It's apparent the illegal criminal aliens in Arizona have willfully chosen not to leave peacefully. The recent Arizona Law has caused the festering problem of criminal immigration to escalate to violence. Killing one policeman and firing on Border Patrol Helicopter.
The Arizona Law signed in response to the murder of a southern Arizona farmer shot by a suspected illegal border jumper.
17 illegals were arrested today in searching for the killers of the slain officer and wounding of another. The situation has clearly grown from the seed of minor inconvenience to a gangerous epidemic of bureaucratic neglect.
These are not the actions of patronizing non violent timid immigrants seeking refuge. This conduct is militant and aggression against the people of the United States of America. These criminals disgrace legal immigrants who have followed our laws in hopes of proving themselves worthy of becoming model citizens.
The Arizona Law is not discrimination, it's incrimination of criminals who crossed our borders against our laws. Criminals who enter our country have only one right in OUR constitution ,"The 6th Amendment of right to speedy trials".
All America asks: is to enter the country legally sign the register and obey our laws as a guest worker. This is our legacy,this is how our ancestors became Americans and we will not defile their sacrifices to facilitate the wishes of criminals.
These criminal aliens are obviously not afraid and willing to die for their right to another persons property. It is now up to America to grant these criminal their wish.
American sovereignty must be paramount to all other rights, for reasons of national security
Currently all legal American citizens relinquish a large portion of their freedom to the patriot act.
Criminal Illegals are above the patriot act and above our laws. They tear down fences to enter our country and will destroy any barrier that we impose. Whether it be walls, doors or American Laws. They don't care because they are not, nor choose to be Americans.
They mock the American Flag by flying the colors of their homeland as proof of their allegiance.
The only reforms needed are on the part of criminals. Our laws are not at fault because people of another country deem them unfair. I could care less what the folks of South / Central America think of our government. When I view the corruption in theirs.
Wake up America were not talking about borders on another continent here, were talking Arizona.
Would we allow uncontrolled passage of Islamic terrorist to America if they would agree to do "the work that most Americans don't want" ( BUSHISM)
We need to deport all criminal aliens as invaders and stop treating them as defenseless timid migrants. Impose new laws for anyone who offers employment ,housing or sanctuary to criminals. If crossing our border illegally is not a felony, then forging false documents for entry to employment and housing should become a felony. Certainly no discrimination in following the law. Documents forged such as Social Security ID, Drivers License or Birth Certificate should be a felony.
There is safety in numbers and the unofficial count is 22 million and growing
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