Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Greece the Wheel or Palm

Friday, November 25, 2011
Neuter the Rich. Starve the Government!

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Mirror Vision

Mitoosense realized last night when tuned into the Heritage Foundation CNN Debate held in Washington, DC, that a single question can produce eight separate points of view. Some point to differing aspects, while others simply twist the question to fit their answer. This is known as Politics. Some candidates are highly skilled in Mirror Vision answers to simple questions. A complex answer is offered to distort the original question. The moderator's job is to read everything in the mirror to see if there was an answer given in the oration. Most times there is nothing. Bob Schieffer says he always asks twice. If I get no answer the second time I move on and let the viewer figure it out. According to Bob " We almost Always Do"....
When you get a conspiracy between the Moderator and those in the debate you reveal nothing but a twisted slanted view of the truth. Such was the case at the Thanksgiving Family Forum held Saturday in Iowa. If you witnessed this you know what I'm talking about. These people weren't interested in debate, only leading the candidates to espouse their ideology. Same with Fox! All networks seem to lean right or left while Fox lies in the right only. Sometimes twisted or backwards views with some truth and often just plain lies. We Americans will stomach some distortions of facts or partial truth as common. We tend to reject lying altogether. We then enter into the world of misspoken, misunderstandings or incorrect foot in mouth diseases, also common in politicians. When the lies are to frequent and apologies are to often then the candidate is rejected. You can lie to some of the people all the time or part of the people all the time. You cannot lie to all the people all the time.
The Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute and CNN collaborated on the Debate Tuesday 11/22/11. Clearly, it was their show and their candidates being scrutinized for values they seek.
Mitoosense tunes in to see if we agree with any of the rhetoric. The Heritage Foundation(1973) and American Enterprise Institute (1943) are classified as Conservative Think Tanks. Mitoosense supports a Conservative Ideology of smaller government. Mitoosense does not agree with the Republican Party as being Conservative. Bush/Cheney was an all time low in the Republican Party. Bush handed the keys to kingdom to the first Black Democrat President as evidence of Bush popularity. What we got from Obama is Health Care that nobody wants and Dodd Frank Act that validates 2big2fail and regulates the consumer ignoring the Casino Banker's greed.
The T-Party which represents real Conservative Values is often mired in Republicans who covet their support. Tough call for the T-Party. The last time we had anything like this was Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party which launched the Progressive Era of early 1900. Today's Republican Party is a Mirror Image of the Roosevelt's Bull Moose Progressive Era in every way. Remembering always, Mirror Image is backwards view of reality. So Mitoosense is yes to Conservative and No to Republicans until they become true Conservatives. I keep a constant vigil of hope. A light in the window is on at Mitoosense.
Mitt Romney is a candidate that is accused of Flip Flopping issues. Watching most of the debates Mitoosense has found no evidence in recent History. Ron Paul is a guy Mitoosense has followed for some time. Ron Paul's message is constant, clear and unwavering and always truthful. Jon Huntsman is fairly new to Mitoosense. If any candidate deserves a big bump in the polls it's Huntsman. Mitoosense likes his message. His delivery is much better and we hope he stays in as other candidates shoot themselves in the foot.
Mitoosense watched the entire televised debate on CNN. Wolf Blitzer did a good job in command and controlling the candidates. If anyone was ignored, I would say it was Romney. Crybaby Bachman and Santorum scored more time and less whining.
The first question is my favorite: Should the US continue with spying on it's citizen long term extending the Patriot Act or making it permanent. The question naturally included unfounded statements as to the value the Patriot Act is to peace in America.
Gingrich answered: yes it was needed for national security. I would not change the Patriot Act and endorse strengthening same.
Ron Paul answered: No the Patriot Act undermines our Liberty and does little to keep America safer. Never sacrifice Liberty for security. It is not necessary.
Bachman and Huntsman did not answer the question.
Mitoosense feels the Government may spy on anyone except Citizens of the United States. Our Constitution should not be bartered to accommodate porous borders and Wall Street whims. Spying on citizens with court order warrants only. Regardless of Wars Real or Imaginary.
The next questions were on Conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran and Israel. Then questions regarding Aids Aid in Africa. Read the transcript if you need, it's online.
Do you consider border control a national security interest and how would you control the border, crime, drug and illegal aliens?
Gov. Perry answered: he would authorize a fence, boots on the ground and aircraft overhead.
Ron Paul answered: to control the border you must first eliminate the magnets that attract them to cross illegally. Drugs, Free Education and Health Care are some.
Cain answered: Yes, the border is a national security issue. (bravo for answering) Enforce our current laws and promote legal immigration. (bravo again) empower the States to enforce immigration laws (bravo again)
Rick Santorum, Gingrich and Bachman did not answer the question.
Do you favor amnesty for illegal invaders/
Gingrich answered: YES for those who have been breaking the law for 25 years only.
Mitt Romney answered: he would remove magnates and not offer citizenship to those here illegally. (bravo Mitt)
Jon Huntsman stated the biggest threat to our national security is our debt and joblessness(bravo Jon)
This was a two hour debate and much of the questions and answers are not a prioirty to Mitoosense. We are most interested in the Economy, Illegal Immigration, Un-Constitutional Patriot Act, Unemployment and Abolishing 2big2fail Casino Banking. Watching on television reveals candidates persona. Reading the transcripted debate reveals what was actually said. This election is important to each Party. It is imperative We the People insure only the best candidates are on the ballots isolated from special interests. VOTE.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Newt Surges in Failure Poll
We the People

You see in the photo a member of "The Perfect Assholes" spraying poisonous liquid on peaceful demonstration. They are only guilty of their Right to Assembly or Amendment Uno in the United States Constitution
Like the Founding Fathers they embrace dissent and deny authority. The Pig is stirring the pot of revolution with his imaginary powers.
Super Committee Chokes

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Republican Jihad

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Dazed and Confused

No specifics on how big a serving is but, considered smaller than a carload. USDA is the food equivalent of the Federal Reserve evidently. The mystery to me is tomato is a fruit. According to Einstein you can't make a vegetable from fruit. According to my father"you can't make ice cream from horseshit either"! I don't know how you feel about Congress telling us pizza is a vegetable. I'm sticking with offended. It is clear as our economy and debt spiral out of control without solution. The 112th Congress is working hard to see that lobbyist for French Fries and Frozen Pizza needs are met. Same for Corporation who are people until it's tax time. Then they become sacred cows.
Clearly we need a blue ribbon super committee or Dirty Dozen to determine if the Supreme Court is really a fruit and Corporations are vegetables. I think.
Earnest T Bass Arrested

The Bass modus oporandi is to throw rocks at as many windows as possible, then Run like the Dickens
It was learned Earnest T Bass has an extensive Rap Sheet breaking windows. Breaking Only, No Entry which is a misdemeanor.
Floyd's Barber Shop, Gomer's Garage, County Clerk Howard Sprague's window and now the White House have all been subject to Earnest T rages.
Otis Campbell and Goober Pyle were held for questioning. Both had solid alibis collaborated by Aunt Bea. Aunt Bea resides with Sheriff Andy Taylor. The investigation resulted in the arrest of Earnest T Bass in a Beltway Motel outside DC. Found in a car registered to Earnest T were a large assortment of high quality stones. Some as as large as grapefruits. FBI have traced their origin to the Mayberry area. During questioning Earnest said he was lost and wanted to go home now.
Deputy Barny Fife quoted "When will the Madness Stop"? Sheriff Taylor was not available to comment.
Homeland Security announced they were mystified. Earnest T Bass had no cell phones or computers in his possession. Further, no evidence of Earnest T has ties with the subversive Occupy Mayberry protesters. Having no digital footprint his 4th Amendment rights were not violated. No firearms means his Second Amendment rights are intact. This made it possible for Domestic Terrorist to go undetected.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

None the less I didn't have anything longer and the word stuck in my memory as the longest. A child of the fifties and sixties I never looked up the definition or correct spelling until this morning. As I suspected the translation is "to not give a rats ass or Uncopetsetic in nature" (coposetic is in the dictionary)
I was reading an article on Yahoo about Occupy Wall Street had won a court order to stay in Zuccotti Park. Mayor Bloomberg has his panties in a bunch shooting new rules from his arse like any of them really cared. I thought it ironic the New York Scooter Troopers were outside arresting Patriots while criminals were stealing billions inside. The latest is MF Global. Due to my Marine Corp heritage I find MF to be appropriate and Global just offensive. True to Wall Street protocal the bonuses at MF were distributed hours before the billion dollar bankruptcy. Fannie Mae and Freeby Mac are also news worthy with $141 Billion TARP Bonus Booty on top of $900 thousand personal executive annual salary. With $141 Billion TARP you could buy Detroit and Alabama with money left over. Is anybody out there??? The TARP Bailouts are measured in Billions making million dollar bonuses possible.
Mitoosense supports the Occupy Wall Street protesters based upon facts. The facts are of coarse the top 1% control the wealth of our nation. The opposition never disputes the accounting. Instead they defend their position as being more worthy. This and $1.50 will get you a good .05 cent cigar. (Thomas Marshall Vice President under Woodrow Wilson) The truth of coarse is found in conspiracy legislation between the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and the 112 th Congress.
As I support the protesters I question their tactics. We Baby Boomers did little to improve the world. A spoiled bunch mostly. Veterans of the Hoola Hoop, Mickey Mouse Club and Peanut Gallery. One thing we are good at is complaining and protesting. We should be remembered as the Baby Bummers as evidence of our many accomplishments. If you want to have a party at other's expense or protest, ask a Baby Bummer.
The new group protesting are a sterile group lacking creativity. They are just dithering threats. The protests should have corresponding intensity as the money stolen inside NYSE and Congress. Mayor Bloomberg is sensing a weakening in strength. Followed with typical New York pushing.
Adsense Update November

Visitor pageviews were increased from 1300 to 1700 with 13 new daily visitors. All are urged to click on the Google Adsense at the top or left column on the page. Failure to click could cause severe bad luck for generations or extended visits from inlaws.
Monday, November 14, 2011
State Penn Nittany Liars
Some people claim it's the result of 60 million dollar revenues from school athletics. Others claim the reputation of the University silenced the cries of children. What ever the excuse it will be forever understood it was not enough. We cannot reverse the damage done. We can as Americans pledge to never allow it to happen again. We should keep a constant vigil wherever children gather. Never expect all is well.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
C.B.S Republican Debate

Both of the last two debates were a step up from the CNN Debate moderated by Andy Cooper. You may remember this debate as the Donnybrook in Vegas. The Hostility Index was maxed out as the candidates mired themselves in muck and Mr Cooper had as much control as Mr Rogers in the Hood.
The candidates took their podiums according to their current polling. White House Party Crashers or whiners Bachman and Santorum also got a podium. CBS is not an acronym for Cry Baby Senators. Both Santorum and Bachman whined about air time. Santorum violated Scott Pelley's request for time repeatedly. Bachman was denied the floor by Pelley twice. The first time sending her to time out in the corner. Later on, time out without supper. Both behaved as children, not Presidential Candidates.
The CBS Blog reported this morning Perry, Gingrich, Bachman and Cain all violated the Truth-O- Meter with false claims.
Mitoosense also surveyed how many time candidates used the word "I" or I'm or I've in the first round of answers. The ranking is: Herman Cain 4 times, Mitt Romney 2 times, Newt Gingrich 1 time, Ron Paul 0 times, Rick Perry 3 times, Michelle Bachman 0 times, Jon Huntsman 9 times and Rick Santorum 11 times. I find the high usage of the first person singular can indicate self absorbed people. Regardless, it's bothersome in speech. Not included was conversation between candidates and moderators, only answers. I'm sure if you surveyed the entire debates the ranking would change little. This could be an indication of why some candidates are overlooked on questions and polling tabulations.
The evening began with Mitt Romney's argument with moderator Pelley about the time allotment. Oh well here we go again. Turned out Romney was correct and was deprived half of his time. Scott Pelley apologized and granted the balance of time to Mitt. This small issue made Mitt Romney to be a man of reckoning. Mitt was right! He would not be denied his time.
The big surprise of the night goes to Rick Perry who emerged from town clown to Statesman. Perry lead the field with "Zero Foreign Aid" to other countries until they convinced America, the money was well earned. He capitalised on his statement later to include all government agencies should also prove their value. Can questions regarding Government Employees sleeping in the Airport, Downloading Porn at Treasury, Drugs and Hookers at Interior or Gun Sales in the Justice Department be far away? Bravo Gov. Perry!
Later in the evening Gov. Perry took a quote from President Reagan saying like the USSR, Communist China would end up on the Ash Heap of History. Followed with an emotional plea that any nation without virtue will fail.
Newt Gingrich found his audience in approval of the executions of US citizens as enemy combatants. These people live outside of civil or criminal laws and are exempt from the Bill Of Rights. ( US Constitution article 1 section 9 suspends writ of habeus corpus in rebellion or invasions)
Newt's comment on solutions to National Security are actually, Four Interlocking Mechanism. Any solution for one must be compatible with all four. They are Debt- Energy- Manufacturing and Science and Technology. Amazing, A lot of thought given to his assessments.
Jon Huntsman was the clear leader in Foreign Policy. His strongest asset by far. Huntsman reminded the audience to be a world leader you must have world followers. He stated American Policies against torture gained respect from people of all race and religions. He was a Hawk on loose Nukes and would not hesitate to attack any nuclear threats.
Herman Cain will get no recognition from Mitoosense. Herman's gotten enough support from yellow journalism, trading in rumors and gossip for two weeks. The AP: Ray Henry reported Davine Intervention claims from Herman that God pleaded with him to become President. The report also included delusions of Cain on a par with Moses. Barber Shop Politics is clearly Herman's forte. Plays well at the Barroom. Last Call for Herman!!!
A very good debate overall. It's interesting to watch Democracy working. People from around the World watch as "We the People" establish the bar for our leaders. Each debate changes Public Sentiment and in the process each candidate adjust to The American Experience.
Most interesting to me is all the Candidates agreed that Pakistan was not in control of their Country. They viewed the Military to be a separate force uncontrolled by Government. We should stop all Aid to Pakistan and address the real issues instead of diplomacy of denial. We are dealing with a ghost governments to often in way to many places. Results Gentlemen no more Promises!!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Serf Report

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
The people who are gifted tax concessions to promote flawed business ventures with money from the US Treasury. Huge profits amassed from Social Security, Medi-Care and Medic Aid in the tiny benefits received by the taxpayers. Trickle Down Reaganomics that creates jobs America does not want or need. All this followed with bailouts and handouts to 2big2fail Corporate Wealth Fare from the Federal Reserve. All in the maligned name of philanthropy.
Veteran's Day 11-11-11

Thursday, November 10, 2011
More Pain on the Cain Train

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
American Patrol
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Miss Piggy Goes to Washington

The Cain Mutiny and real truth lies somewhere between The Dating Game and House of the Rising Sun. Cain's lame defense is he wasn't there at the time the harassment took place or in his mind it was consensual. We just don't know. If there is something in your past you cannot speak about, then you can't be President. Cain is hiding behind a court settlement between the women and the National Restaurant Association. He was named in the suit but, not party to the settlements. This means he can sing like a bird if he wishes.
A forth person has come forward charging more evidence of Presidential Candidate Herman Cain's history of at least sexual harassment.
The latest alleged victim stepped forward flanked with legal council Gloria Alread at the ready. There are 3 forms of effective communications. They are: Telephone, Television and Tell Gloria. Once Gloria is on board the profits from the Cain's Book sales become community property. I have suspected for some time the Cain Campaign is merely free advertisement for his book. He even gets free FBI security while selling his book. Politics makes strange bedfellows for sure.
I'm not buying his book or his bullshit. I already decided not to vote for him when was an honorable candidate.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Fugitive Escapes
Jo and his accomplices, the Dirty Ho's were last seen traveling South on I-95 in a large black convertible. It's further reported the radio is blasting famous song "Put Da Lime in Da Coconut"
If you see Jo and his Ho's don't approach unless you have Yes Bananas. He loves bananas.
Challenge: Occupy Wall Street
America supports the work you are doing. Keep up the pressure on Washington, DC. Show America you are Patriots with silence on November 11. It will not go unrewarded
Five Minutes With Andy Rooney
Five minutes with Andy Rooney
A Life Goal Fulfilled
By Sandra Davis
Fort Lauderdale, FL. (February 4, 2010) ---I spotted Mr. Rooney immediately — the untamed shock of white hair, those wild eyebrows sporting a separate personality — when he walked in for dinner at the historic, waterfront, 15th Street Fisheries Restaurant; in town for Super Bowl XLIV, (Latin speak for #44).
It seemed to take a while for diners to be aware of him, and then a hushed acknowledgement of the beloved, national treasure of essay journalism engulfed the large dining room.
Discreetly observing him from a distance while chatting with friends, I noticed, not one restaurant guest approached his table to ask him for his autograph; I was silently proud of our hometown folks for leaving him be.
Still, when he left the restaurant, I had to do it, my reporter muse made me do it: I deliberately walked out after him.
Mr. Rooney has always been at the top of my short list of wanting-to-meet journalism greats. To me, he embodied America, what is good about our country and said what is bad--he certainly took a no holds bared approach when something irritated him.
He was outside near the valet entrance, waiting delivery for what I thought was a rental car. Only humongous sized cars were arriving and departing, so, this didn’t make a bit of sense because none of these vehicles would fit him physically; he is a diminutive man.
I decided to approach him and then wait right along with him, for whatever type of transportation had been arranged; I even thought of offering to drop him off somewhere.
“Mr. Rooney, I asked?” preparing myself for a fuss-budget, acknowledgement, similar to his on-air persona. “Yes, he answered, and turned to me with a sweet, non- curmudgeon smile, “Hello, I said, Welcome to Fort Lauderdale, how are you, sir? “Umm, do you work here, he asked?” In one breathe I said--“No- sir, I –am- a- freelance- writer, live-up-the-street, and- have- been- an- admirer- of- you- for- many- years. “
“Oh, he said with a grin, not- missing- a- beat at age 91, “under employed”? (Who better to know the current state of freelance journalism?) I had to laugh.
Geeze, I said, “You sound just like my father”. He smiled broadly, and those troll doll eyebrows... they sprang up into his forehead and seemingly stayed there.
Page 2-Rooney
“Well, yes, I continued, freelance travel writing has hit a low these past few years; part and parcel of the economy; print and online assignments have been spotty.”
“...and you have worked for?” I gave him the litany of top-tier travel publications, which seemed to pique his interest in this interloper-- for a moment.
He seemed rumpled, fatigued and full from dinner, leaning heavily against a wooden handrail next to the restaurant’s exotic, Coy fish pond; ready for the ordered cab with neon white light that could now be seen speeding down the street toward us.
My parting words to this sweet, polite, old-school gentleman: “You have been my Sunday night forever—thank you sir, for your unequivocal, candid reporting over the years. “
He seemed surprised at my statement, then, looking directly at me, with eyes larger than they seem on screen; he smiled and said with enthusiasm, “Why, thank you very much!”
How I wish there had been the time... to talk about his “Stars and Stripes,” writing days during WW II,
the fabulous, journalism brotherhood of: Maxwell Perkins, (editor to Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Thomas Wolfe), Jimmy Breslin, Ben Bradlee, Charles Karult; Walter Cronkite, his renowned “60 Minutes” producer Don Hewitt; (both colleague-friends passed away last year)...his new book, and had wished him a happy, belated 91 st birthday; however, my five- lucky- minutes with the great, elder, American essayist was up.
I am thrilled to have met him; savoring every second with this journalism favorite of millions; my never miss on Sunday night’s CBS, “60 minutes” from 1968 to present day...
Fair winds and blue skies, dear Mr. Rooney...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Andy Rooney

Andy was a reporter for Stars and Stripes newspaper covering the Eighth Air Force who bombed Germany. The casualties suffered by the Eighth are as legendary as the important damage they inflicted against Nazi Germany. Rooney was not required to actually fly missions. He did so out of respect for the Eighth. He new he couldn't live with himself had he not flown with them. It was the right thing to do. Like all Veterans of combat the message he learned would affect his entire career. Living in the freedom provided by those who died was always in his thoughts. The faces of those who never returned found a home in Andy.
You were never disappointed in his essay. His thoughts and observations of every day life spoke to the viewer who had experienced the same things in their lives. Could be good, could be negative. You weren't expected to agree with Andy. He seemed to like it better that way. Andy Rooney left a lot behind.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Raisin Cain or Shrew Taming

Whenever sex or race is involved the smallest issue can explode to national discussion. It appears that all of the Networks are on this story that dates back to the Bill Clinton Era.
FOX is also beating this like a drum of yellow journalism. The actions of Herman are buried in the silence of Court Settlements. Neither party are permitted to discuss the fine prints negotiated to protect the guilty. I'm really not sure who was the plaintiff but, I must admit having trouble with the visual of Herman abused by women. It never happens to me and I'm much more attractive than Herman!
In the absents of truth, Cable News Pundits will always offer theoretical substitution for facts. Which is almost as good as journalism. In the hunt is Comedy Centrals own Jon Stewart. Jon does 5 minutes or so mocking the coverage of the Pundits. This is always funnier than the original story. The truth being silenced in Court Order. Jon does this bit showing video of a Monday Fox broadcast The panelist of news guru's is this Shrew who had just broomed in from a Halloween Celebration at Stone Henge and a Short Guy in a suit. If your on TV your automatically an authority on something. One was named Hanity but I'm not sure which was Hanity. Also missing was the Sorcerers Hat and Broomstick from the woman interviewed. This woman reminded me of Seabiscuit and is no Elizabeth Montgomery although, the short guy does resembles Darin.
Anyhow it's all over the Web if you care to waste some personal time. The Shrew who has written a book titled "Demonic". She plugs the book then states " Our Black people are better than their Black people". The divide being her party opposed to another. Then goes on to explain why. As the rant continues the short guy in the suit interrupts the message over and over. The televised exchange begins similar to Taming of the Shrew and ends sounding more like Dred Scott decision. I know sounds terrible but, when Jon Stewart narrates parity for Fox it really is funny. Is to me....
The next day, in jumps none other than Donald Trump. The Donald has found celebrity status of the small screen more profitable than actually being successful. Since Rosie ODonnel went off the air he jumps on any issue to attract attention away from his failed business empire. Trump also stars in his own show on NBC (No Body Cares) where he sits on his ass and fires people for no apparent logic. In addition he plays the part of a Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party that never files. This offers Trump the position of attacking without defending.
He's on Stewart attacking Jon as a racist. Stewart's birth certificate wasn't an issue. You can't do that, Jon is Jewish and all Jews get the Race Card Exemption. Something to do with Nazi Germany I think. Jon commented on the Shrew's video quotation of whom has the best Black people. The next day Jon retaliates against Donald and the prophecy is fulfilled. Donald get his sound bite and Stewart more material for the Daily Show. Trump doesn't fire Stewart cuze Jon has real talent.
Today, another or third woman steps forward with similar empty allegation that also cannot be discussed. Maybe, it's time to tally the women who have not been to Court with Cain? All this about nothing and important issues affecting the election are burned in effigy in Oakland at night.
America's Media Titans have turned the focus of Occupy Wall Street to what Cain does in the sheets. If your following this Yellow Journalism it's you who are the victim. The victim of Media Titans feeding you garbage instead of the News. Detracting from national debates that are important to our future as a Nation.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Who Knew?

The European Union is experimenting with their new toy, the Hadron Collider on the Franco Swiss border. Known as CERN they are busy colliding particles to reveal the secrets of the Universe.
The Russians are building rockets to go to the moon. Asians are exploring new propulsion systems to carry the first humans to Mars.
Meanwhile, America has been secretly working to develop yet another variety of Heinz. Last month America astonished the World with the elusive 58 th variety of Heinz.. Many thought it impossible. I have lived all my life with a mere 57 varieties and finally, 58. Can the flying car be far off. I think not.
Also femenist Lindsey Lohan was returned to jail for a violation of Parole. The Good news is she was out long enough to pose for Playboy. It's thought to be a #1 Best Seller among cell mates.