First it was the Dirty Dozen Bankers called on the carpet to testify why they stole the American public blind. After the ceremonial ass chewing in the front room, they all convened to the backroom for handouts and bailouts, followed by even more obscene bonus booty.
Scientist place the age of the Earth at 3.5 to 4.5 billion years old. The Universe is 13.75 billion years old. If science thinks this was a big bang wait until the US 17 trillion dollars deficit explodes.
There are one thousand billion in a trillion in America, by the way. I had to check. Not so Great Britain has a different standard , but you get the drift.
Worse yet, Einstein claims there will never be a shortage of zeroes for the zeroes in Congress.
How can anyone spend money this fast. We must be approaching Warp Speeds.
Then usher in corporate elites GM and Fiat whaa whaa whaa crying, the Japaneses beat them up and it's not fare. The Hummer won't hum anymore. Imagine that. Fiat is Italian, flying Italian private jets. More Bailouts ,Handouts and the unemployment rate is still 18%.
Thank your lucky stars Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac, Studebaker, Packard, Duezenburg, American Motors, Hudson, and a host of others are out of business. Surely they would be just as needy and just as greedy.
Then along comes the biggest dumb asses of all BP, from not so Great Britain.
Not even an American Company destroying what few jobs we have left in America. The ones that the Pharaoh's of Wall Street haven't figured out a way to legislate Wall Street Control.
Here comes BP, the supreme being of incompetence. The Big People of the Outer Continental Shelf dwellers. Sounds so important don't they. They cannot perform their jobs and now destroy fishing and tourism of the little people. Purely "Me First" mentality condemned in Nursery School.
More ceremonial ass chewing and return to backroom for donations, subsidies, handouts and bailouts. Spineless Congressmen with no backbone or intestinal fortitude scolding BP who owns them all lot, stock and barrel.
Have we forgotten the $4.00 a gallon a gas in 2008?
Is it any wonder we see the formations of militia and tea party demonstrations. Our government sponsors the lost liberty in the Patriot Act ,Uncontrolled Borders and Nationalized Banking.
By the way folks please note: Militia and Tea Parties are guaranteed in the US Constitution and Nationalized Banking, Patriot Act and Uncontrolled Borders are expressly prohibited.
Honestly, if your going to steal can you please clean up your mess and leave the little people alone. They don't rely on anyone but the fish . They are men of honor.......
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