Remember the "Change" Obama campaigned on in 2008. The only change we got is the small change falling through the Oligarchy Bankster's overflowing bonus pockets.
Enjoying the crumbs of money that spills from The TARP and Stimulus Plans.
A trillion and a half dollars wasted on Bush's Banksters, Auto Czars, Healthcare Reforms and Financial Reforms. Up in smoke.
Barack W Obama is filling the pockets of the Elite Oligarchy Royals in Americas as he shamelessly panders the sweat of GDP Workers to the highest bidder.
We saw a claim of an end of "Operation Iraqi Freedom". A war that should have never been. The Iraq War accomplished nothing and promoted the Iran government to a triple threat unchecked by Saddam Hussein.
The SEC is accused of downloading porn while the 2big2fail banksters threw people into the streets foreclosing on their homes.
We witnessed the lies of Healthcare Reforms were necessary to job growth when it really was a bill to create a bigger government and remove consumers from purchase power. Obama Care does nothing to curb costs in health care. It will cause cost to spiral upwards with elected officials, pirates and nepotism employers collaborating with insurance to squander even more money.
We stood and watched streaming video of BP oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico as our government struggled to control the Macando Lease out of control.
Finally, we saw our government bring suit against the State of Arizona for trying to control it's border with Mexico. Our government supports the Covert Bush Doctrines of just look the other way on cheap labor for the robber barons.
We know the sins of the previous administration. We don't require reminders of what the other guy did. We expected you to stop the thefts. What President Barack W Obama has done is validate the former administration as his platform of Change.
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