Sunday, June 20, 2010
An Empty Cab Arrived ; This Man Got Out

Saturday, June 19, 2010
If You Thought It Couldn't Get Worse

WASHINGTON - The U.S. government is snapping up Russian-made helicopters to form the core of Afghanistan's fledgling air force, a strategy that is drawing flak from members of Congress who want to force the Afghans to fly American choppers instead.
In a turnabout from the Cold War, when the CIA gave Stinger missiles to Afghan rebels to shoot down Soviet helicopters, the Pentagon has spent $648 million to buy or refurbish 31 Russian Mi-17 transport helicopters for the Afghan National Army Air Corps. The Defense Department is seeking to buy 10 more of the Mi-17s next year, and had planned to buy dozens more over the next decade.
The spectacle of using U.S. taxpayer dollars to buy Russian
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
More Empty Threats From Congress

Monday, June 14, 2010
Blow Job

Ingredients required for the Blow Job are one Blow Out Preventer (BOP) an Carbon Dioxide (co2).
Check and check.
We all know the basics of modern day refrigeration are any gas escaping high pressure produces lower temperatures. More pressure means gas will liquefy and eventually turn to a solid. Current under sea streaming video clearly show reflective ice crystals emitted naturally from the pipe.
Plumbers have frozen pipes for years as standard procedure for stopping flow when valves are absent.
Plumbers utilize a collar around the pipe injected with CO2, the gas under pressure forms Dry Ice. Dry Ice being many times colder than ice freezes pipes quickly.
The gas and oil being burnt off above Deepwater Horizon is producing copious amounts of Carbon Dioxide that is currently exhausted into the atmosphere. If this CO2 were captured and forced down into the Blow Out Preventer you would have an under sea freezing of the pipe. Lower temperatures and high pressures are both abundant a mile below sea level.
I call this a Blow Job. Can you imagine I just made it up.
So, if Godzilla is busy and can't make it to the Gulf of Mexico. I suggest the Blow Job. It makes more sense than golf balls for the Gulf Hole...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Plain as Black and White

The photos at right were both taken in the last thirty days. The top photo depicts a unpublicized community of unpaid volunteer's effort to sandbag an over flowing river in the Mid West.
Their effort will likely save some areas and lessen impact in other areas. The top photo indicates school age children being taught lessons in life that they will teach to future generations. A strong work ethic of responsible grown ups not relying on government aid is seen.
The lower photo is of the Gulf Coast Oil Disaster. The men in green suits are paid employees of BP and depicts another form of sandbagging. The only people in the lower photo working are two women who are performing community service and clearly not being paid.
The top photo will have some success and the lower will produce nothing. Not good news for the Gulf Coast Wildlife.

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Riding A Dead Horse

Riding a Dead Horse
Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. However, US Congressional Authority will often try other strategies with dead horses, including the following: A. Declare the horse is to dead to fail B. Cover the horse in US currency until it vanishes. C. Shoot all other horses so they appear the same. D. Beat the rider. E. Sell dead horses as derivatives in bulk as AAA Investments F. Pass comprehensive legislation making it illegal for horses to die G. Dump dead horses into the Gulf of Mexico and claim accident.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Spill Baby Spill

The fines imposed by our government allows for $4,300 dollars per barrel. If we use the low estimate of 50,000 bpd x 61 days x $4300 = 131,150,000,000 and they still have to return the Gulf of Mexico from a private BP cesspool back to a national fishery.
(61 days was used because it's product is even numbers) Regardless BP does not have this kind of money.
No credits are allowed for barrels cleaned or captured as the fine is for spilled oil only.
To estimate the amount of time required for the cleanup I suggest dumping 1 barrel of crude or 42 us gallons on your living room floor. Allow oil to sit, ferment, and decay for 4 months.
After 4 months of seeping into your carpets through the sub flooring and down to your basement and finally back into the water table where it originated, begin cleaning. Simultaneously the odor has permeated the drywall insulation and sub floor and wall framing. The caustic toxic goo will corrode wiring and plumbing that will need to be replaced as well.
When you have restoration complete simply take the total amount of days or 50,000 bpd x 120 days x the number days it took for cleaning your single barrel. The answer is; not in my lifetime. Your house cannot be restored and neither can the Gulf of Mexico. If you question these facts go to Prince William Sound, Alaska and you will find it has not been cleaned either.
Don't blame the President he didn't cause or exacerbate the disaster. Whether he responded quickly enough will not affect the end result. The President should be judged on what steps will be taken to remove America from it's addiction to oil.
To the English Subjects concerned about how our President Obama is handling the BP disaster they should realize he is not driving this catastrophe. The American people are behind this one.
Be patient England before the year is over, BP oil will be infecting the English Channel. Your fisherman will have no fish and you will smell the ignorance of your countryman's greed.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
BP Payments of reimbursements to TARP Funds

The Truth About Tar Ball

Jail House Rock

Elvis Presley made a fortune selling his talents to the American consumer.
At the height of his singing career the crooner was marketed as an actor. Elvis movies were for the most part all the same. The setting and faces changed from one movie to the next but the predictable story line of boy gets girl; boy losses girl; and finally boy gets girl remained constant. The rest of the movie was just filler saturated in beautiful women and slug fest where Elvis was always the dominant male.
Even though Elvis's acting ability was on par with Cheetah the chimp he made money at the box office repeatedly.
The audience was filled with America's youth of boys who wanted to be Elvis and girls who just wanted Elvis
I'm not sure if Elvis was a product of the 50's or Elvis was the 50's.
Elvis will always be remembered for his singing, acting and gyrating hips. He should be remembered for his marketing abilities of reproducing the same products over and over challenging the sanity of the consumer. The consumer purchased his tickets hoping for a different entertainment value.
The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Eventually Elvis and his audience got older and wiser validating the sanity of the American public.
The American people have been lead to the economic trough the last forty years by a system where the American treasury is raided by the same tactics over and over.
Wars are always good for raiding the coffers. Once national security is threatened (real or imagined) the Treasury is raided in the name of National Defense. Corporation such as Haliburton receive no bid contracts. This is giving away a signed checkbook to be reconciled years later. This is a form of embezzlement, only with a twist of home delivery added.
Raiding the Treasury can also be done through legislative reforms.
The first step is where Wall Street lobbyist petition congress to deregulate unfair rules designed to protect the consumer taxpayer. Predatory lobbyist purchase congressional votes at considerable cost to promote the necessary malfeasance changes.
Once the votes are purchased and ceremonial paper signed the raiders begin the second step of now legal theft in America.
We saw the massive deregulation that was endorsed by the Reagan Administration and the destruction of the middle class. Beginning with the Bush Silverado Savings and Loan Fiasco of $160 billion dollars picked up by the taxpayer creating the recession of the early 1990's
Crisis is the third step where the taxpayer rushes in with bailouts in the name of God and Country.
The perpetrators will be formerly admonished as being unethical and promises made to the consumer by congress this will not happen again.
Recently we have witnessed the Glass Stegall Act of 1934 abolished which triggered the Bush Bailouts of 2008. The SEC we're told was not doing their jobs and the crisis went unnoticed. The same old story of BP polluting the Gulf of Mexico. The Department of Interior and MMS was downloading porn, taking bribes of sex and drugs in lieu of inspections and fines. Producing pollution on epic scale. BP will sit on there hands massaging the people until the government steps in and cleans up the mess while fisherman suffer in kind .
Fortunes are extorted and America gets the bill.
The same old movie we keep buying tickets and nobody goes to Jail. When will we learn from Elvis..............
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Ixtoc Disaster 1979
Deepwater Horizon 11 Dead 7 Critical Condition

Deepwater Horizon: owned by Transocean. Leased to BP.exploded, burned , sank and is now polluting the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico with billions of barrels of toxic crude oil since April 20, of 2010. President Obamas Blue Ribbon Committee announced the well may be flowing as much as 100,000 barrels a day of toxic goo.
The Player's in the Manmade disaster are as follows:
British Petroleum
Home Base: St Jame's City of Westminster,England
Home base: Vernier, Switzerland
Home base: Houston, Texas
Deepwater Horizon
Hyundai Heavy Industry
Built in South Korea
Total cost to build 350 million dollars
Insured at 560 million dollars
Registered and flagged as Majuro, Marshall Islands.
11 dead 7 critical condition and the entire population of the United States of America
Mississippi Canyons Macando Prospect, USA
The same executives of BP who downplayed the event as minor are now confronted with the reality of 11 Dead and 7 critically injured in the worlds worst man made ecological disaster in history.
The media has focused selfishly almost entirely on "where and when" and nothing of, how, who , or why. Where the oil is present. Where is it headed. When will it end. When will it be cleaned are reported extensively.
I read a article written by Scott Pelly of Sixty Minutes when he interviewed surviving workers on board Horizon the night of the explosion as well as corners cut and safety protocols violated in favor of bottom line schedules.
The average guy can connect the dots and justify how this terrible disaster occurred.
Deepwater Horizon should never be referred to as an accident. The truth is more a mixture of ignorance, incompetency and motivations of pure corporate greed.
Whether this can be proven in court is a matter of decades of legal maneuvering. While the wealth and assets are transferred to the safety of a new corporation.
This is what occurred in Ixtoc disaster in 1979 owned by Sedco and later absorbed by Transocean. The crimes of Sedco were quietly buried in corporate name changing as the crime circle continues.
The current issues of how many barrels,planes ships and men in white suits standing on the beach may be secondary to why is an Oil Platform owned by a Swiss Corporation, manufactured in South Korea and Flying the Colors of the Marshall Island permitted in US waters by a British Corporation drilling as if they new what they were doing? Do we not have US Companies capable of drilling safely in the USA with ships paying US taxes and registry.
Why is British Petroleum drilling in US waters? Why have they become the largest petro chemical corporation worldwide, when England's Natural resources are limited?
Do we not have skilled workers that can build oil platforms in the USA? We seem to build 5 acre floating Aircraft Carriers without problems.
What happens to oil found in US waters by foreign corporations. Is this oil being exported to England, South Korea and the Marshall Islands?
Will this become another cash cow for BP similar to the The US Tresury rewarded Golman Sachs? Fool me once shame on you,Fool me twice "Shame on Me"
9/11, Banking Fiasco and now the Gulf Disaster should have all been avoided if our American Government did their jobs!!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Art of Lying

The Art of lying has emerged to a higher standard this last month. Tony Hayward has thrown down the gauntlet to the likes of George Bush, Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. The daily abuse of words such as spill, pool, slick, and barrels is challenging Webster's vocabulary with absence of definition for scales of global dimensions.
Barrels is simply not descriptive enough for BP or Washington. Due to the scope of the leaking pipe being comparable in circumference of a single barrel and the pressures are in tens of thousand pounds, barrels is inadequate. The massive volume therefore should not attempt to be measured in volumes of barrels. Much like estimating spoonfuls of volume coming from your kitchen sink , it can't be done accurately.
I agree we should have a new standard of measure for the leaking goo. Tanker should be a much better measure of quantity.
Surely Mr Hayward could hit an estimate say within a Super Tanker of 2 million gallons.
When measured in tankers the reader has a much better grasp of the volume as gallons or barrels is to finite a measure to record accurately.
So Mr Hayward, about how many tankers have been deluged into the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico?
When a slick is measured in square miles we should have another definition. When an oil slick is larger than a football field it should be referred to as a Goobal, indicating larger than a football field but smaller than say Texas. When said slick is larger than Texas it would become a Super Goobal. When the Super Goobal contacts with land it would then become a Boner. Category 5 Boner being the largest of the Super Goobals
Spill is something that children do at mealtime. When a spill is greater than 8oz. it should be referred to as a Spillyard. When over say 10 barrels would qualify as a Super Spillyard. If exceeding 1000 barrels it would be a Mega Spillyard and measured in Tankers.
This brings me to the term Liar. My research indicates there are no synonyms for Liar. There aren't degrees of liars even though there certainly is a need.
We have all lied at some point in our lives. We have all stated, misspoken words we believed were truthful at the time. Lying is not perjury unless ,the person lies wilfully knowing the real truth. Perjury can be difficult to prove without signed documents or witness. Liars have always exploited this gray area claiming ignorance of truth or twisting numbers to spin yarns of pure fabrications. Nobody knows what a turtle knows unless he can write it down then sign same.
The photo above depicts ten workers in hazmat garb and two women in beach attire. Of the ten men only two are working and five are obviously not working. The remainder are anybodies guess.
The women in plastic gloves are ether shelling or picking up globs of BP goo from the beach. Whether it's goo or shells it's very clear the women will accomplish more than the paid workers of the erroneous green BP employees. The point is if only two in ten are working,what about all the ships, planes and skimmers who are supposedly removing oil from our estuaries and beaches. Is money and profit created in addition to the damage of the disaster? Are people making fortunes while others suffer from BP incompetance? Or worse is BP making windfalls from the disaster? Is anybody keeping records to hold BP accountable or will this be another malfeasance similar to the Banking fiasco?
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
British Petroleum is Ethically Challenged

Isn't it amazing the oil giant British Petroleum can justify your bill at the local gas pump to a tenth of a cent but can't reconcile the amount of goo spewing into the Gulf of Mexico within 18,000 barrels a day. Obviously BP is ethically challenged and struggling with the truth.
When BP claims a thousand barrels a day and they miss by a 18,000 barrels indicates there level of expertise. People who haven't mastered fourth grade mathematics shouldn't be drilling holes in the Gulf of Mexico.
If a farmer near Muncie, In can drill a whole in his backyard and find oil, maybe there is more oil in the ground than what they tell us and possibly not difficult to find either. Is it possible their 4 million dollar a year salary is without merit and made possible only by an even more ignorant public?
These guys should be doing my taxes.
Deep Water Oil Exploration they refer to as on a par with a Lunar Landing Mission has revealed new technologies such as Top Hat, Junk Shots, Hot Taps, Top Caps, Top Kills, Big Ass Lid and Little Hats are hard for the average guy to accept. Not to mention the new exotic materials of golf balls, old tires and mud. If these materials were dumped into the oceans by anyone else they would have the EPA breathing down their neck and up to their ass in fines.
Don't they know a good plumber? Maybe these engineers should take a good plumbers test before drilling a 13,000 ft hole a mile deep in the ocean.
Did BP attend the same universities as the bankers who brought us the mortgage derivatives that destroyed our economy?
BP informs us that thirty acres of beach and estuary may be contaminated, contrasting other reports of 3000 acres and five miles inland.
The American people are just now getting a clear picture of the problem. The problem is not the 21" pipe or the blown out Blow Out Preventer nor is this a problem of unforeseen conditions creating bad luck. BP is revealing to the American people they are as ignorant as they are incompetent which is exceeded only by their grasp of the truth.
The only thing missing in this futile effort would be George Bush telling BP what a great job they're doing.Spill Baby Spill