The Art of lying has emerged to a higher standard this last month. Tony Hayward has thrown down the gauntlet to the likes of George Bush, Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. The daily abuse of words such as spill, pool, slick, and barrels is challenging Webster's vocabulary with absence of definition for scales of global dimensions.
Barrels is simply not descriptive enough for BP or Washington. Due to the scope of the leaking pipe being comparable in circumference of a single barrel and the pressures are in tens of thousand pounds, barrels is inadequate. The massive volume therefore should not attempt to be measured in volumes of barrels. Much like estimating spoonfuls of volume coming from your kitchen sink , it can't be done accurately.
I agree we should have a new standard of measure for the leaking goo. Tanker should be a much better measure of quantity.
Surely Mr Hayward could hit an estimate say within a Super Tanker of 2 million gallons.
When measured in tankers the reader has a much better grasp of the volume as gallons or barrels is to finite a measure to record accurately.
So Mr Hayward, about how many tankers have been deluged into the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico?
When a slick is measured in square miles we should have another definition. When an oil slick is larger than a football field it should be referred to as a Goobal, indicating larger than a football field but smaller than say Texas. When said slick is larger than Texas it would become a Super Goobal. When the Super Goobal contacts with land it would then become a Boner. Category 5 Boner being the largest of the Super Goobals
Spill is something that children do at mealtime. When a spill is greater than 8oz. it should be referred to as a Spillyard. When over say 10 barrels would qualify as a Super Spillyard. If exceeding 1000 barrels it would be a Mega Spillyard and measured in Tankers.
This brings me to the term Liar. My research indicates there are no synonyms for Liar. There aren't degrees of liars even though there certainly is a need.
We have all lied at some point in our lives. We have all stated, misspoken words we believed were truthful at the time. Lying is not perjury unless ,the person lies wilfully knowing the real truth. Perjury can be difficult to prove without signed documents or witness. Liars have always exploited this gray area claiming ignorance of truth or twisting numbers to spin yarns of pure fabrications. Nobody knows what a turtle knows unless he can write it down then sign same.
The photo above depicts ten workers in hazmat garb and two women in beach attire. Of the ten men only two are working and five are obviously not working. The remainder are anybodies guess.
The women in plastic gloves are ether shelling or picking up globs of BP goo from the beach. Whether it's goo or shells it's very clear the women will accomplish more than the paid workers of the erroneous green BP employees. The point is if only two in ten are working,what about all the ships, planes and skimmers who are supposedly removing oil from our estuaries and beaches. Is money and profit created in addition to the damage of the disaster? Are people making fortunes while others suffer from BP incompetance? Or worse is BP making windfalls from the disaster? Is anybody keeping records to hold BP accountable or will this be another malfeasance similar to the Banking fiasco?
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