Isn't it amazing the oil giant British Petroleum can justify your bill at the local gas pump to a tenth of a cent but can't reconcile the amount of goo spewing into the Gulf of Mexico within 18,000 barrels a day. Obviously BP is ethically challenged and struggling with the truth.
When BP claims a thousand barrels a day and they miss by a 18,000 barrels indicates there level of expertise. People who haven't mastered fourth grade mathematics shouldn't be drilling holes in the Gulf of Mexico.
If a farmer near Muncie, In can drill a whole in his backyard and find oil, maybe there is more oil in the ground than what they tell us and possibly not difficult to find either. Is it possible their 4 million dollar a year salary is without merit and made possible only by an even more ignorant public?
These guys should be doing my taxes.
Deep Water Oil Exploration they refer to as on a par with a Lunar Landing Mission has revealed new technologies such as Top Hat, Junk Shots, Hot Taps, Top Caps, Top Kills, Big Ass Lid and Little Hats are hard for the average guy to accept. Not to mention the new exotic materials of golf balls, old tires and mud. If these materials were dumped into the oceans by anyone else they would have the EPA breathing down their neck and up to their ass in fines.
Don't they know a good plumber? Maybe these engineers should take a good plumbers test before drilling a 13,000 ft hole a mile deep in the ocean.
Did BP attend the same universities as the bankers who brought us the mortgage derivatives that destroyed our economy?
BP informs us that thirty acres of beach and estuary may be contaminated, contrasting other reports of 3000 acres and five miles inland.
The American people are just now getting a clear picture of the problem. The problem is not the 21" pipe or the blown out Blow Out Preventer nor is this a problem of unforeseen conditions creating bad luck. BP is revealing to the American people they are as ignorant as they are incompetent which is exceeded only by their grasp of the truth.
The only thing missing in this futile effort would be George Bush telling BP what a great job they're doing.Spill Baby Spill
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