BP announced the amount of goo spewing into the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico has doubled. In spite of other scientist without skin in the game claiming true estimates of 15 to 20 times greater than BPs obvious lies. The premature 625 million is the amount they intend to loball as payments has nothing in common with actual losses.
One could assume when using BP mathematics the cleanup will cost at least another 15 to 20 times the paltry 625 million BP is offering as consolations. You can bet they will spend more on lobbyists this year than 625 million for cleanup.
The OSHA fines should be 625 million for the 11 employees who where killed from BP's complete disregard for safety protocols.
Environmental Protection Agency who harass your local mechanic shop for cleaning up oil residue from ground water should impose billions in fines for polluting the Gulf of Mexico and Gulf Stream globally. In addition all BP mineral leases in American control should be cancelled immediately.
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