Somewhere in Washington DC the history of the "War of the Georges" will be recorded in the US Archives.
President Barack Obama spoke to the American people to announce the end of 7 1/2 years of "Operation Iraqi Freedom". I will always remember his speech as the one where shoes were not thrown at our leader.
President Obama's wisely chosen words never mentioned victory, winning or surrender. If we fought a war, we didn't win. To claim victory you must first produce a looser to validate the win. We didn't win because there was no war. America didn't fight a war of real estate of past Great American Victories. The war in Iraq did produce a much greater threat to the US than Saddam Hussein could ever muster.
We found no Weapons of Mass Destruction, al-Qaeda Training Camps or Nuclear Capabilities supported rhetoric of GW Bush and Dick Cheney. They were dead wrong 4400 times.
There won't be ticker tape parades or sailors kissing their girl on magazine covers. There will be no surrender of an humiliated Emperor on the decks of Mighty Mo. Americans solemnly, only have the debt as proof we fought in Iraq at all. The 4400 young people who paid the ultimate price will never come home to their families.
I will always remember the eight years of G.W Bush as eight years of two Vice-Presidents and no leadership.
America foolishly fought the only war we know how to wage. We fought a war that could never be won. Sadly it was not our first venture into futility. We watched the tanks roar across the desert and Extraordinary Valor of American Marines who fought in the Streets of Baghdad. Door to door 800 miles from any beach.
The United States Military performed at a level never attained by any similar force in history. Iraq was Americas first and hopefully last Pre-Emptive Strike against a loud mouth tyrannical leader in an Arab country. We fought out of frustration without direction an attacker who has no flag or controls any lands. Our opponent is a murderous marauding mercenary fighting for spoils of food in his mouth.
With a Undersized Invasion Army orchestrated by Donald Rumsfeld (alias Rummy) we chased our opponents in endless circles until the Surge Policy was realized. The success of the surge is evidence of the flawed Rumsfeld Plan that impeded the end and cost more American lives. We failed to win a decisive battle with overwhelming force which caused the Bush War to endure as the thugs mobilized more mercenaries. Silently supported from countries with flags but lacking fortitude to join a war against American Iron. Similar to Charlie Wilson's War.
As American youth fought for God, Country and little rewards Haliburton and Blackwater pilfered huge booty from No-Bid contract awarded by Bush. Meanwhile the Banksters at Goldman Sachs were robbing the American People blind in competition with World Com and Enron. This Oligarchy theft continues on today as the Obama's Cabinet does nada.
President Obama speech attempted to celebrate the War in eulogy describing our new Iraqi partnership in G-20 world commerce. Turn the page was the phrase he used to describe an unworthy conflict. He recanted GW Bushes position that only Patriots supported the Bush War and his troops.
What we learned from our experiences in Iraq is; the old rules of engaging war cannot be applied to Warlords such as Bin Laden. Bin Laden is still free and still quietly trying to destroy us financially. President Obama analyzed the history of The War of Bush as sacrifice of blood and a further distraction from prosperity investments in energy and education that exacerbated the downward spiral in our economy. As I remember, this is exactly what Bin laden planned. The Bush War in Iraq was more than Bin Laden could have wished upon.
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