This should be recognized as a possible insight to charges brought against him in his past. He seems to have an undeniable liability in choosing his own words. Electric fences are one of the most memorable.
One thing missing in all this Cain mystery is why Cain himself has not brought suit against those who have slandered his good name. Any innocent person would immediately bring suit to protect their integrity. Cain has been silent in legal satisfaction.
Mitt Romney has no such false accusations brought against him. Romney would immediately sue if he were attacked similarly. The spectacular success of the charges on Cain have not been used against other candidates for good reason.
Exploiting the weakness of others has been good politics since we killed the King. Rick Perry wisely chose to simply forget his answers rather than face ridicule for their merit. Newt Gingrich unsuccessfully tried to attack the question as absurd rather than answer. Moderators were ready and jumped on his attack asking he defend his position. The moderator exposed Newt's quick wit does not extend past the first sound bite.
The press gives the night to Ron Paul as the winner of the debates. That would make 2 in a row for Ron. Ron won the past round due to the childish fighting exhibited by his opponents. Huntsman also get honorable mention for not slinging or receiving political mud.
Gotta go with Romney next November. I'm sure he's not the best, Mitt's all we got....
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