Elvis Presley made a fortune selling his talents to the American consumer.
At the height of his singing career the crooner was marketed as an actor. Elvis movies were for the most part all the same. The setting and faces changed from one movie to the next but the predictable story line of boy gets girl; boy losses girl; and finally boy gets girl remained constant. The rest of the movie was just filler saturated in beautiful women and slug fest where Elvis was always the dominant male.
Even though Elvis's acting ability was on par with Cheetah the chimp he made money at the box office repeatedly.
The audience was filled with America's youth of boys who wanted to be Elvis and girls who just wanted Elvis
I'm not sure if Elvis was a product of the 50's or Elvis was the 50's.
Elvis will always be remembered for his singing, acting and gyrating hips. He should be remembered for his marketing abilities of reproducing the same products over and over challenging the sanity of the consumer. The consumer purchased his tickets hoping for a different entertainment value.
The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Eventually Elvis and his audience got older and wiser validating the sanity of the American public.
The American people have been lead to the economic trough the last forty years by a system where the American treasury is raided by the same tactics over and over.
Wars are always good for raiding the coffers. Once national security is threatened (real or imagined) the Treasury is raided in the name of National Defense. Corporation such as Haliburton receive no bid contracts. This is giving away a signed checkbook to be reconciled years later. This is a form of embezzlement, only with a twist of home delivery added.
Raiding the Treasury can also be done through legislative reforms.
The first step is where Wall Street lobbyist petition congress to deregulate unfair rules designed to protect the consumer taxpayer. Predatory lobbyist purchase congressional votes at considerable cost to promote the necessary malfeasance changes.
Once the votes are purchased and ceremonial paper signed the raiders begin the second step of now legal theft in America.
We saw the massive deregulation that was endorsed by the Reagan Administration and the destruction of the middle class. Beginning with the Bush Silverado Savings and Loan Fiasco of $160 billion dollars picked up by the taxpayer creating the recession of the early 1990's
Crisis is the third step where the taxpayer rushes in with bailouts in the name of God and Country.
The perpetrators will be formerly admonished as being unethical and promises made to the consumer by congress this will not happen again.
Recently we have witnessed the Glass Stegall Act of 1934 abolished which triggered the Bush Bailouts of 2008. The SEC we're told was not doing their jobs and the crisis went unnoticed. The same old story of BP polluting the Gulf of Mexico. The Department of Interior and MMS was downloading porn, taking bribes of sex and drugs in lieu of inspections and fines. Producing pollution on epic scale. BP will sit on there hands massaging the people until the government steps in and cleans up the mess while fisherman suffer in kind .
Fortunes are extorted and America gets the bill.
The same old movie we keep buying tickets and nobody goes to Jail. When will we learn from Elvis..............
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