President Barack Obama joined the leaders of BP, Transocean and Haliburton yesterday offering more criticism and zero solutions to the yet to be determined, but enormous amount of black goo spewing into the pristine waters of The Gulf of Mexico.
Similar to the Nationalized Bank Czars in America the Oil Barons have also proven they can and will patronize the people and their American Government!
President Obama has proven time and again through out his short presidency how futile the government has become in dealing with the Worldwide Corporate Wealth
It's painfully obvious the disaster did not only expose the cavalier BP Corporations safety records, as it is the product of a failed government administration to protect the public trust.
The Bank Czars flip off the Presidents warnings with huge salaries and obscene bonuses, biting the salvation of hands that protected them from bankruptcy.
The Oil Barons are going about their business of day to day thievery, while the White House childishly squeals in protest. Empty threats of "oh you just wait". Offering no solution or deadlines.
They can't threaten the oil giants because Obamas Administration demonstrate real fear of the real corporate powers ruling the people and their second class government. When will we get a real leader with real change who can demand control our economy, our mineral resources and our borders! They belong to us!!!
The Oil Barron's are claiming victory by reportedly applying the band aid 4" siphoning pipe inside the 21" pipe leaking in numerous breaks. (just enough to mow America's grass)
The Oil Giants engineers continually boast of foolish technology to fix the gushing oil. Plans that any fourth grade science class would endorse.
If the Oil Barron's follow the path of Nationalized Bank Czars, they will no doubt claim obscene bonus for avoiding disaster while men in white space suits clean up their goo from Gulf Coast Beaches at taxpayers expense.
Fish and Fisherman will fall prey to the lame insurance executives quoting corporation laws that will demand claims be filed and then disapproved as they did after Hurricane Katrina.
The wealthy; well they just get richer.
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