Yesterday we all remembered those innocent souls who were indiscriminately murdered on 9/11/01 9 years ago. Our government has failed to capture Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice. The 9/11 attacks have been used instead for political gains and ceremony.
After the attacks, Bin Laden quickly claimed victory for the attacks with the entire USA still under a no fly zone. The 9/11 attacks were not a exhibition of Bin Laden's great mind. They were an evidence of default in an American sense of false security. We had our head in the sand.
The American Economy was once diversified into thousands of separate industries. An economy with a thousand supporting legs. We became focused by greed to create wealth of a few at a significant cost to national security. Somewhere along the line hard work became a sign of weakness. We were lead to believe that gathering as many workers to enslavement was the only pathway to wealth in America.
We foolishly placed all our eggs in a single basket of 2big2fail bankers to raid world commerce. Our coarse is total domination of the global wealth, not real estate. Attempting to spread our one sided version of free market capitalism of the Wall Street Stock Markets to the rest of the globe.
Why would anyone logically attack the United States Military when the enemy is obviously an undefended Wall Street. I don't believe this is a religious Jihad against the infidels in America.
The Bin Laden Jihad is simply his vehicle to enlist support of ignorant people who cannot see his mindless war mongering agenda. If Islamic radicals knew the truth of Bin Laden they would hunt him down as the coward he truly has become.
Wall Street is spreading a system where obscene profits are skimmed for divisive splits between 2big2fail Bankster's and Oligarchy Government. Robbing the wealth of the GDP with unregulated legislation allowing the TARP theft in the name of good for all. Stealing the cream of the GDP, leaving nothing but poverty for the rest. This is why we were attacked and this is why we are hated here and abroad. "It's the economy stupid"
There is no divide between the White House and Wall Street. Wall Street is a covert fourth branch of an unconstitutional government that divide The Oligarchy Government from a Democratic Government by the People.
Supreme Commander of Allied forces General Dwight Eisenhower wisely by passed the distractions of political opportunities to liberate Paris in favor of maintaining intense focus on finding Hitler.
Utilizing his point man or Hitler's worst nightmare Gen. George S Patton. The fundamentally aggressive General George Patton systematically hunted to track down and corner Hitler.
I suspect Hitler feared Patton more than any single person on the planet. It was the American forces that entered Hitler's Bunkers and raided Germany's strongholds without ceremony.
That war began on December 7, 1941 and Hitler's death was recorded as April 30 th 1945. Three years 4 months and 23 days to kill that "Paper Hangin Son of a Bitch". Or 10 months and 24 days from the D-Day invasion on Normandy, France.
America has used the name of Bin Laden to promote a senseless war in Iraq, to pass legislation of the Patriot Act against it's own citizens as Bin Laden walks free in Pakistan.
America should abandoned distractions of nation building and Bush Covert Doctrines and vow to kill Bin Laden before the tenth anniversary of 9/11 next year. We know Bin Laden will never surrender and I'm sure he would like to see America fall before the same tenth anniversary.
Killing Bin Laden and his henchmen should be the highest national priority over useless political ceremony and nation building Bush Covert Doctrines.
After the Bin Laden capture we should focus the same intensity on the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and Pennsylvania Ave and bring them to justice as well.
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