Monday, May 31, 2010
USS Liberty - Never Forget

June 8, 1967 Isreal attacked the USS Liberty on patrol in the Medetertranian Sea near the Sinai Peninsula. 34 American Lives lost and 171 wounded
The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli jet fighter planes and motor torpedo boats, on June 8, 1967, during the ongoing Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and a civilian), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nmi (29.3 mi; 47.2 km) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish.[1]
Both the Israeli and U.S, governments conducted inquiries[2] into the incident, and issued reports, which concluded that the attack was a mistake, due to Israeli confusion about the identity of the USS Liberty. Some U.S. diplomats, veterans and intelligence officials involved in the incident continue to dispute these official findings, saying the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was not a mistake, and it remains the only major maritime incident in U.S. history not investigated by the U.S. Congress.[3]
In May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3,323,500 as full payment to the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3,566,457 in compensation to the men who had been wounded. On 18 December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million as settlement for the U.S. claim of $7,644,146 for material damage to the Liberty itself.[4]
On December 17, 1987, the issue was officially closed by the two governments through an exchange of diplomatic note
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Dario Franchitti Wins 2010 Indy

Dario Franchitti wins the 94th Indianapolis 500. The great race won in Americas heartland with the help of an Italian car equipped with a Japanese Engine and driven by a Scotsman
1911 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Qualification Results
Starting grid determined by order of entry date.
Entries required to maintain an excess of 75 mph (120.7 km/h) over a quarter-mile distance to qualify.
No qualification times or speeds recorded, only success or failure to qualify.[6]
Row Far Inside Inside Center Center Outside Center Far Outside
1 Pace Car Position Lewis Strang †1 Ralph DePalma Harry Endicott Johnny Aitken
2 Louis Disbrow Frank Fox Harry Knight †2 Joe Jagersberger Will Jones
3 Gil Andersen Spencer Wishart W. H. Turner Fred Belcher †3 Arthur Chevrolet
4 †4 Charles Basle Eddie Hearne Harry Grant Charlie Merz Howdy Wilcox
5 Mel Marquette Fred Ellis Harry Cobe Jack Tower Ernest Delaney
6 David L. Bruce-Brown Lee Frayer Joe Dawson Ray Harroun Ralph Mulford
7 Teddy Tetzlaff Herbert Lytle Hughie Hughes Charles Bigelow Ralph Beardsley
8 Caleb Bragg Howard Hall Bill Endicott Arthur Greiner Bob Burman
9 Billy Knipper
DNQ Louis Edmunds Rupert Jeffkins
Only nine Americans raced in the 2010 Memorial Day Classic
Just say No to Criminals, Mr Obama or Face Impeachment

Why hasn't President Obama asked the 22 million free ranging criminals in America to leave quietly. By not asking them formerly to leave his administration condones their illegal presence in land he leads and pledged to defend. His oath of office does not require him to protect Mexico! Neither he nor his cabinets has requested they remove themselves from our country. This Administration continues with rhetoric of a pathway to citizenship and ignores the will of the American people who oppose his illegal agenda. We the people demand he formerly direct all criminal illegals in America to leave or he should be impeached under Article 2 US Constitution "Oath of Office".
It is then necessary for the House of Representatives to begin impeachment Vote. All we demand Mr President is You and your Cabinet demand all criminal illegals to leave the United States Of America. Just ask it's the law and not your prerogative!!!
The stark reality emerged yesterday in Arizona's illegal immigration parade in the streets of Arizona, while law abiding Americans protested within the safety of Arizona Stadium Walls.
Why does his administration not recognize that the States where criminal illegals have the heaviest concentrations are plagued by crime, budget shortfalls and failed state governments. The bean counters who claim these parasites are good for our economy fail to see America's fall from world leadership over the past forty years.
We the people are being judged daily on the world stage. Every aspect of American life has been on decline since we sacrificed the American Middle Class jobs in favor of The Pharaohs of Wall Street Raiders.
When power of the people is transferred to the Oligarchy Corporate Government the voters are lead to the polling booth to vote for the same guy with a different suit. Both are bad and neither will represent his vote. Stop the elections and change the system that is failing America.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Obligation

The Obligation
As a card carrying member of the Boomer generation I have witnessed a great amount of change in America. Growing up in the 50’sand 60’s was the best time in history to be alive.
We had a milkman, bread man, ice cream guy on a bicycle with a dry ice box that steamed smoke when opened and even a truck with fresh picked vegetables from nearby fields, complete with scales and baskets.
Most people had a car but, cars were generally at work during the day with the bread winner. It was not uncommon for folks not to have a car. If you carefully listened for the various horns whistles and bells of delivery men, necessities were brought to the home.
Salesmen prowled the community selling brushes cosmetics and sweepers door to door. You really didn’t need a car. Every home was occupied with a homemaker who tended to children who ran free range in the safety of the community. Neighborhoods were so safe people rarely locked their doors. Need a cup of sugar or butter? If the milkman didn't have it your neighbor did. Prompt repayment was good policy. Your neighbors had your back, keeping a constant vigil on your property. You rarely saw a cop or the fire department except, the 4th of July. We lived in a world where only criminals locked their doors.
There were World War 2 veterans everywhere whose souls had been battle tempered by Japan, Germany and the Great Depression. They carried with them a message of Obligation from brothers, Hero’s now buried in foreign lands.
An Obligation paramount to life itself as decorum prevailed throughout the land.
They knew that while you may inherit the US Constitution Document at birth, freedom was paid for equally by each generation.
They understood the US Constitution granted No Freedoms or Rights, but rather was the instruction manual, in the proper hands, to greatest nation the World has ever known.
Disciplined that Democracy cannot be gifted inherited or transferred to another nation. The price paid for Democracy is not negotiable. All are eligible, none denied. The obligation is the spirit of our Union. The essence of our Constitution. The bond that stiches each American together.
We witnessed the Liberty that has grown around the world, sprouted from the blood of the Obligation. Virtually all of the Free World benefits from our American Obligation.
The Hero’s of Normandy and Iwo Jima were not asked for college degrees, diplomas or validations from Wall Street for their right of passage. Nor did they die to insure Bankers and Politicians would redeem so unfairly in future generations.
As a recipient of their freedom you were expected to live with only the highest level of morality and decorum.
Tolerant of those who might fall short, but never of those who mocked the Obligation.
On rare occasions an unruly individual would test these values and fall victim to the powerful punch from the Obligation carried by the veterans.
The sentiment in America in 50’s 60’s was everyone regardless of occupation, was entitled to all aspect of the benefits of their freedom. The wages paid to factory employees regardless of education or world commerce reflected the debts owed by all America to the Obligation.
The world was full of tyrants and a time might come when veterans would be needed again. You had to work, but work was plentiful and profitable as the boomers slowly grew to consumers.
It’s obvious today many among us foolishly mock the Obligation as their Constitutional Right.
To mock the Obligation diminishes the US Constitution. The Obligation precedes the Constitution.
It is the Obligation that guarantees the Constitution.
The Freedom you enjoy is not yours at all. But is a result of the Obligation.
Today we find our selves in a much different world. The delivery men are long gone. The neighborhoods are empty. Unsafe, despite sirens of police everywhere. Houses are empty during the day as both men and women must work for disparaging wages, placing children in day care institutions raising the next generation as wards of the state. We have way too many cars, some people have three. None could compare to a 57 Chevy or Thunderbird.
People everywhere are screaming about the constitution and rights. Homes are foreclosed and Americans sleep in the streets.
The wealth in America is focused to only a few atop 1% of population that suck off the GDP as parasites.
Factories are shuttered unable to compete against the overseas sweat shops illegal in the US but, supported by Wall Street Raiders.
Uncontrolled borders and immigration allow for runaway drop in wages endorsed by our government. Against the Law, deemed necessary to feed our Wall Street Based Economy. We have traded our economic engine for a $5.00 shirt at Wall Mart.
We still have Washington, DC, the Capitol Buildings, Congress, House Representatives and White house. We can still view the US Constitution and read our entitlements.
If you focus on the runaway out of control national debt: Please be advised your looking at the wrong debt.
What we‘ve lost is "The Obligation"
Note: everything that made America a great country in 1970 is still here.
Including resources of Iron, Steel, and Copper as well as the factories that produced them. The only thing that has changed is our people and their priorities of how we use them.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Obama Defends his Administration

I have only a few questions remaining regarding the BP Oil Disaster.
The President stated the oil will certainly continue to find it's way to Gulf Beaches and Estuaries. Since failure is eminent then concentration should be focused upon the cleanup. Please don't bore the American people with claims BP will clean up their disaster. Send BP to Alaska and have them cleanup The Exxon Valdez....
My question are as follows.
1. How much have you cleaned and where? (provide detailed map of location as well as who is credited the cleaning and total cost for that area).
2. When will all the the oil be removed from the Gulf Regions. Were looking at years of cleaning, so what year plus or minus a year. Maybe 2012?
3. What steps will be taken to seize control of your Cabinet and Administration. The American people are concerned about the similarities between the Bush Financial Crisis and The Obama BP Oil Disaster. Particularly the SEC, Treasury Dept and Department of Interior. MMS. Both the Treasury and the Interior have been acuused of dereliction of duty while down loading porn. America is concerned and confused as to the depth of the failure spreading through out government.
4. Are they downloading porn at the Pentagon? If so explain. If you don't know you should be impeached.
5. We need detailed cost information published weekly on money spent for government supported Military and Civilians Assitance for cleanup.
6. Is there a terrorist conspiracy cell working in the Treasury or Department of Interior or just a group of greedy incompetant fools in charge.
John W Finn
Saturday, May 22, 2010
G.O.O.O.O.O.O.O = Gulf Oil Oozing On Oceans Office Of Oversight Observations
Whenever our leaders are challenged with a problem so large and widespread the blame cannot be focused on the single sacrificial scapegoat. They will invariably appoint a blue ribbon committee to investigate the obvious oversight.
President Obama announced such a Committee this week to shed light on those government employees who did not do their jobs.
Signaling the ceremonial surrender white flag of we can't hide this shit any longer. The trail of misspokens are so vast it can only be viewed as lies. How many barrels spew from the leaking 21" pipe?
Answer is: as much as God wants.
The new committee will offer suggestions of expertise to the following US Government Officials. Some of which you may be familiar
1. Department of Interior
2. E.P.A
3. Department of Energy
4. Bureaus of Oil and Gas
5. Mineral Management Service
6. National Energy Board
7. Congress
It's expected the new think tank will not offer suggestions of "put a big ass lid on it" or "let's try a small lid" or "has anybody got some golf balls for the Gulf Hole"!
The blame and problems will then buried in useless regulations intended to absorb or deflect public outcry. In lieu of prosecution of the cronies and elected officials who are guilty. Followed by promises of it will never happen again but, always does is common.
You can't have a new regulation without creating a new agency to accept responsibility for the next time the same situation occurs.
For reasons unknown to the American people these agencies are always refereed to as an acronym. Referring to the name of said agency by acronym disguises and confuses the public as to what their purposes truly represents. The acronym and name usually have nothing to tie the problem to the agency.(see: The Slacker Act from earlier blog)
I therefore would like to assist the Committee in naming the New agency in charge of what nobody is held accountable.
The acronym of GOOOOOOO, I think is appropriate. for Gulf Oil Oozing On Oceans, Office Of Oversight Observation. This new agency will be in charge of making damn sure everything works first approach. Cutting edge technology of measure twice cut once implementation.
When these bureaucracies becomes so numerous, large and ineffective the government will then resort to the Super Agency to oversee the failures of all it's subordinate agencies. The Super Agency is the pinacle in the legislative pyramid of incompetance.
Homeland Stupidity is an excellent example of bureaucracy at it's finest. Now you have a government so large that failures cannot be identified until the Super Agency can now define the origins to blame.
The person who states "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help" is really nothing more than a guy that's empowered only to take your money.
Our government is currently embroiled in several problems involving the ineffective SEC (office of porn) INS, MMS, Border Patrol, EPA and the US Treasury.
In each case our leader have chosen not to embrace accountability and transparency but instead offer bailouts and amnesty to the leaders of incompetency.
The accusation that pointing the finger of blame will not solve the problem is truthful.
The finger of blame was never intended to solve any conflict.
The finger of blame is to guarantee it won't happen again and should it happen the outcome is dismal.
We cannot win a War because we choose not to win.
We cannot control our borders because we choose not to control.
We support a double standard economy where Wall Street operates from a different rule book than Main Street
We allow the Oil Barons to operate with impunity because we can.
We struggle to have an honest election is self evident.
We have become incapable of self government.
If your unhappy with the Status Quo, write to one of the Agencies listed above for insight to whose on duty. Let me know how you fare.
President Obama announced such a Committee this week to shed light on those government employees who did not do their jobs.
Signaling the ceremonial surrender white flag of we can't hide this shit any longer. The trail of misspokens are so vast it can only be viewed as lies. How many barrels spew from the leaking 21" pipe?
Answer is: as much as God wants.
The new committee will offer suggestions of expertise to the following US Government Officials. Some of which you may be familiar
1. Department of Interior
2. E.P.A
3. Department of Energy
4. Bureaus of Oil and Gas
5. Mineral Management Service
6. National Energy Board
7. Congress
It's expected the new think tank will not offer suggestions of "put a big ass lid on it" or "let's try a small lid" or "has anybody got some golf balls for the Gulf Hole"!
The blame and problems will then buried in useless regulations intended to absorb or deflect public outcry. In lieu of prosecution of the cronies and elected officials who are guilty. Followed by promises of it will never happen again but, always does is common.
You can't have a new regulation without creating a new agency to accept responsibility for the next time the same situation occurs.
For reasons unknown to the American people these agencies are always refereed to as an acronym. Referring to the name of said agency by acronym disguises and confuses the public as to what their purposes truly represents. The acronym and name usually have nothing to tie the problem to the agency.(see: The Slacker Act from earlier blog)
I therefore would like to assist the Committee in naming the New agency in charge of what nobody is held accountable.
The acronym of GOOOOOOO, I think is appropriate. for Gulf Oil Oozing On Oceans, Office Of Oversight Observation. This new agency will be in charge of making damn sure everything works first approach. Cutting edge technology of measure twice cut once implementation.
When these bureaucracies becomes so numerous, large and ineffective the government will then resort to the Super Agency to oversee the failures of all it's subordinate agencies. The Super Agency is the pinacle in the legislative pyramid of incompetance.
Homeland Stupidity is an excellent example of bureaucracy at it's finest. Now you have a government so large that failures cannot be identified until the Super Agency can now define the origins to blame.
The person who states "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help" is really nothing more than a guy that's empowered only to take your money.
Our government is currently embroiled in several problems involving the ineffective SEC (office of porn) INS, MMS, Border Patrol, EPA and the US Treasury.
In each case our leader have chosen not to embrace accountability and transparency but instead offer bailouts and amnesty to the leaders of incompetency.
The accusation that pointing the finger of blame will not solve the problem is truthful.
The finger of blame was never intended to solve any conflict.
The finger of blame is to guarantee it won't happen again and should it happen the outcome is dismal.
We cannot win a War because we choose not to win.
We cannot control our borders because we choose not to control.
We support a double standard economy where Wall Street operates from a different rule book than Main Street
We allow the Oil Barons to operate with impunity because we can.
We struggle to have an honest election is self evident.
We have become incapable of self government.
If your unhappy with the Status Quo, write to one of the Agencies listed above for insight to whose on duty. Let me know how you fare.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Natural Disasters or Man made Nightmare
We read the news in horror from around the world of far off lands suffering from acts of God. Destruction often on epic scales from Volcano, Tornado, Hurricane, Earth Quakes Flood and Droughts killing thousands. Often America responds to aid the victims from around the globe.
We in America choose to impose man made catastrophe on ourselves of environmental disaster, economic collapse, and mindless wars against an imaginary enemy of third world pirates. Seems people without adversity will create one when left to their own destiny. The Civil War proved, Americas greatest threat is from it's own people.
We suffer from the hands of greed and power in lieu of real catastrophe. Our problems are voted into office by the people, for the people. Somehow Acts of God are easier to accept than greedy Nationalized Bank Czars or the Oil Barons who rely on Americas blood and treasure to protect their global trade. The injustice of a system that expects our youth to serve the wealthy in the name of God and Country.
Self evident of the enormous responsibility of a self governing Democracy.
One cannot overlook as Democracy slips farther and farther into Oligarchy our government is diminished equally.
Our leadrs have lead us to beleive that global trade is paramont to American freedom. The so called patriot act freely gives away American rights in the name of global trade and uncontrolled borders. We are preached to daily that 9/11 was a result of Jihad. When anyone can see if our borders were protected,immigration controlled 9/11 would never happend.
As the Wall Street Raider enrich only themselves from the sweat shops around the globe.
We in America choose to impose man made catastrophe on ourselves of environmental disaster, economic collapse, and mindless wars against an imaginary enemy of third world pirates. Seems people without adversity will create one when left to their own destiny. The Civil War proved, Americas greatest threat is from it's own people.
We suffer from the hands of greed and power in lieu of real catastrophe. Our problems are voted into office by the people, for the people. Somehow Acts of God are easier to accept than greedy Nationalized Bank Czars or the Oil Barons who rely on Americas blood and treasure to protect their global trade. The injustice of a system that expects our youth to serve the wealthy in the name of God and Country.
Self evident of the enormous responsibility of a self governing Democracy.
One cannot overlook as Democracy slips farther and farther into Oligarchy our government is diminished equally.
Our leadrs have lead us to beleive that global trade is paramont to American freedom. The so called patriot act freely gives away American rights in the name of global trade and uncontrolled borders. We are preached to daily that 9/11 was a result of Jihad. When anyone can see if our borders were protected,immigration controlled 9/11 would never happend.
As the Wall Street Raider enrich only themselves from the sweat shops around the globe.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tar and Feather BP. It's so American
Well, we got plenty of Tar and Washington,DC is full of chickens, so lets put our natural resources to work. We have a long history of tar and feathering the British and BP is British. If it was good enough for the American Revolution it's good enough for me. I'm sure tar and feathering is allowed by our constitution.
The picture shown is of a recipient from World War 1 who did not support War Bonds. It's unknown if the gentlemen was rehabilitated. Seems like an excellent idea to me.

Tarring and Feathering was a punishment that went back to the Middle Ages with Richard the Lionhearted and the Crusades. The first record is in 1189. Richard ordered that any robber voyaging with the crusaders “shall be first shaved, then boiling pitch shall be poured upon his head, and a cushion of feathers shook over it.” It was not used extensively until the American colonists revived the punishment in the 1760s. Patriots used it against British officials and loyalists in the American colonies.
The picture shown is of a recipient from World War 1 who did not support War Bonds. It's unknown if the gentlemen was rehabilitated. Seems like an excellent idea to me.

Tarring and Feathering was a punishment that went back to the Middle Ages with Richard the Lionhearted and the Crusades. The first record is in 1189. Richard ordered that any robber voyaging with the crusaders “shall be first shaved, then boiling pitch shall be poured upon his head, and a cushion of feathers shook over it.” It was not used extensively until the American colonists revived the punishment in the 1760s. Patriots used it against British officials and loyalists in the American colonies.
Shame Announced
Bank of America slipped from it's first place position 2009 of worst corporation in America to the runner-up second to AOL. Join American consumers in boycotting B of A
Accept no checks written on Bank of America.. Rounding out the top bottom dwellers this year were five banks three cable providers. Seems anywhere there government regulation you receive lousy services.
When supporting your party candidate make sure he has the vision to be a competent leader. The President should be able to recognize the eminent threats facing his people from far away lands. A competent Commander and Chief to all branches of the US Military,
Not swayed by empty threats of weapons of mass destruction.
A leader of the American economy protecting the citizens of fraudulent banking schemes.
Able to see the profound damages of illegal criminal aliens entering our nation.
Truly a man of vision........
The task of cleaning up the Goo from Gulf Coast Beaches has begun. Each worker is charged with cleaning approximately ten thousand barrels day. The highly trained workers are the best and brightest of BP's upper management.
Each worker is trained in all aspects of oil removal and safety protocols are strictly enforced. From left to right are: The first worker is looking at the fish. The second worker is gazing across the Gulf wishing he were over there. The third guy has removed his life jacket holding a cool drink overheated from his tasks that will commence momentarily.
The fourth beach cleaner has noticed the same event as number two worker. Worker number five has dropped his plastic sheet until worker number six has finished welcoming worker number seven to the team of cleaning.
Workers eight and nine are cleaning.
Worker number ten is planning his next move in becoming team leader in charge of production.
Worker number eleven has a different color hat indicating skill levels and seniority. Workers twelve, thirteen and fourteen are moving plastic out of their way. Workers fifteen, sixteen and seventeen are opening plastic for the rest of the team member to use.
Accept no checks written on Bank of America.. Rounding out the top bottom dwellers this year were five banks three cable providers. Seems anywhere there government regulation you receive lousy services.
No. 1: AOL has new businesses, old image
AOL (AOL) has done an excellent job of making its customers mad.
Even as it moves further from its roots as an Internet service provider, AOL continues to lead MSN Money's Customer Service Hall of Shame, grabbing the No. 1
Bank of America (BAC) has become so big that it now serves one in every two U.S. households. How well it does so is another matter.
In the 2010 MSN Money-Zogby International poll, 34.6% of those familiar with the bank's customer service called it "poor." Bank of America has earned a spot in the Customer Service Hall of Shame in each of the survey's four years and gets its worst grade yet in 2010. Last year, 28.5% called its service "poor."
The American President

Not swayed by empty threats of weapons of mass destruction.
A leader of the American economy protecting the citizens of fraudulent banking schemes.
Able to see the profound damages of illegal criminal aliens entering our nation.
Truly a man of vision........
Cleaning Up BP's Goo

Each worker is trained in all aspects of oil removal and safety protocols are strictly enforced. From left to right are: The first worker is looking at the fish. The second worker is gazing across the Gulf wishing he were over there. The third guy has removed his life jacket holding a cool drink overheated from his tasks that will commence momentarily.
The fourth beach cleaner has noticed the same event as number two worker. Worker number five has dropped his plastic sheet until worker number six has finished welcoming worker number seven to the team of cleaning.
Workers eight and nine are cleaning.
Worker number ten is planning his next move in becoming team leader in charge of production.
Worker number eleven has a different color hat indicating skill levels and seniority. Workers twelve, thirteen and fourteen are moving plastic out of their way. Workers fifteen, sixteen and seventeen are opening plastic for the rest of the team member to use.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
BP estimate 625 million for cleanup

BP announced the amount of goo spewing into the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico has doubled. In spite of other scientist without skin in the game claiming true estimates of 15 to 20 times greater than BPs obvious lies. The premature 625 million is the amount they intend to loball as payments has nothing in common with actual losses.
One could assume when using BP mathematics the cleanup will cost at least another 15 to 20 times the paltry 625 million BP is offering as consolations. You can bet they will spend more on lobbyists this year than 625 million for cleanup.
The OSHA fines should be 625 million for the 11 employees who where killed from BP's complete disregard for safety protocols.
Environmental Protection Agency who harass your local mechanic shop for cleaning up oil residue from ground water should impose billions in fines for polluting the Gulf of Mexico and Gulf Stream globally. In addition all BP mineral leases in American control should be cancelled immediately.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Obama joins the fray

President Barack Obama joined the leaders of BP, Transocean and Haliburton yesterday offering more criticism and zero solutions to the yet to be determined, but enormous amount of black goo spewing into the pristine waters of The Gulf of Mexico.
Similar to the Nationalized Bank Czars in America the Oil Barons have also proven they can and will patronize the people and their American Government!
President Obama has proven time and again through out his short presidency how futile the government has become in dealing with the Worldwide Corporate Wealth
It's painfully obvious the disaster did not only expose the cavalier BP Corporations safety records, as it is the product of a failed government administration to protect the public trust.
The Bank Czars flip off the Presidents warnings with huge salaries and obscene bonuses, biting the salvation of hands that protected them from bankruptcy.
The Oil Barons are going about their business of day to day thievery, while the White House childishly squeals in protest. Empty threats of "oh you just wait". Offering no solution or deadlines.
They can't threaten the oil giants because Obamas Administration demonstrate real fear of the real corporate powers ruling the people and their second class government. When will we get a real leader with real change who can demand control our economy, our mineral resources and our borders! They belong to us!!!
The Oil Barron's are claiming victory by reportedly applying the band aid 4" siphoning pipe inside the 21" pipe leaking in numerous breaks. (just enough to mow America's grass)
The Oil Giants engineers continually boast of foolish technology to fix the gushing oil. Plans that any fourth grade science class would endorse.
If the Oil Barron's follow the path of Nationalized Bank Czars, they will no doubt claim obscene bonus for avoiding disaster while men in white space suits clean up their goo from Gulf Coast Beaches at taxpayers expense.
Fish and Fisherman will fall prey to the lame insurance executives quoting corporation laws that will demand claims be filed and then disapproved as they did after Hurricane Katrina.
The wealthy; well they just get richer.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Illinois Bankrupt
The State of Illinois is six billion dollars behind in it's unpaid bills. Unlike California who justifies their poverty position with IOUs . The State of Illinois simply places the unpaid bills in the circular file and awaits for taxpayer money to be poured upon their need.
Six billion this year with a proposed 13 billion dollar deficit next year indicates things are not getting better soon.
Small change when compared to the 85 Billion given to AIG by the Bush Administration. Even smaller when compared to the Bush TARP and Obama Stimulus money of three trillion.
The average guy might say we have to many parasites sucking off the government dole and not enough suckers paying into the GDP pool of wealth.
Some might tie the current predicament to the 25% unemployment rate or the 22 million criminal illegals stealing from our schools hospitals and community aid programs.
Uneducated folks might assume Wall Street Bankers and Insurance executives are not entitled to their salaries and obscene bonus and instead impose a threat to American National Security.
Could it be the NAFTA free trade that sent American jobs South over the Rio Grand while criminal free ranging illegals destroyed the American economy on the North side of the border was a unforeseen path to destruction.
Were Americans lied to when they were told criminal illegals were doing the work that most Americans did not want? The jobs taken by criminal illegals lower the wages among all Americans, imposes third world standards of living as they take 100% of the jobs no American has access to in his own country.
Does criminal free ranging immigration provide a subservient worker to the Pharaohs of Wall Street?
Has our own self imposed ignorance and greed proved to be a huge boom for Wall Street Raiders while creating the perfect storm of destruction to the American middle class?
Are we to believe the American Jobs gone across the border has taken our standard of living as well?
Maybe the greedy economic track were on simply has played out. One could make the argument that if every person in America suddenly produced a Harvard PHD it would not create one job or lower the obscene unemployment rate.
Who made the rule that the American worker must compete in a global markets while Congress has laws protecting immigrant and foreigners from taking their jobs. Should we allow Chinese workers to vote in America? Why do we turn a blind eye to criminal immigration and not allow the same criminal people to vote . After all Congress takes their money in tax?
Are American workers to assume the Chinese worker is better educated and highly skilled and therefore entitled to American jobs and industry. Or is this pure Corporate greed that steals from hard working Americans?
Is this a level playing field when Americans are forced to support Congressional Pork and the foreign worker does not?
President Bush and Obama have said Americans need to be trained for the job of the 21st century. What jobs and where ? Should we all learn to caulk windows and install insulation in the homes of Americas new poor?
Short term gain and long term pain has come full circle. Is it possible the best and brightest of Harvard and Wall Streeters have found the economics in America will not function long term. Without full employment and jobs where one 40 hour work week supports an entire family is a primary component of Economics 101 in America.
Is the balance of wealth in America destroying America?
Will the US Treasury bailout Illinois the same way they baled out the Bankers, Insurance and Auto beggars.
Can they create enough imaginary money on paper to return our economy to black ink or will somebody actually have to work for a living.
Six billion this year with a proposed 13 billion dollar deficit next year indicates things are not getting better soon.
Small change when compared to the 85 Billion given to AIG by the Bush Administration. Even smaller when compared to the Bush TARP and Obama Stimulus money of three trillion.
The average guy might say we have to many parasites sucking off the government dole and not enough suckers paying into the GDP pool of wealth.
Some might tie the current predicament to the 25% unemployment rate or the 22 million criminal illegals stealing from our schools hospitals and community aid programs.
Uneducated folks might assume Wall Street Bankers and Insurance executives are not entitled to their salaries and obscene bonus and instead impose a threat to American National Security.
Could it be the NAFTA free trade that sent American jobs South over the Rio Grand while criminal free ranging illegals destroyed the American economy on the North side of the border was a unforeseen path to destruction.
Were Americans lied to when they were told criminal illegals were doing the work that most Americans did not want? The jobs taken by criminal illegals lower the wages among all Americans, imposes third world standards of living as they take 100% of the jobs no American has access to in his own country.
Does criminal free ranging immigration provide a subservient worker to the Pharaohs of Wall Street?
Has our own self imposed ignorance and greed proved to be a huge boom for Wall Street Raiders while creating the perfect storm of destruction to the American middle class?
Are we to believe the American Jobs gone across the border has taken our standard of living as well?
Maybe the greedy economic track were on simply has played out. One could make the argument that if every person in America suddenly produced a Harvard PHD it would not create one job or lower the obscene unemployment rate.
Who made the rule that the American worker must compete in a global markets while Congress has laws protecting immigrant and foreigners from taking their jobs. Should we allow Chinese workers to vote in America? Why do we turn a blind eye to criminal immigration and not allow the same criminal people to vote . After all Congress takes their money in tax?
Are American workers to assume the Chinese worker is better educated and highly skilled and therefore entitled to American jobs and industry. Or is this pure Corporate greed that steals from hard working Americans?
Is this a level playing field when Americans are forced to support Congressional Pork and the foreign worker does not?
President Bush and Obama have said Americans need to be trained for the job of the 21st century. What jobs and where ? Should we all learn to caulk windows and install insulation in the homes of Americas new poor?
Short term gain and long term pain has come full circle. Is it possible the best and brightest of Harvard and Wall Streeters have found the economics in America will not function long term. Without full employment and jobs where one 40 hour work week supports an entire family is a primary component of Economics 101 in America.
Is the balance of wealth in America destroying America?
Will the US Treasury bailout Illinois the same way they baled out the Bankers, Insurance and Auto beggars.
Can they create enough imaginary money on paper to return our economy to black ink or will somebody actually have to work for a living.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Congressional Hearings on BP Oil Disaster

Congress grilled British Petroleum, Transocean and Haliburton, the three names of the inept corporations called before an even more inept congress to testify on the catastrophic oil spewing into the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Testimony thus far has each corporation claiming they performed well while their partners in incompetency are at fault.
Having Congress assigned to finding the guilty is similar to finding the legal immigrant at the local construction building site. The ones who don't run will always lie.
No Honor Among Thieves. Catch me if you can mentality.
The mistakes and broken regulation will be buried for ever in the veil of corporation law that consistently protect the guilty and prosecute the innocent. No monkeys were injured in this editorial any similarities between the photos and Congress was unintentional. The Mgr.
Stay tuned and soon we may find the villains of Exxon Valdez.....
Boycott Los Angeles, California
Boycotting Los Angeles is a little like forbidding people from hades. But, none the less. The city leaders of Los Angeles have chosen to pass legislation boycotting trade with Arizona. Even though they can't run their own city, this will not deprive them from attempting to also destroying Arizona. Not to mention Los Angeles is a broken government and on a fast track with Greece.
Ironically, Arizona's state legislation passed criminal immigration into law making criminal aliens in Arizona unlawful. Kinda a no brainer, passing laws against breaking laws, I think. possible double jeopardy? The new law is not discrimination but incrimination as it also keeps out those criminals from Canada and Lithuania eh.
The obvious attempt of preventing Arizona from becoming another Los Angeles or worse California.
So support Arizona and the prospect of spreading a breath of sanity across the US , maybe even Washington, DC.
The Governor of Arizona, Republican Jan Brewer is proving herself unafraid of the political boogieman and moving forwards with common sense to Presidential Qualifications. This is real change you can believe and see.
Applause to Arizona for recognizing even a step in the wrong direction is better than doing nothing at all. Those in Arizona will at the very least eliminated the possible option by one!!
Ironically, Arizona's state legislation passed criminal immigration into law making criminal aliens in Arizona unlawful. Kinda a no brainer, passing laws against breaking laws, I think. possible double jeopardy? The new law is not discrimination but incrimination as it also keeps out those criminals from Canada and Lithuania eh.
The obvious attempt of preventing Arizona from becoming another Los Angeles or worse California.
So support Arizona and the prospect of spreading a breath of sanity across the US , maybe even Washington, DC.
The Governor of Arizona, Republican Jan Brewer is proving herself unafraid of the political boogieman and moving forwards with common sense to Presidential Qualifications. This is real change you can believe and see.
Applause to Arizona for recognizing even a step in the wrong direction is better than doing nothing at all. Those in Arizona will at the very least eliminated the possible option by one!!
The Mexican government announced sanction for violations listed below. Evidently The Supreme Drug Smugglers of Mexico have lost faith in our ability to self government, which we invented incidentally. This decision to suddenly enforce our immigration laws has raised questions of racism for which we know there is no known defense. Perhaps we should legalize imaginary racism to solve the imaginary dispute.
MSNBC Report below;
By Alex Johnson
updated 6:55 a.m. ET, Thurs., May 13, 2010
TheMexican government — saying the law “violates inalienable human rights protected by international legal provisions and the U.S. Constitution” — sent officials to meet with U.S. groups challenging the law to coordinate “protection and consular assistance” and to provide legal representation for Mexicans in the state, the Foreign Affairs Ministry
confirmed. It said Mexico would defend the rights of any Mexican nationals in Arizona, “regardless of their immigration status.”
Love is a very expensive thing?

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford advised the rumors of his rendezvous with his former mistress in his former state of Florida are true. The now divorced and soon to be unemployed Governor finds himself without wife or mistress, leaving even more time for hiking to Argentina.
It's unclear if the former mistress has interest in an unemployed and now single Mark Sanford, or hiking for that matter. Could be she is only smitten with powerful married men ,which Mark Sanford is neither.
The lame duck Governor will no doubt be eligible for retirement pay to cover his lack of skills and unemployment. South Carolina should look into withdrawing his retirement for the embarrassment he brought to his adopted state.
The unemployed lame duck former governor is reported to be planning a book and fitness video "Take a Hike with Mark Sanford".
It's unclear if the former mistress has interest in an unemployed and now single Mark Sanford, or hiking for that matter. Could be she is only smitten with powerful married men ,which Mark Sanford is neither.
The lame duck Governor will no doubt be eligible for retirement pay to cover his lack of skills and unemployment. South Carolina should look into withdrawing his retirement for the embarrassment he brought to his adopted state.
The unemployed lame duck former governor is reported to be planning a book and fitness video "Take a Hike with Mark Sanford".
Expectations of a number 2 seller. Voters in South Carolina are clamoring support for anything to remove him from their state.
On the brighter side the Governor may now date local women eliminating the extreme costs of commuting back and forth to Argentina.
When his current term is over he will no doubt leave South Carolina for other destinations, possibly Argentina (great idea) but most likely return to Florida where women of his liking are plentiful in Miami's vast international population.
To his former mistress; all Americans owe a debt of gratitude for exposing Mr Sanford's true moral compass and ethical values
When his current term is over he will no doubt leave South Carolina for other destinations, possibly Argentina (great idea) but most likely return to Florida where women of his liking are plentiful in Miami's vast international population.
To his former mistress; all Americans owe a debt of gratitude for exposing Mr Sanford's true moral compass and ethical values
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Chicks for Free
When applying for a bank loan the first consideration of the bank is, can you repay, will you repay and when will you repay. The bank then calculates the interest based upon these three variables.
When The Dirty Dozen Banks borrow from the government it's because they haven't enough money to cover their debts and are insolvent. The government then loans the money to the banks for zilch. Then the banks invest the borrowed money in interest bearing government T- bills, producing new fantasy money on paper. The free money is then used to repay the government loans in time for the banker's booty bonuses at years end, thus creating money for nothin and your chicks for free. The booty is then donated back to the elected officials for re-elections completing legal larceny. The elected officials then impose taxes to the people thus creating more money to be loaned.
The banks are the government!!
When The Dirty Dozen Banks borrow from the government it's because they haven't enough money to cover their debts and are insolvent. The government then loans the money to the banks for zilch. Then the banks invest the borrowed money in interest bearing government T- bills, producing new fantasy money on paper. The free money is then used to repay the government loans in time for the banker's booty bonuses at years end, thus creating money for nothin and your chicks for free. The booty is then donated back to the elected officials for re-elections completing legal larceny. The elected officials then impose taxes to the people thus creating more money to be loaned.
The banks are the government!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
British Petroleum Attacks

The cost awarded to cleanup the Exxon Valdez was 5 billion dollars, although the amount is still being debated in court to the delight of the attorneys who no doubt will make more money than all the fisherman's lifetime combined incomes in Alaska.
The cost to cleanup the goo in the Gulf of Mexico will cost ten fold that of the Valdez not counting attorney fees of course.
The World Trade Centers One and Two were completed at a total cost of 900 million dollars
Why is our American outrage misdirected to third world thugs, when the BP cost will no doubt vastly overshadow anything the Arabs can muster. Grab your bicycle and your wallet because pump gas is going to skyrocket to pay for the attorney's , lawsuits, bureaucrats and cleanup. In that order. Never waste a perfectly good disaster when you can score a big profit from the public trust!!
Monday, May 3, 2010

General Vice President of Multiple Tasking
Large generous corporation seeks talented individual for long term contract employment. Applicants must posses a Bachelors of Science Degree from a respected university.Further requirements are listed below.
1. You must have a dependable vehicle with insurances for work as travel is required. We don't pay mileage or subsidize for use of your car. (truck or large SUV is preferred)
2. Since you will travel applicants must have a cell phone with GPS and laptop computer to communicate with home office HQ.
3. Applicants must maintain a complete set of tools hammers, saws, wrenches, brooms and brushes.
4. Must be bilingual in English Spanglish and Profanity.
5. Able to work overtime at nights and weekends as our schedules demands.
6. You must have a clean work history and no criminal backgrounds are accepted.
7.You should maintain a credit card and credit score of over 700 and have access to checking and savings at a major bank. We sometimes ask you make purchases for us as we offer 100% reimbursements paid on the 31st day of each month.
8. You must be able to lift a 100 lbs and be in top physical condition.
9. Background check and drug analysis fee of $100 dollar paid by each applicant.
Health Insurance: will be deducted from you salary and coverage is limited to healthy people only
Holiday Pay: we recognize all holidays whether religious or national however holidays must be celebrated on the first and third Saturday of each month
Vacation and Sick Pay: all vacation and sick days will be approved for the second and fourth Sunday of each month
Retirement 401-K program money deducted from your payroll will automatically be rolled over to a Wall Street Investment Banker who will likely squander your money on oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. If any money is overlooked it will naturally be taxed under the 2big2fail bank bailouts
COMPENSATIONS: New employees will be placed on a 90 day probationary period. If you fail to meet our high standards you will be asked to leave and ineligible for any severance or unemployment claims as well as forfeiture of the $100 dollar background and drug testing.
NOTE : Employees are further advised they may not quit in the probationary period. To do so would cause the corporation to charge for bookeeping and training fees, which are based upon the national averages of $400.00 per week of employment until we locate a suitable replacment for your worthless ass
The pay will be calculated on a rate of $10.00 per hour paid as a salary of $400 weekly as executive pay based upon the national average work week of 90 hours weekly to start. All hours above the national average will be considered overtime pay which is forbidden by our board of directors.
Large generous corporation seeks talented individual for long term contract employment. Applicants must posses a Bachelors of Science Degree from a respected university.Further requirements are listed below.
1. You must have a dependable vehicle with insurances for work as travel is required. We don't pay mileage or subsidize for use of your car. (truck or large SUV is preferred)
2. Since you will travel applicants must have a cell phone with GPS and laptop computer to communicate with home office HQ.
3. Applicants must maintain a complete set of tools hammers, saws, wrenches, brooms and brushes.
4. Must be bilingual in English Spanglish and Profanity.
5. Able to work overtime at nights and weekends as our schedules demands.
6. You must have a clean work history and no criminal backgrounds are accepted.
7.You should maintain a credit card and credit score of over 700 and have access to checking and savings at a major bank. We sometimes ask you make purchases for us as we offer 100% reimbursements paid on the 31st day of each month.
8. You must be able to lift a 100 lbs and be in top physical condition.
9. Background check and drug analysis fee of $100 dollar paid by each applicant.
Health Insurance: will be deducted from you salary and coverage is limited to healthy people only
Holiday Pay: we recognize all holidays whether religious or national however holidays must be celebrated on the first and third Saturday of each month
Vacation and Sick Pay: all vacation and sick days will be approved for the second and fourth Sunday of each month
Retirement 401-K program money deducted from your payroll will automatically be rolled over to a Wall Street Investment Banker who will likely squander your money on oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. If any money is overlooked it will naturally be taxed under the 2big2fail bank bailouts
COMPENSATIONS: New employees will be placed on a 90 day probationary period. If you fail to meet our high standards you will be asked to leave and ineligible for any severance or unemployment claims as well as forfeiture of the $100 dollar background and drug testing.
NOTE : Employees are further advised they may not quit in the probationary period. To do so would cause the corporation to charge for bookeeping and training fees, which are based upon the national averages of $400.00 per week of employment until we locate a suitable replacment for your worthless ass
The pay will be calculated on a rate of $10.00 per hour paid as a salary of $400 weekly as executive pay based upon the national average work week of 90 hours weekly to start. All hours above the national average will be considered overtime pay which is forbidden by our board of directors.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Corporate Welfare the American Charity

Why is it The Dirty Dozen Banks ,GM ,Fiat have access to interact directly with Congress and the US Treasury when the taxpayers receiving welfare must go to some smelly office and wait in line. I want to go to the discount window for my welfare the same as our Nationalized Banks and Auto Companies. Or maybe they should stand in line with the rest of the American beggars.
Why didn't Congress who declared no executive bonuses to beggars from TARP money see they would simply pay the money back after abusing the system for the entire year!
They took the free money for national security of course abused it and then paid themselves a handsome bonus from our ignorance. Maybe we should do something about this abuse.
When the infamous Blackbeard the Pirate was caught they hung his head from the bow of their ship returning to port
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Reform the Criminals and Protect the Borders

It's apparent the illegal criminal aliens in Arizona have willfully chosen not to leave peacefully. The recent Arizona Law has caused the festering problem of criminal immigration to escalate to violence. Killing one policeman and firing on Border Patrol Helicopter.
The Arizona Law signed in response to the murder of a southern Arizona farmer shot by a suspected illegal border jumper.
17 illegals were arrested today in searching for the killers of the slain officer and wounding of another. The situation has clearly grown from the seed of minor inconvenience to a gangerous epidemic of bureaucratic neglect.
These are not the actions of patronizing non violent timid immigrants seeking refuge. This conduct is militant and aggression against the people of the United States of America. These criminals disgrace legal immigrants who have followed our laws in hopes of proving themselves worthy of becoming model citizens.
The Arizona Law is not discrimination, it's incrimination of criminals who crossed our borders against our laws. Criminals who enter our country have only one right in OUR constitution ,"The 6th Amendment of right to speedy trials".
All America asks: is to enter the country legally sign the register and obey our laws as a guest worker. This is our legacy,this is how our ancestors became Americans and we will not defile their sacrifices to facilitate the wishes of criminals.
These criminal aliens are obviously not afraid and willing to die for their right to another persons property. It is now up to America to grant these criminal their wish.
American sovereignty must be paramount to all other rights, for reasons of national security
Currently all legal American citizens relinquish a large portion of their freedom to the patriot act.
Criminal Illegals are above the patriot act and above our laws. They tear down fences to enter our country and will destroy any barrier that we impose. Whether it be walls, doors or American Laws. They don't care because they are not, nor choose to be Americans.
They mock the American Flag by flying the colors of their homeland as proof of their allegiance.
The only reforms needed are on the part of criminals. Our laws are not at fault because people of another country deem them unfair. I could care less what the folks of South / Central America think of our government. When I view the corruption in theirs.
Wake up America were not talking about borders on another continent here, were talking Arizona.
Would we allow uncontrolled passage of Islamic terrorist to America if they would agree to do "the work that most Americans don't want" ( BUSHISM)
We need to deport all criminal aliens as invaders and stop treating them as defenseless timid migrants. Impose new laws for anyone who offers employment ,housing or sanctuary to criminals. If crossing our border illegally is not a felony, then forging false documents for entry to employment and housing should become a felony. Certainly no discrimination in following the law. Documents forged such as Social Security ID, Drivers License or Birth Certificate should be a felony.
There is safety in numbers and the unofficial count is 22 million and growing
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The motivation for this blog is frustrations from inequities in government. We will attempt to offer a viewpoint ignored by professional journalist known as "The Press" Often our frustration with our loss of freedom in the pursuit of happiness can be traced to a core value. The United States Constitution is four pages .The Declaration of Independance One Page. These documents represent everything America is and everything we are not. This blog will be a daily ledger of the events our times at light speed. We will continue to strive for a more perfect union based upon these documents.
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- Tom Palmer
- Most of my money I spent on beer and women. The rest I wasted on taxes
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