News cycles are a little slow. The Talking Heads are focusing on a newly released movie" Waiting for Superman". I have a lot of first hand knowledge on the topic because I watched his speeding bullet and jumping over tall buildings after school for many years. Black and White only 3:oo pm Monday thru Friday. I must admit I secretly new the Comic Book story was fiction.
The government and media have used the new release to expose the deplorable condition of our Public Schools. This is also another topic I'm familiar as a graduate of the Public School System.The deplorable status is not news but, the movie evidently is new. Ditto for the White House Spin Meisters who have known the system was in decline for years. They never understood the answer was right in front of the problem. The problem is government separating the people from the school. Not all Public Schools fail but some fail while others have remarkable successes. Money spent is not a determining factor. Nor does the structure they attend guarantee success. Neighborhood involvement is the source of success. Even if you must donate your time and do it yourself this is how it's done. If you believe the government will perform, you will be disappointed every time. You are government! A child will not learn from a huge budget, tall buildings or a thousand screaming ethnic ministers.
The government is for lip service and wasting your money. The bigger the government the more and faster the waste.
President John Kennedy's famous speech "Ask not what your country may do for you" should be taken as face value. President Bill Clinton said we ( the government) will provide a level playing field for you to compete. A level playing field is your right in America. If you are not receiving special rights, join the club.
I was Born in the Mid-West In 1950 I began school one step at a time . I walked to school until old enough to drive and then commuted on motorcycle, about a mile. Neighborhood schools were standard and only country kids rode a bus. The school was central to the neighborhood and the people of the neighborhood took pride in their township supported school district. My school did fund raisers pitch ins and cakewalks until the Board of Health deemed the school could not participate in selling food with out a license. So we continued on by purchasing cooked foods at retail and then reselling them for profit. It didn't work as the costs were to great to resell. This marks the beginning of our declining Public School System. When the government tell the people what they may do, is a sad day indeed. The larger the school district the less people support the school. Our school had an identity of the people in the neighborhood. Court ordered busing for desegregation brought and end to my Antebellum. The Schools became a political football for social issues as education quickly fell to second place priority. The logic supported the building and location was producing better students. Not true, the people inside were producing better students through neighborhood involvments and participation. Removing the people from their local school was the beginning of the end for Public Schools.
In High School we did not have a Football Stadium for the first eight years. We had a planetarium instead. None of the schools I attended had a swimming pool or air conditioning.
The school system did not build our Stadium. The Stadium was built from donations of money, work, materials and lots lunch money. Talk about nickels and dimes. I remember the playing field seeded and the fathers hoisting the newly acquired but very used scoreboard from somewhere into place. The stadium was a testament of the powers of a strong middle class. We would not travel to another school for home games again. The government provided nothing and more surprising, we did not expect the government to provide.
As Public Schools fell victim of Court Ordered Busing, Private Schools emerged. Taxpayers paying twice for education. The buildings they erected and location were suspect of their immediate successes. The success of Private School is not due to huge budgets or fine buildings. The building is a by product of the very education taking place within the walls. People without government involvement dedicated to education rather than politics excel in education. It's not the quality of the teachers either as Home Schooled children out perform Public Schools children consistently. It's not geography, neighborhoods, structures or the teachers to blame. It's the government that is destroying Public Schools. Restore neighborhood schools run by neighbors and the system will correct itself as long as government remains uninvolved.
Educators should not be responsible for anything but education. Politics, busing and racial equality are not central to education.
The failure of some schools is a failure of the people who failed to support the school. It is up to parents to be empowered to run their schools not government.
At the same time Washington was busy destroying the schools they were also destroying the middle class. They didn't take people out and shoot them ,they just took they're money and self respect. Exporting their jobs overseas to avoid workers right and environmental standards not present in foreign countries. All of the advancements of labor law against the robber barons vanished in government supported Wall Street enterprises overseas.
The Third World War began as the Cold War against the former USSR. The Cold War was won on the backs of American Workers out producing Communist Countries. Our economy so strong the USSR eventually ran out of money. Without the USSR in competition the USA began spreading the same uncontrolled capitalism around the World. The Pharaohs of Wall Street invaded every economy and exploited their people. Our American government endorses this uncontrolled capitalism as world trade. The truth is America is engaged in a Third World War and seeks to conquer each countries economy, enslave it's people and capture their wealth.
The once powerful American Middle Class and their jobs have been sacrificed to a third world country. The workers who won the Cold War are now peons and sharecroppers not shareholders in the American Dream. We need an American Economy supporting American values. The Welfare of American People should always take precedents over the Pharaohs of Wall Street. There should not be Pharaohs on Wall Street, just people going to work like the rest of America once worked.
The government and media have used the new release to expose the deplorable condition of our Public Schools. This is also another topic I'm familiar as a graduate of the Public School System.The deplorable status is not news but, the movie evidently is new. Ditto for the White House Spin Meisters who have known the system was in decline for years. They never understood the answer was right in front of the problem. The problem is government separating the people from the school. Not all Public Schools fail but some fail while others have remarkable successes. Money spent is not a determining factor. Nor does the structure they attend guarantee success. Neighborhood involvement is the source of success. Even if you must donate your time and do it yourself this is how it's done. If you believe the government will perform, you will be disappointed every time. You are government! A child will not learn from a huge budget, tall buildings or a thousand screaming ethnic ministers.
The government is for lip service and wasting your money. The bigger the government the more and faster the waste.
President John Kennedy's famous speech "Ask not what your country may do for you" should be taken as face value. President Bill Clinton said we ( the government) will provide a level playing field for you to compete. A level playing field is your right in America. If you are not receiving special rights, join the club.
I was Born in the Mid-West In 1950 I began school one step at a time . I walked to school until old enough to drive and then commuted on motorcycle, about a mile. Neighborhood schools were standard and only country kids rode a bus. The school was central to the neighborhood and the people of the neighborhood took pride in their township supported school district. My school did fund raisers pitch ins and cakewalks until the Board of Health deemed the school could not participate in selling food with out a license. So we continued on by purchasing cooked foods at retail and then reselling them for profit. It didn't work as the costs were to great to resell. This marks the beginning of our declining Public School System. When the government tell the people what they may do, is a sad day indeed. The larger the school district the less people support the school. Our school had an identity of the people in the neighborhood. Court ordered busing for desegregation brought and end to my Antebellum. The Schools became a political football for social issues as education quickly fell to second place priority. The logic supported the building and location was producing better students. Not true, the people inside were producing better students through neighborhood involvments and participation. Removing the people from their local school was the beginning of the end for Public Schools.
In High School we did not have a Football Stadium for the first eight years. We had a planetarium instead. None of the schools I attended had a swimming pool or air conditioning.
The school system did not build our Stadium. The Stadium was built from donations of money, work, materials and lots lunch money. Talk about nickels and dimes. I remember the playing field seeded and the fathers hoisting the newly acquired but very used scoreboard from somewhere into place. The stadium was a testament of the powers of a strong middle class. We would not travel to another school for home games again. The government provided nothing and more surprising, we did not expect the government to provide.
As Public Schools fell victim of Court Ordered Busing, Private Schools emerged. Taxpayers paying twice for education. The buildings they erected and location were suspect of their immediate successes. The success of Private School is not due to huge budgets or fine buildings. The building is a by product of the very education taking place within the walls. People without government involvement dedicated to education rather than politics excel in education. It's not the quality of the teachers either as Home Schooled children out perform Public Schools children consistently. It's not geography, neighborhoods, structures or the teachers to blame. It's the government that is destroying Public Schools. Restore neighborhood schools run by neighbors and the system will correct itself as long as government remains uninvolved.
Educators should not be responsible for anything but education. Politics, busing and racial equality are not central to education.
The failure of some schools is a failure of the people who failed to support the school. It is up to parents to be empowered to run their schools not government.
At the same time Washington was busy destroying the schools they were also destroying the middle class. They didn't take people out and shoot them ,they just took they're money and self respect. Exporting their jobs overseas to avoid workers right and environmental standards not present in foreign countries. All of the advancements of labor law against the robber barons vanished in government supported Wall Street enterprises overseas.
The Third World War began as the Cold War against the former USSR. The Cold War was won on the backs of American Workers out producing Communist Countries. Our economy so strong the USSR eventually ran out of money. Without the USSR in competition the USA began spreading the same uncontrolled capitalism around the World. The Pharaohs of Wall Street invaded every economy and exploited their people. Our American government endorses this uncontrolled capitalism as world trade. The truth is America is engaged in a Third World War and seeks to conquer each countries economy, enslave it's people and capture their wealth.
The once powerful American Middle Class and their jobs have been sacrificed to a third world country. The workers who won the Cold War are now peons and sharecroppers not shareholders in the American Dream. We need an American Economy supporting American values. The Welfare of American People should always take precedents over the Pharaohs of Wall Street. There should not be Pharaohs on Wall Street, just people going to work like the rest of America once worked.
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