You will probably remember this as the day the Dow slid 500 points and Standard and Poor's downgraded America's Credit Rating. The lack of faith then is overwhelmed in the failure to even modest cuts in the deficit in November. The Dow responded with losses two days in a row. Evidence their is no divide between the NYSE and 112th Congress. The blur between Congress and Corporations is the corruption discussed at Mitoosense for 2 years.
The rumor mill in the 112th Congress are conversations to bypass the trigger from August's Landmark Failure. President Obama has vowed his Veto Power on any legislation containing the bypass trigger. I firmly support the President to stand firm and force them to take their own legislative medicine. Behind the failure is the divide between cutting taxes and cutting spending. Behind this conversation is the root of the problem which is unemployment. If we had full employment without Bush's 22 million free ranging criminal invaders the deficit will vanish. We know this from Bubba Clinton. He had full employment with all the trains ON Time. We have reached the point of no return in "Management 101" The first rule of Capitalism: when all else fails move in the wrong direction. The Wrong Direction is always better than No Direction. If you fail and likely will, you have reduced the possibilities by one and always expose the correct pathway. Doing nothing is planning the funeral...
The poor performance has increased the "Bucket List" of voters next November. The entire 112th Congress should be voted out along with our President. I Love them all; just tired of feeding them. Time to thin the Herd!!!
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