Mark Bly Safety Director of BP PLC
(no relation to Capt Bly) released his 193 page in-house investigation in time for the raising of the BOP evidence.
I personally have not read the fictional report, preferring to wait on the editing and actors of commercial television. Tomorrow they will answer charges of lying in the report.
The recognized authority Rear Admiral Spongebob Squarepants was unavailable to comment on the 193 page cartoon.
The BOP was taken to NASA to perform their post-mortem investigation. At NASA, Groucho, Harpo and Obamo will sort out the truth for release to the public.
Regardless of any BP claims they were victimized by faulty equipment or contractors, their expertise is in the acquisition of materials and contractors at the Macando Lease. Nothing, is what they do. They are surviving parasites from the sweat of another host.
America has a contract with BP PLC only and we can only receive restitution from BP PLC.
BP PLC legal maneuvering in court with their subs and suppliers is of no concern to Americans. Although, it may make good prime time commercial television to sell products to the consumers
BP PLC will no doubt place the burdens of responsibility upon the US MMS regulatory agencies who approved their procedures unencumbered.
In the end they will conclude that some guy in the lower management was responsible and sentenced to prison to be vindicated next year The whole issue will then be swept under the Oligarchy Carpet in the Oval Office
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