame cannot be placed on any party. The American People are to blame as a country not as a demographic. It’s not their fault, its Americas failure to govern for the people.
As a Boomer it’s time for us to get off our fat asses and stop this wholesale destruction of America.
After all we invented discord!!!!
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