The photos at right were both taken in the last thirty days. The top photo depicts a unpublicized community of unpaid volunteer's effort to sandbag an over flowing river in the Mid West.
Their effort will likely save some areas and lessen impact in other areas. The top photo indicates school age children being taught lessons in life that they will teach to future generations. A strong work ethic of responsible grown ups not relying on government aid is seen.
The lower photo is of the Gulf Coast Oil Disaster. The men in green suits are paid employees of BP and depicts another form of sandbagging. The only people in the lower photo working are two women who are performing community service and clearly not being paid.
The top photo will have some success and the lower will produce nothing. Not good news for the Gulf Coast Wildlife.
When ever complex
problem are reduced down to their core value comedy always emerges . The pundits and spin masters create mountains out of mole hills while bureaucrats add domestic regulations that impede solutions.

Both Lewis Black and Ron White are masters of this technique discovered by Jerry Seinfeld.
When you expose satire to the problem laughter always follows. Known by some as Dark Humor, but still very funny.
Ron White exposes the truth about how futile the war in Afghanistan has become as he directs his audience to how deep in debt America has become. Ron's solution to sell parts of Florida to the Israelis and buy Mexico with the profit solves three problems. The Debt, Criminal Immigration and Mid East tension of Israel. Brilliant by any standard and much better than anything our elected official have produced.
If American hadn't sent there economic engine overseas we would not be a One Trick Pony dependant on the Pharaoh's of Wall Street.
If Americas wealth were diversified in many industries Bin Laden may not have attacked on 9/11. Bin Laden saw our weakness and he exploited same.
Lewis Black's satire of American Children being taught to seek refuge under a desk in a nuclear blast is off the hook humor. Lewis then accuses the Pharaoh's of Wall Street of pure greed. Emphasizing what could they do with all that money "start a personal space program"
How we as a people could allow so much wealth to so few is far beyond common sense.
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