Friday, Stephen Colbert testified before Congress representing Farm labor legislation. His performance could have been better if he had found a straight man to play pitch and catch. Straight is a rare commodity in Washington,DC.
Mr Goodwrench did not receive compensation for his community service, nor was he lobbied by huge corporations to spin the news cycles. Stephen went to represent his people to the blind congress that refuses to see or hear the demands of "We the People".
His topic was Farm Labor but the truth of his sarcasm could be applied to virtually any topic. He was direct and addressed the injustice of Farm Labor. What was missing in his speech was the typical Congressional Presentations to the public that awards a small but, noble much needed legislation for the people and then adds heavily laden PORK and Corporate Cronyism for the Oligarchy Icing.
A small bone for the public while Corporate Banksters feed upon the GDP meat and gravy.
The best Comedy was provided by Congressmen John Conyers who was probably the only person in America who was not interested in Mr. Colbert's statesmanship. Congressman Conyers is the second longest serving representative from Michigan's 14th Congressional District (Detroit).
The irony of coarse is the dismal condition of the state of Michigan but, also the plight of their leadership in Detroit. Rep. D- Michigan John Conyers is obviously happy with the current in denial philosophy of "Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil" that plagues Washington, DC. His timing should be rewarded at his next election.
The one person Americans are most anxious to see leave Washington would be none other than Mr. John Conyers. It's painfully obvious he's been feeding at the public trough much to long.
Wisely, Mr Colbert responded he was there by invitation and of coarse would yield to Rep. Zoe Lofgren's judgments.
Mr.Colbert focused some on the plight of Farm Labor but then asked why does Congress choose to ignore this topic and others for years. Why do they spend all of their efforts to being elected.
The answer is; those who do nothing, do nothing wrong and therefore excel at doing nothing as their platform for re-elections. Campaigning solely upon the success of mistakes that weren't made.
Mid-Term elections are coming soon and after the election dust settles Congress will once again focus on squeezing more blood for the Oligarchy Banksters while, BP plays the Harp music backgrounds in accompaniments as Rome burns again.
We need election reforms that provide the American voter to select "None of the Above". When "None of the Above" captures the most votes all candidates for that office are dismissed as unacceptable regardless of incumbents and would require a reset to begin primary election process over. Now that's what I call an election!!!
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