The Great Suppression of 2007 is over as we advance to the Second Great Depression. The Census Bureau released new poverty levels of 14.3% with 4 million new entrants to Americas highest educated poor in the history of mankind. The Government Always lies to us in the interest of National Security and I'm certain the number released of One in Seven Americans now living in poverty is far worse due to creative bookkeeping. We may now add another star to our flag, the 51st state, the State of Poverty.
The new State of Poverty would immediately become our largest state by population. Easily surpassing Number One California's 2009 population of 36,961,664. The Poverty rate is larger than all the residents of California and South Carolina combined, with a few left over.
43 million Americans who don't buy cars, homes or add to the GDP. Instead we have 43 million people burdening the GDP. That's a huge load for the remaining population to carry. 43 million Americans who qualify for free housing, food and health care for their children. 43 million people who are better educated than most employed workers of the booming Chinese economy. Know wonder why the Mexicans are returning to Mexico where they are free to grow their own food.
All this and knowing full well the Bonus Booty of AIG and Goldman Sachs could end poverty and allow a return to normalcy. It's easy to see the bonuses of the Banksters are driving more and more Americans to poverty. The Banksters are robbing us blind as Hank Paulson 2big2fail claims "it's best for all".
I'm certain the 43 million people living under bridges and sleeping in the streets did not remotely benefit from the 800 billion TARP or Stimulus Legislation that bailed out the Banksters and Auto Czars. I Don't believe the crap they are paying the money back to the treasury. To the last Bankster with all the money and homes, It's all useless and worthless unless you have another greed merchant to buy it back.
President Barack W Obama validated the Bush Covert Doctrine by signing the Financial Reform Legislation. The current Barack W Obama Administration is claiming victory in growing the economy in spite of an increase in unemployment and poverty levels.
Mr President, I suggest you turn your charts over, your reading them upside down. The American people will not remember your administration as the author of the Great American Collapse. You will be remembered as the President who did nothing to repair our economy and punish those who are guilty of stealing the public storehouse
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