Deepwater Horizon: owned by Transocean. Leased to BP.exploded, burned , sank and is now polluting the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico with billions of barrels of toxic crude oil since April 20, of 2010. President Obamas Blue Ribbon Committee announced the well may be flowing as much as 100,000 barrels a day of toxic goo.
The Player's in the Manmade disaster are as follows:
British Petroleum
Home Base: St Jame's City of Westminster,England
Home base: Vernier, Switzerland
Home base: Houston, Texas
Deepwater Horizon
Hyundai Heavy Industry
Built in South Korea
Total cost to build 350 million dollars
Insured at 560 million dollars
Registered and flagged as Majuro, Marshall Islands.
11 dead 7 critical condition and the entire population of the United States of America
Mississippi Canyons Macando Prospect, USA
The same executives of BP who downplayed the event as minor are now confronted with the reality of 11 Dead and 7 critically injured in the worlds worst man made ecological disaster in history.
The media has focused selfishly almost entirely on "where and when" and nothing of, how, who , or why. Where the oil is present. Where is it headed. When will it end. When will it be cleaned are reported extensively.
I read a article written by Scott Pelly of Sixty Minutes when he interviewed surviving workers on board Horizon the night of the explosion as well as corners cut and safety protocols violated in favor of bottom line schedules.
The average guy can connect the dots and justify how this terrible disaster occurred.
Deepwater Horizon should never be referred to as an accident. The truth is more a mixture of ignorance, incompetency and motivations of pure corporate greed.
Whether this can be proven in court is a matter of decades of legal maneuvering. While the wealth and assets are transferred to the safety of a new corporation.
This is what occurred in Ixtoc disaster in 1979 owned by Sedco and later absorbed by Transocean. The crimes of Sedco were quietly buried in corporate name changing as the crime circle continues.
The current issues of how many barrels,planes ships and men in white suits standing on the beach may be secondary to why is an Oil Platform owned by a Swiss Corporation, manufactured in South Korea and Flying the Colors of the Marshall Island permitted in US waters by a British Corporation drilling as if they new what they were doing? Do we not have US Companies capable of drilling safely in the USA with ships paying US taxes and registry.
Why is British Petroleum drilling in US waters? Why have they become the largest petro chemical corporation worldwide, when England's Natural resources are limited?
Do we not have skilled workers that can build oil platforms in the USA? We seem to build 5 acre floating Aircraft Carriers without problems.
What happens to oil found in US waters by foreign corporations. Is this oil being exported to England, South Korea and the Marshall Islands?
Will this become another cash cow for BP similar to the The US Tresury rewarded Golman Sachs? Fool me once shame on you,Fool me twice "Shame on Me"
9/11, Banking Fiasco and now the Gulf Disaster should have all been avoided if our American Government did their jobs!!!!
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