We in America choose to impose man made catastrophe on ourselves of environmental disaster, economic collapse, and mindless wars against an imaginary enemy of third world pirates. Seems people without adversity will create one when left to their own destiny. The Civil War proved, Americas greatest threat is from it's own people.
We suffer from the hands of greed and power in lieu of real catastrophe. Our problems are voted into office by the people, for the people. Somehow Acts of God are easier to accept than greedy Nationalized Bank Czars or the Oil Barons who rely on Americas blood and treasure to protect their global trade. The injustice of a system that expects our youth to serve the wealthy in the name of God and Country.
Self evident of the enormous responsibility of a self governing Democracy.
One cannot overlook as Democracy slips farther and farther into Oligarchy our government is diminished equally.
Our leadrs have lead us to beleive that global trade is paramont to American freedom. The so called patriot act freely gives away American rights in the name of global trade and uncontrolled borders. We are preached to daily that 9/11 was a result of Jihad. When anyone can see if our borders were protected,immigration controlled 9/11 would never happend.
As the Wall Street Raider enrich only themselves from the sweat shops around the globe.

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