Today, President Obama spoke appropriately from the White House Rose Garden.
Rose colored glasses were distributed wisely for the event. The latest figures for job growth 67,000 new private sector jobs for August were celebrated. The good news prompted me to do some research to determine when I might find work again.
The President revealed his new campaign slogan for 2012 as
"NO Quick Fix". The old slogans of "Hope" and "Change" evidently should be applied together as "Hope For Change". Either way he reminds us he never stated when or how. We always fall for the fine print. I don't blame Obama for the current crisis. I do hold him responsible for his dismal performances foolishly focused on Healthcare Reform as a job creator. This is wrong for sure and borders somewhere between lying and perjury to the American people. There are no laws against perjury to the public. Perjury evidently is a crime only when we lie.
Government jobs are not counted in the new job tabulation as only new small business jobs collect tax.
Small Business are the paperboy for the Federal Reserve collecting money for the national debt.
Government jobs numbers are declining as a result of lost revenues of workers not paying into the GDP.
You see we are the Golden Goose and if "We The People" don't work the government jobs vanish in budget shortfalls despite newly printed Houdini Dollars by Big Ben.
It's believed that even the 22 million free ranging criminal aliens are betraying the US and crossing back into Mexico. Whatever will we do without them?
I must admit I did not have access to the Garden or Glasses in my data collection. Since I have not found employment since 2008 I have a lot of time to devote to these types of disclosures.
BARF Report is not an acronym it simply rhymes with TARP and is named so to confuse our elected officials of government. Feel free to come up with any acronym that may apply. I'm much to busy with Blog dribble.
The first thing to be considered in my continued state of destitute unemployment is not the job growth, it's my age. I will be sixty this year. There are 15 million flying in the radar of unemployed counted in America.
I'm not one of the counted because I have never filed for unemployment benefits. Benefit is a strange word applied for charity. I guess I don't count?
Anyhow, Back to the BARF Reporting. There are 4 million birth annually in the USA. Divide the number by 12 months and you get 333 thousand births a month vying for August jobs.
The death rate is 2.5 million annually or 208,333 deaths monthly. Subtract 208,333 from 333,000 and you will quickly toss your new Rose Color Glasses back in the The White House Rose Garden. The product is 125,000 minus the new 67,000 August jobs equals a deficit of 58,000 jobs still in the unpublicized White House Shitter.
The people like myself who haven't any money are overwhelmed by the Banksters who do have money and they aren't spending their money. It took ten years to steal it and they aren't giving it back.
As for myself I just play the fiddle and welcome more and more Americans kicked to the Poverty Bench. They all thought it would not happen to them is common. For a time, they will focus on getting work before realizing it's not their fault and hope won't pay the bills.
I will probably never work again but, I will never pay tax again either.
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